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Ministering Asian Faith and Wisdom : A Manual for Theological Librarians in Asia, Rita M England with John C England, New Day Publishers, Quezon City, The Philippines, ISPCK, Delhi, India, 2001.

International Price including postage, US$25, including airmail postage worldwide.

Orders and enquiries for local pricing :

bulletISPCK  P O Box 1585, Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110006 India.
bulletNEW DAY PUBLISHERS PO Box 1167, 1100 Quezon City, Philippines Fax. No. (632) 924-6544.

A Dictionary of Asian Christianity  by Scott W. Sunquist (Editor), David Wu Chu Sing (Editor), John Chew Hiang Chea 


David Bosch, Transforming Mission, Orbis, 1991

Allan K Davidson, Semisi Nau. The Story of My Life. A Tongan Missionary at Ontong Java, Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 1996.

bulletCredit card orders may be taken by Pasifika Press .

Semisi Nau was a Tongan Methodist missionary to the Solomon Islands. He was born in Fiji, about 1866, died in Tonga, 18 November 1927. Son of a Tongan Methodist minister, he attended the Tongan Methodist Tupou College (1882-1887) at a time of conflict involving the Tongan King and the principal of the College. He was imprisoned and went into exile in Fiji (1887-1890) where he continued his education and was converted. After returning he spent two further years at Tupou College, then worked as a teacher and decided to become a missionary. In 1905 with his wife Matelita and daughter Akosita he sailed for the Solomons. In 1906 he and a companion were left at Ontong Java where they barely survived 97 days on a whaleboat before being allowed to land. Semisi's career was caught up in the struggles between the Ontong Javanese, the mission, traders and government authorities. He was one of over 1000 Pacific Island missionaries who served in Melanesia, he left the Solomon Islands in 1919 and ministered in Tonga until his death.

See also: Allan K. Davidson, “Semisi Nau – A Pacific Islander Missionary” Missiology 27(4) October 1999, 481-486.

Stuart C Bate Inculturation of the Christian Mission to Heal in the South African Context  Preface by Teresa Okure (Edwin Mellen  Lewiston, NY Studies in the History of Missions, 17) US$99.00 

A study of the growth of the Coping-Healing Ministry in South African Christianity together with some theological reflections leading to guidelines for inculturation of the Christian Mission to heal.

Originally Published as Inculturation and Healing by  Cluster Publications (African Market only).(Contextual Theology in South Africa and Africa

The International Bible Commentary : A Catholic and Ecumenical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century by William Reuben Farmer (Editor), Andre LaCocque (Editor), Sean McEvenue (Editor)

Glory E. Dharmaraj and Jacob S. Dharmaraj, Christianity and Islam: A Missiological Encounter, India SPCK, PO Box 1585, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, India 110 006, pp 321

The book provides an analysis of missiological and theological concepts relating to Christianity and Islam, and seeks to foster better understanding and an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. 

Cost: Rs. 110 in India. In the USA it can be obtained from the authors: US$15 including postage and handling. E-mail requests to:

Other publications by Glory and Jacob Dharmaraj include: Colonialism and Christian Mission: postcolonial Reflections, 1993 and Concepts of Mission, 1999.

The Craft of Research (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)
by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams.

Towards an African Narrative Theology (Faith and Cultures Series) by Joseph Healey, Donald Sybertz (Contributor), Robert J. Schreiter (Editor)

"A house built by God does not collapse" - Oromo (Ethiopia) proverb. The fruit of many years of collecting the wisdom sayings and stories of the peoples of Tanzania and other African countries, this book offers a dramatic view of living Christian faith in Africa today. Treats the proverbs of many African languages especially the Sukuma Ethnic Group in Tanzania. The book alerts readers to the need to open minds and hearts to new contextualized ways of looking at the Christian mysteries.

This is also published by Pauline Publications Africa, Nairobi 1996. It is available for US$4.00 (about 280 Kenya Shillings) plus postage. It can be ordered at this E Mail Address: or write to Catholic Bookshop P.O. Box 30249, Nairobi, Kenya.


Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions edited by Gerald H. Anderson




Dictionary of Mission : Theology, History, Perspectives  
(American Society of Missiology Series, No 24) 
by Karl Muller (Editor), Theo Sundermeier (Editor), Stephen B. Bevans (Editor),



Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement by Nicholas Lossky (Editor), Jose Miguez (Editor), Bonino (Editor) Price: $39.95

To Teach Others Also.  The Bible Schools of the Christian Brethren Churches in Papua New Guinea by Jenny Fountain. 

There are over 350 Christian Brethren Churches in PNG and they are still growing. It is less than 50 yeast since the firs Brethren missionaries arrived in isolated areas of the West Sepik and few missionaries remain today. Prepublication orders are needed by 15 August 1999. Expected cost including postage is US$25 or £15 or NZ$40. New Zealand currency preferred. Email for ordering information to

What Is Mission? by J. Andrew Kirk  (Published 20 June 1999 in UK; and in USA by Fortress)

Strange Virtues : Ethics in a Multicultural World. By Bernard T. Adeney  

This book suitable for students is one of the few to address multicultural ethical issues on a global scale from a Christian point of view. It is an important area which needs further development. The hermeneutical issues for mission and ethics are the same.

Johannine Approach to Mission : Contextual Study of John 4: 1-42. By Teresa Okure. 

This book is increasingly referred to in Johannine and mission exegesis. It is, sadly, an expensive text, originally published in Germany, but an important one to be held in seminary libraries. See the references in the on-line 1999 article by Grant LeMarquand.

Unity and Plurality : Mission in the Bible. By Lucien Legrand.

Deals with major themes in the bible relating to mission and integrates the diversity and unity of the biblical voices. A standard seminary text.

Pastoral Theology from a Global Perspective : A Case Study Approach by H. S. Wilson (Editor), Takatso Mofokeng (Editor), Alice F. Evans (Editor), Judo Poerwowidagdo (Editor).

These case studies are interesting in themselves and highlight the massive difference in the questions being asked of the bible between Western and Third World situations. These questions demand to be addressed in ethics, pastoral care, theology and mission. Unless this agenda is recognised much of the Western theological enterprise will continue to have limited relevance for global Christianity.

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