Current Issues of Mission Practice

Kenneth Ross, Scotland
Rosswith Gerloff, Germany

The Group will aim to give attention to the following topics.

 The International Mission Community: Ways of Working Together

Recognising that the international mission community has been quite divided over the past century, what are the most fruitful ways of working together. Catholic, Conciliar, Evangelical and Pentecostal streams. Bilateral relationships. Communities of churches. Flexible networking. Churches and mission specialist organisations. Ways of working in a non-institutional age. Effect of North-South links on local relationships in the South.

 North-South Relationships

How to form creative relationships between long-established Western-based mission agencies and newer agencies emerging in the non-Western world. Can the former relate to the latter without paternalism or post-colonial baggage? Can the latter relate to the former without appearing to threaten or judge? How do we develop networks and communities of practice in mission which draw on the riches of the new and the old and which enable organisational change and development, for the sake of the gospel?

 Migration as Avenue for Christian Mission

Religions including new Christian movements such as Pentecostalism are on the move from South to North. They form global intercontinental links and play a role in constructing diasporic identities.Thus they challenge historical patterns and contribute to the renewal of Christianity.  

 Antagonism and Reconciliation

Does Christian mission create antagonism or promote reconciliation? The dynamics of this in terms of religion, culture, politics, ethnic identities and theological understandings. The role of church and mission in conflict resolution.

 Patterns of Service

What forms of missionary service should be promoted today? Long-term and short-term. Paid and voluntary. Full-time and “tentmaker”. Attrition of mission personnel.

 Risk-taking and Security

Balancing provision of security for mission personnel with the risk-taking character of Christian witness. People moving from risk-averse societies to risk-prone regions. Health and safety policies. Duty of care. Risk assessment and insurance.