Mission and Memory:
Documenting World Christianity in the 21st Century

Balaton, Hungary, 18-23 August 2008

Organized by the Documentation Archives Bibliography and Oral History Study Group (DABOH) of the
International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS)
in conjunction with the 12th IAMS Assembly:
Human Identity and the Gospel of Reconciliation:
Agenda for Mission Studies and Praxis in the 21st Century


The purpose of the Consultation is to bring together institutional representatives and historians to explore the issues and strategies for documenting world Christianity in the radically changed geopolitical and ecclesiastical contexts in the 21st century. This Consultation takes place in the parallel group sessions in the IAMS 12th Assembly. One extra half-day, Saturday 23 August 2008, is devoted to this Consultation.

The Consultation gathers around three themes:

(1) Survey of key depositories - both geographical and virtual - in documenting world Christianity. What are their priorities and policies?

(2) Issues and Strategies for Extending Access. What are the issues in documenting and interpreting Christianity in the present-day geopolitical contexts? How can we empower historians outside of Western Europe to write and own their own histories? Why is this important? Who own and control the documents? Who are empowered and disempowered?

(3) Issues and Strategies for establishing national and regional partnership. How can churches outside of Western Europe and America develop their own resources in documenting Christianity? Why is it important to develop regional and international cooperation in documenting Christianity? Can we identify some emerging models for such endeavours?

Design group members:

Andrew Walls, Gerald Anderson, Rosemary Seton, Paul Stuehrenberg, John Roxborogh, Jon Bonk, Michael Poon (Convener)

How can I participate?

You should register with the 12th IAMS Assembly The Secretariat, Nijmegen Institute for Missiology (NIM) Postbus 9103 6500 HD  Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Email: IAMS@omsc.org , http://www.nim.kun.nl . For further information on registration with IAMS Assembly, please visit the IAMS 12th Assembly webpage.  Please contact Michael Poon, DABOH Convener for further information.  Please note that on Tuesday 19 August -- the day reserved for exposure trip -- DABOH participants will visit the Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies at Budapest, and hold a full day consultation there.

All presenters should bring their papers to the Consultation for distribution to participants. 

Click here for the list of participants, and their profiles.


26 May 2008: Registration to IAMS Assembly is now closed.  For those who have registered and wish to attend the DABOH Consultation, please inform Dr Jan van Butselaar, IAMS General Secretary, and Dr Michael Poon, DABOH Convener soonest.   Please note wireless internet connection is available at the Balaton venue hotel rooms free of charge to participants.

12 July 2008:  There is no internet access at the meeting venues.  LCD projector is available.  Presenters are encouraged to bring their own laptop computers.  (Please note the wall outlet plug configuration in Hungary.)  Please write the Local Organizing Committee for information on the overall IAMS Assembly and any changes to travel plans. E-mail: Szkárosi Niké,  szkarosi.nike@kre.hu.

6 August 2008: Wifi internet connection available for the Tuesday 19 August  afternoon sessions at Budapest.  Lunch arrangements for Saturday 23 August:  cold lunch packs (35 ordered).  Those receiving DABOH subsidy please bring your receipts and settle claims with Ms Briony Seymour during the Conference.

7 August 2008:  Practical arrangements on transportation between Budapest and Balaton, and local information from the Local Organizing Committee.

12 August 2008.  Please refer to the Local Organizing Committee weblog for latest news on the IAMS Assembly.

Programme (Group Photo)

Papers presented at Balaton 2008

  Monday, 18 August 14:30-16:00

Welcome and Opening Address

Chair: Jonathan Bonk Introduction: Michael Poon, DABOH Convener 10 min
  Opening Keynote: Andrew Walls, "A Century of Mission Documentation" 40 min
  Discussion 35 min
  Tuesday, 19 August

Taking Stock

Venue: Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies, Karoli University of the Reformed Church (depart Balaton: 7:00 am; return to Balaton for dinner: 7:30 pm)

9:15-12:00 East and Central Europe Focus: Tour of Mission and Church Archives in Budapest

07.00  Departure from Hotel Füred by bus to Budapest

09.15 Arrival in Budapest

09.15-09.30 Coffee in CIMS, welcome  by  Dr Anne-Marie Kool

09.45-10.05  Visit to Ráday Library, Report by Mr. Pál Németh, Translation by Dr. Anne-Marie Kool

Visit of the picture of Lucas Cranach

10.20-10.40  Visit to the Archives of the Evang.-Lutheran Church in Hungary, Report by Dr. Botond Kertész, Translated by Dr. Anne-Marie Kool

11.00-11.20 Visit to the Synodal Archives of the Reformed Church in two groups

11.30-12.30 Report by Mrs. Erzsébet Horváth/Lunch (Intenzo)

12:00-13:30 Lunch (at extra cost: all participants please be prepared to pay seven euros for lunch)  

Chair: Bob Shuster

The Americas 50 min

Chair: Guy Thomas

Africa 50 min
15:30-16:00 Tea Break  

Chair: Jean Paul Wiest

China 50 min
17:30 depart Budapest    
  Wednesday, 20 August 11:30-12:30

Taking Stock (continued)

Chair: Gerald Anderson SE and South Asia 60 min
  Wednesday, 20 August 14:00-16:00

Issues and Strategies for Extending Access

Chair: Mariel Deluca Voth Jean-Paul Wiest, Issues in collecting and preserving oral histories 45 min
  Paul Stuehrenberg, The economics, politics, and legal issues in disseminating material 45 min
  Discussion 30 min
  Thursday, 21 August 11:30-12:30

Taking Stock (cont'd)

Chair: Rosemary Seton U.K. and Western Europe   60 min
  Thursday, 21 August 14:00-16:00

Issues and Strategies for Extending Access (cont'd)

Chair: Jon Bonk Identifying New Opportunities and Challenges in Documentation (North and South) 120 min
  Thursday, 21 August 16:30-18:00

Issues and Strategies for Regional Partnership

Chair: John Roxborogh Case Study from Africa (Jon Bonk and the Dictionary of African Christian Biography [Jonathan Bonk) 45 min
  Challenges of Maintaining and Cataloguing the Collections in the Pontifical Urbaniana (and Pontifical Missionary) Library (Marek Rostkowski) 45 min
  Friday, 22 August 11:30-12:30

Issues and Strategies for Regional Partnership (cont'd)

Chair: John Roxborogh, Michael Poon Open Forum: Mapping DABOH Tasks for the next five years (presentation by the Programme Design Group) 60 min
  Saturday, 23 August 9:00-12:00 

Giving Birth to a Successor Generation

  Check out of hotel before 9:00 am  
Chair: Emilie Gangnat Guy Thomas, "Nurturing a New Generation of Archivists and Historians" 45 min
  Break 15 min
Chair: Danut Manastireanu Keynote: John Roxborogh, "DABOH's Tasks: Past, Present, and Future" 45 min
Chair: Paul Stuehrenberg Roundtable on Developing National, Regional and International Partnerships 45 min
12:00 noon End   

IAMS homepage + DABOH