Books on Missiology from 1991 to 2000

John Roxborogh

These are selected from books catalogued by Yale Divinity School Library or the Library of Congress.



Anderson, Gerald H., James M. Phillips, Robert T. Coote, and Arthur F. Glasser. Mission in the Nineteen 90s. Grand Rapids, Mich. New Haven, Conn.: W.B. Eerdmans ; Overseas Ministries Study Center, 1991.

Bonk, Jon. Missions and Money : Affluence as a Western Missionary Problem, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 15. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1991.

Bosch, David Jacobus. Transforming Mission : Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 16. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1991.

Lossky, Nicholas, ed. Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement. Geneva and Grand Rapids, MI: WCC Publications and Eerdmans, 1991.

Newbigin, Lesslie. Truth to Tell : The Gospel as Public Truth, Osterhaven Lecture Series ; 2. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans, 1991.

Roxborogh, John. A Common Voice : A History of the Ecumenical Movement in Malaysia, Ecumenism in Malaysia Series ; 1. <Petaling Jaya, Malaysia>: Resource Research and Communication Unit, Council of Churches of Malaysia, 1991.

Schreiter, Robert J. Faces of Jesus in Africa, Faith and Cultures Series. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1991.

Sugirtharajah, R. S. Voices from the Margin : Interpreting the Bible in the Third World. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1991.

Van Engen, Charles. God's Missionary People. Rethinking the Purpose of the Local Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1991.

Volf, Miroslav. Work in the Spirit : Toward a Theology of Work. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.



Bevans, Stephen B. Models of Contextual Theology, Faith and Cultures Series. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1992.

Grenz, Stanley, and Roger E. Olson. 20th-Century Theology : God and the World in a Transitional Age. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1992.

Hunt, Robert, Lee Kam Hing, and John Roxborogh, eds. Christianity in Malaysia : A Denominational History. Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications, 1992.

Manus, Chris U., Luke Nnamdi Mbefo, and E. Elochukwu Uzukwu. Healing and Exorcism : The Nigerian Experience : Proceedings, Lecture, Discussions and Conclusions of the First Missiology Symposium on Healing and Exorcism : The Nigerian Experience, Organised by the Spiritan International School of Theology (Sist), Attakwu, Enugu, from May 18-20, 1989, Sist Symposium Series ; No. 1. Attakwu-Enugu: Spiritan International School of Theology, 1992.

Padgett, Alan G. The Mission of the Church in Methodist Perspective : The World Is My Parish, Studies in the History of Missions ; V. 10. Lewiston, N.Y., USA: E. Mellen Press, 1992.

Richey, Russell E. Ecumenical & Interreligious Perspectives : Globalization in Theological Education. Nashville: QR Books, 1992.

Scherer, James A., and Stephen B. Bevans, eds. New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 1. Basic Statements 1974-1991. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1992.

———, eds. New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 2. Theological Foundations. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1992.

Schreiter, Robert J. Reconciliation : Mission and Ministry in a Changing Social Order, The Boston Theological Institute Series ; V. 3. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1992.



Cameron, Nigel M. de S., ed. Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1993.

Chakanza, J. C., Klaus Fiedler, and Kenneth R. Ross, eds. Missiology in Malawi, Sources for the Study of Religion in Malawi ; No. 16. Zomba, Malawi: Dept. of Theology and Religious Studies Chancellor College, 1993.

Evans, Alice F., Robert A. Evans, and David A. Roozen. The Globalization of Theological Education. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1993.

Gittins, Anthony J. Bread for the Journey : The Mission of Transformation and the Transformation of Mission, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 17. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1993.

Hargreaves, Cecil, and R. S. Sugirtharajah. Readings in Indian Christian Theology, TEF Study Guide ; 29. London: Spck, 1993.

Lutheran Society for Missiology. "Missio Apostolica : Journal of the Lutheran Society for Missiology." v. St. Louis, MO: Lutheran Society for Missiology, 1993.

Moltmann, Jürgen. The Church in the Power of the Spirit : A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology. 1st Fortress Press ed. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993.

Nasimiyu, Anne J., and D. W. Waruta, eds. Mission in African Christianity : Critical Essays in Missiology, African Christianity Series. Nairobi: Uzima Press, 1993.

Nicholls, Bruce, and Bong Rin Ro. Beyond Canberra : Evangelical Responses to Contemporary Ecumenical Issues. 1st ed. Oxford: Regnum Books, 1993.

Phillips, James M., and Robert T. Coote, eds. Toward the Twenty-First Century in Christian Mission. Essays in Honor of Gerald H. Anderson. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1993.

Sugirtharajah, R. S. Asian Faces of Jesus, Faith and Cultures Series. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1993.

Van Engen, Charles Edward , Dean S. Gilliland, and Paul Everett Pierson. The Good News of the Kingdom : Mission Theology for the Third Millennium. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1993.



Anderson, Gerald H., ed. Mission Legacies : Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement, American Society of Missiology Series; No. 19. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1994.

Cook, Guillermo. New Face of the Church in Latin America : Between Tradition and Change, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 18. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1994.

Hastings, Adrian. The Church in Africa : 1450-1950, The Oxford History of the Christian Church. Oxford New York: Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, 1994.

Hutchinson, Mark, Edmund Campion, and Centre for the Study of Australian Christianity. Re-Visioning Australian Colonial Christianity : New Essays in the Australian Christian Experience 1788-1900, Studies in Australian Christianity ; V. 1. Sydney: Centre for the Study of Australian Christianity, 1994.

Kirk, J. Andrew, ed. Contemporary Issues in Mission. Birmingham, England: Department of Mission, Selly Oak Colleges, 1994.

Mbefo, Luke Nnamdi, and Ernest M. Ezeogu. The Clergy in Nigeria Today : Papers and Responses on the Occasion of the Third Sist Missiology Symposium Organized by the Spiritan International School of Theology (Sist), Attakwu-Enugu from November 19-21, 1992, Sist Symposium Series ; No. 3. Attakwu-Enugu (P.O. Box 9696, Attakwau-Enugu): Spiritan International School of Theology, 1994.

Newbigin, Lesslie. A Word in Season : Perspectives on Christian World Missions. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1994.

Newbigin, Lesslie, T. Dayanandan Francis, Isray el Celvan*ayakam, and Christian Literature Society for India. Many Voices in Christian Mission : Essays in Honour of J.E. Lesslie Newbigin, World Christian Leader. Madras: Christian Literature Society, 1994.

Nicholls, Bruce, and World Evangelical Fellowship. Theological Commission. The Unique Christ in Our Pluralist World. Carlisle, UK and Grand Rapids, Mich.: Published on behalf of the World Evangelical Fellowship by Paternoster Press and Baker Books, 1994.

Pierli, Francesco. Missionary, Ministry & Missiology in Africa Today, Tangaza Occasional Papers ; No. 1. Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa, 1994.

Sugirtharajah, R. S. Frontiers in Asian Christian Theology : Emerging Trends. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1994.

Van Engen, Charles Edward, and Jude Tiersma. God So Loves the City : Seeking a Theology for Urban Mission. Monrovia, CA: Marc, 1994.



Adeney, Bernard T. Strange Virtues : Ethics in Multicultural World. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1995.

Bosch, David Jacobus. Believing in the Future : Toward a Missiology of Western Culture. 1st U.S. ed, Christian Mission and Modern Culture. Valley Forge, PA. and Leominster Herefordshire, England: Trinity Press International and Gracewing, 1995.

Burrows, William R., ed. Redemption and Dialogue. Reading Redemptoris Missio and Dialogue and Proclamation. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1995.

Campbell-Nelson, John, Bendalina Souk, Stephen Suleeman, and Perhimpunan Sekolah-Sekolah Theologia di Indonesia. Mengupayakan Misi Gereja Yang Kontekstual. Jakarta: Perhimpunan Sekolah-Sekolah Theologia di Indonesia, 1995.

Fornberg, Tord. Bible, Hermeneutics, Mission : A Contribution to the Contextual Study of Holy Scripture, Missio, 10. Uppsala: Swedish Institute for Missionary Research, 1995.

Kraft, Marguerite G. Understanding Spiritual Power : A Forgotten Dimension of Cross-Cultural Mission and Ministry, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 22. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1995.

Neely, Alan. Christian Mission : A Case Study Approach, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 21. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1995.

Newbigin, Lesslie. The Open Secret. An Introduction to the Theology of Mission. Revised ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995.

O'Brien, P. T. Gospel and Mission in the Writings of Paul. An Exegetical and Theological Analysis. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1995.

Pinola, Sakari. Church Growth : Principles and Praxis of Donald A. McGavran's Missiology. Åbo, Finland: Åbo Akademis Forlag Åbo Akademi University Press, 1995.

Sugirtharajah, R. S. Voices from the Margin : Interpreting the Bible in the Third World. New ed. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis/SPCK, 1995.

Thomas, Norman E., ed. Classic Texts in Mission and World Christianity, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 20. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1995.

Verstraelen, F. J., A. Camps, L. A. Hoedemaker, and M. R. Spindler, eds. Missiology: An Ecumenical Introduction : Texts and Contexts of Global Christianity. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1995.

West, Gerald. Biblical Hermeneutics of Liberation. Modes of Reading the Bible in the South African Context. 2nd revised ed. Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: Cluster Publications, 1995.



Brinkman, M. E. Justification in Ecumenical Dialogue : Central Aspects of Christian Soteriology in Debate, IIMO Research Publication ; 45. Utrecht: Interuniversity Institute for Missiology and Ecumenical Research, 1996.

Chao, Samuel H. Practical Missiology : The Life and Mission Methods of John L. Nevius (1829-1893), American University Studies. Series Ix, History ; Vol. 151. New York: P. Lang, 1996.

Dollar, Harold E. St. Luke's Missiology : A Cross-Cultural Challenge. Pasadena, Calif.: W. Carey Library, 1996.

Ferguson, Everett. The Church of Christ : A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1996.

Hunsberger, George R., and Craig Van Gelder, eds. The Church between Gospel and Culture. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1996.

Karotemprel, S. Following Christ in Mission : A Foundational Course in Missiology. Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media, 1996.

Kessler, Lawrence D. The Jiangyin Mission Station : An American Missionary Community in China, 1895-1951, The James Sprunt Studies in History and Political Science ; V. 61. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Mattam, Joseph, Sebastian C. H. Kim, and Fellowship of Indian Missiologists. Annual meeting. Mission and Conversion : A Reappraisal. Mumbai, India: St Pauls, 1996.

Mwanama Galumbulula, Felicien. "Le Dynamisme Missionnaire De L'eglise Locale Dans La Missiologie Postconciliaire De J. Masson Et A. Seumois : Une Contribution À L'éveil Missionnaire." Pontificia università gregoriana, 1996.

Newbigin, Lesslie. Truth and Authority in Modernity. 1st U.S. ed, Christian Mission and Modern Culture. Valley Forge, Pa. and Leominster, Herefordshire, England: Trinity Press International and Gracewing, 1996.

Nicholls, Bruce, and Beulah Wood. Sharing Good News with the Poor. Carlisle, Cumbria, U.K. and Grand Rapids, MI: Paternoster Press and Baker Book House, 1996.

Nordstokke, Kjell. Council and Context in Leonardo Boff's Ecclesiology : The Rebirth of the Church among the Poor. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1996.

Rommen, Edward, and Gary Corwin. Missiology and the Social Sciences : Contributions, Cautions, and Conclusions, Evangelical Missiological Society Series ; No. 4. Pasadena, Calif.: William Carey Library, 1996.

Russell, Letty M., and J. Shannon Clarkson, eds. Dictionary of Feminist Theologies. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1996.

Saayman, Willem, and Klippeies Kritzinger, eds. Mission in Bold Humility. David Bosch's Work Considered. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1996.

Van Engen, Charles. Mission on the Way - Issues in Mission Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1996.

Van Gelder, Craig, and George R Hunsberger, eds. The Church between Gospel and Culture. The Emerging Mission in North America. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996.

Volf, Miroslav. Exclusion and Embrace : A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.

Walls, Andrew F. The Missionary Movement in Christian History : Studies in the Transmission of Faith. Maryknoll, N.Y. and Edinburgh: Orbis Books and T&T Clark, 1996.

Walls, Andrew F. A History of the Expansion of Christianity Reconsidered : The Legacy of George E. Day. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Divinity School Library, 1996.

Weber, Christian. Missionstheologie Bei Wilhelm Löhe : Aufbruch Zur Kirche Der Zukunft, Die Lutherische Kirche, Geschichte Und Gestalten ; Bd. 17. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1996.

Woodberry, John Dudley, Charles Edward van Engen, and Edgar J. Elliston, eds. Missiological Education for the Twenty-First Century : The Book, the Circle, and the Sandals : Essays in Honor of Paul E. Pierson, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 23. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1996.



Anderson, Gerald H. Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 1997.

Bevans, Stephen B., and Roger Schroeder, eds. Word Remembered, Word Proclaimed : Selected Papers from Symposia Celebrating the Svd Centennial in North America, Studia Instituti Missiologici Societatis Verbi Divini, Nr. 65. Nettetal: Steyler, 1997.

Brown, G. Thompson. Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power : American Presbyterians in China, 1837-1952, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 25. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1997.

Elphick, Richard, and T. R. H. Davenport. Christianity in South Africa : A Political, Social, and Cultural History, Perspectives on Southern Africa ; 55. Berkeley ; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1997.

Fagan, Eileen M. An Interpretation of Evangelization : Jon Sobrino's Christology and Ecclesiology in Dialogue. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications, 1997.

Gundry Volf, Judith M., and Miroslav Volf. A Spacious Heart : Essays on Identity and Belonging, Christian Mission and Modern Culture. Valley Forge, Pa.: Trinity Press International, 1997.

Hayward, Douglas James. Vernacular Christianity among the Mulia Dani : An Ethnography of Religious Belief among the Western Dani of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Pasadena, Calif. and Lanham, Md.: American Society of Missiology ; and University Press of America, 1997.

Kirk, J. Andrew. The Mission of Theology and Theology as Mission. Valley Forge, Pa. and Leominster, Herefordshire: Trinity Press International ; and Gracewing, 1997.

Müller, Karl, ed. Dictionary of Mission : Theology, History, Perspectives, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 24. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1997.

Schreiter, Robert J. The New Catholicity : Theology between the Global and the Local, Faith and Cultures Series. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1997.

Woodberry, J. Dudley, Charles Van  Engen, and Edgar J. Elliston, eds. Missiological Education for the 21st Century. The Book, the Circle, and the Sandals. Essays in Honor of Paul E. Pierson. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1997.



Bolioli, Oscar L. Hope and Justice for All in the Americas : Discerning God's Mission. New York: Friendship Press, 1998.

Brownson, James V. Speaking the Truth in Love : New Testament Resources for a Missional Hermeneutic, Christian Mission and Modern Culture. Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International, 1998.

Chetti, Daniel D., M. P. Joseph, K. C. Abraham, Christava Sahitya Samithi (Tiruvalla India), and Board for Theological Text Book Programme for South Asia. Ethical Issues in the Struggles for Justice : Quest for Pluriform Communities : Essays in Honour of K.C. Abraham. Tiruvalla, Kerala, India: Christava Sahitya Samiti ; Board for Theological Text Books Programme in South Asia, 1998.

Dries, Angelyn. The Missionary Movement in American Catholic History, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 26. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1998.

Guder, Darrell L. Missional Church. A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998.

Hunsberger, George R. Bearing the Witness of the Spirit. Lesslie Newbigin's Theology of  Cultural Plurality. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998.

Larkin, William J., and Joel F. Williams. Mission in the New Testament : An Evangelical Approach, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 27. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1998.

Moltmann, Jurgen, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Ellen T. Charry, and Miroslav Volf. A Passion for God's Reign : Theology, Christian Learning, and the Christian Self. Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Cambridge, U.K.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1998.

Newbigin, Lesslie. Trinitarian Doctrine for Today's Mission. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1998.

Newbigin, Lesslie, Lamin O. Sanneh, and Jenny Taylor. Faith and Power : Christianity and Islam in "Secular" Britain. London: SPCK, 1998.

Parker, Michael. The Kingdom of Character : The Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions (1886-1926). Lanham, Md.: American Society of Missiology ; University Press of America, 1998.

Percy, Martyn. Power and the Church : Ecclesiology in the Age of Transition. London ; Washington: Cassell, 1998.

Schreiter, Robert J. The Ministry of Reconciliation : Spirituality & Strategies. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1998.

Shenk, Wilbert R., and George R. Hunsberger. The American Society of Missiology. The First Quarter Century. Decatur, GA: American Society of Missiology, 1998.

Sugirtharajah, R. S. Asian Biblical Hermeneutics and Postcolonialism : Contesting the Interpretations, The Bible & Liberation Series. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1998.

———. The Postcolonial Bible, The Bible and Postcolonialism ; 1. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.

Terry, John Mark, Ebbie C. Smith, and Justice Anderson, eds. Missiology : An Introduction to the Foundations, History, and Strategies of World Missions. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998.

Volf, Miroslav. After Our Likeness : The Church as the Image of the Trinity, Sacra Doctrina. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans, 1998.

Woly, Nicolas Jonathan. Meeting at the Precincts of Faith : A Study on Twentieth Century Christian and Muslim Views on Interreligious Relationships and Its Impact on Missiology. Kampen: Drukkerkj van den Berg, 1998.



Banks, Robert J. Reenvisioning Theological Education : Exploring a Missional Alternative to Current Models. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1999.

Hadfield, Anne. Grassroots Mission. Holistic Mission in a Fractured World. Wellington: Philip Garside Publishing, 1999.

Hastings, Adrian. A World History of Christianity. London: Cassell, 1999.

Kirk, J. Andrew. What Is Mission? Theological Explorations. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1999.

Kirk, J. Andrew, and Kevin J. Vanhoozer. To Stake a Claim : Mission and the Western Crisis of Knowledge. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1999.

Miller, Paula Jean. Members of One Body : Prophets, Priests, and Kings : An Ecclesiology of Mission. New York: Alba House, 1999.

Philip, T. V. Edinburgh to Salvador : Twentieth Century Ecumenical Missiology : A Historical Study of the Ecumenical Discussions on Mission. Delhi, Tiruvalla India: ISPCK Christian Sahitya Samithy, 1999.

Ramambason, Laurent W. Missiology : Its Subject-Matter and Method : A Study of Mission-Doers in Madagascar. Frankfurt am Main ; New York: P. Lang, 1999.

Roxborogh, John. Thomas Chalmers Enthusiast for Mission: The Christian Good of Scotland and the Rise of the Missionary Movement, Rutherford Studies in Historical Theology. Edinburgh: Rutherford House, 1999.

Scherer, James A., and Stephen B. Bevans, eds. New Directions in Mission and Evangelization 3. Faith and Culture. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1999.

Schreiter, Robert J. The New Catholicity. Theology between the Global and the Local. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1999.

Shenk, Wilbert R. Changing Frontiers of Mission. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1999.

Sugirtharajah, R. S. Asian Biblical Hermeneutics and Postcolonialism : Contesting the Interpretations, The Biblical Seminar ; 64. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.

———. Vernacular Hermeneutics, Bible and Postcolonialism ; 2. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.

Van Engen, Charles, Nancy Thomas, and Robert Gallagher. Footprints of God : A Narrative Theology of Mission. Monrovia, Ca.: Marc, 1999.



Blückert, Kjell. The Church as Nation : A Study in Ecclesiology and Nationhood. New York: P. Lang, 2000.

Brandewie, Ernest. In the Light of the Word : Divine Word Missionaries of North America, American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 29. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2000.

Fabella, Virginia, and R. S. Sugirtharajah. Dictionary of Third World Theologies. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2000.

Guder, Darrell L. The Continuing Conversion of the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000.

Legrand, Lucien. The Bible on Culture : Belonging or Dissenting, Faith and Cultures Series. New York: Orbis Books, 2000.

Moreau, A. Scott, Harold A. Netland, Charles Edward van Engen, and David Burnett. Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, Baker Reference Library. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2000.

Taber, Charles R. To Understand the World, to Save the World : The Interface between Missiology and the Social Sciences, Christian Mission and Modern Culture. Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International, 2000.

Taylor, William David. Global Missiology in the Twenty-First Century : Reflections from the Iguassu Dialogue. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2000.

Van Gelder, Craig. The Essence of the Church. A Community Created by the Spirit. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2000.

Wainwright, Geoffrey. Lesslie Newbigin : A Theological Life. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Wessels, Cletus. The Holy Web : Church and the New Universe Story. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2000.

Wickeri, Philip L., ed. The People of God among All God's Peoples: Frontiers in Christian Mission. Report from a Theological Roundtable Sponsored by the Christian Conference of Asia and the Council for World Mission November 11-17, 1999. Hong Kong and London: Christian Conference of Asia and The Council for World Mission, 2000.

Yates, Timothy, ed. Mission - an Invitation to God's Future, Cliff College Academic Series. Sheffield: Cliff College Publishing, 2000.