Johannes Nissen, Department of Old and New Testament, Faculty of Theology, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

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Witnessing to the Indiscriminate Love of God
The Holy Spirit and authentic witness

This paper offers some reflections on the theme of the IAMS assembly. It has four parts. In the first part mission is defined as bearing witness in word and deed. It is important to consider how the gospel can be communicated with integrity. Authentic mission works in a way that is different from manipulation. Christians are called to be authentic witnesses within each culture. Hence, the integrity of mission implies a double faithfulness. On the one hand the witnesses must be faithful to the Bible; on the other hand they must listen to the challenges and questions from the context in which they are. A balance has to be found between the universal aspect of the gospel and its contextual expression. To counteract the absolutizing of our own context it is necessary to stimulate a cross cultural hermeneutics of the gospel.

The second part aims at identifying the bearers of the witness. Two major forms are considered. On the one hand are the individual bearers of the witness (e.g. the disciples; the poor and marginalized; the women). On the other hand is the concept of community witness. It is pointed out that reconciliation constitutes an important focus and characteristic of mission. Mission as reconciliation is an embracing of the “other”. Reconciled communities are witnesses to God´s indiscriminate love. By contrast, brokenness is a counter-witness to Christ.

The focus of the third part is on witness and dialogue in a pluralistic society. A major problem in any dialogue is how to maintain Christian integrity while at the same time being open to people of other faith. Two books in the New Testament are of special interest, the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of John. A dynamic understanding of the Spirit is reflected in both writings. According to the Acts of the Apostles witnessing in the Spirit is a pointer to God who has “no favourites”. Crucial to the Fourth Gospel is the relation between text, Spirit and community. The fourth part insists that Christian hope is an indispensable part of the mission of the church. The words of 1 Pet 3:15-16 are of special interest. This passage in a particular way indicates that the integrity of mission means witness to and dialogue with non-Christians.
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