From the IAMS President
In this issue of IAMS Matters, we are pleased to introduce to you the sixteen members of the Toronto Hosting Committee. Working behind the scenes with Ann Chow and the IAMS Executive, without their active engagement the envisaged conference planned for Toronto in August would not be possible. It was the chairman of the committee whose letter of invitation, addressed to attendees at Lake Balaton nearly four years ago initiated the long process that now finds us on the threshhold of convening our 13th Assembly. Wycliffe College is providing its facilities to IAMS on a pro bono basis, helping us to keep costs down. We are deeply grateful to The Rev. Canon Dr. George Sumner and the members of the Toronto Hosting Committee for the generous gift of their knowledge, time and effort in helping the IAMS Executive plan and facilitate the August Assembly.
Below are the members of the hosting committee.
Book Announcement
Dr. Gerald H. Anderson’s 240-page history of IAMS, Witness to World Christianity: The International Association for Mission Studies, 1972-2012 (OMSC Publications) will be available for sale in May. The volume—which includes 44 photographs and an index—is an outstanding overview of the history of IAMS, and a virtual ‘Who’s Who” in Mission Studies for the past half century. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous benefactor, IAMS members are able to purchase the book for $10.00 plus shipping. Non-members will pay $15.00 plus postage. If you would like to order one or more copies, you may do so at Copies will also be available for sale at the Toronto conference. All attendees will receive one complimentary copy as a part of their registration package. You can click on the book cover image above to see a larger view of it (1MB).
More from the President
- Preparing for the General Meeting, Saturday, August 18. The officers and executive committee of IAMS—charged with managing the affairs of the Association between the Toronto assembly and the next meeting of the Association—will be elected at the General Meeting on Saturday, August 18. All individual members, and one representative of each corporate member, shall have the right to attend and vote. Familiarity with the “Procedure for the election President, Vice-President, and other member of the Executive Committee” will ensure that the essential business of the General Meeting will be smoothly and efficiently transacted. The Constitution and Byelaws of the International Association for Mission Studies are available as a PDF file at the following link: Please read them carefully in preparation for the General Meeting.
Let me summarize the steps that need to be followed in electing the incoming Executive Committee:
- Regional groups (at their meeting on Tuesday, August 16) will nominate one representative to serve on the Nomination Committee. Each will also nominate a candidate for election to the Executive Committee. Those nominated to serve on the Nomination Committee may also be nominated as potential Executive Committee members.
- The Nomination Committee, including the outgoing President, will meet immediately following the Regional Group meetings.
- After electing its own chair, the Nominating Committee will prepare a single slate of candidates for the positions of President, Vice-President, and five Executive Committee members.
- The current Vice-President will normally be nominated for President.
- Six regional areas—Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America/Caribbean, North America, and Oceana—are represented by the Vice-President and the five Executive Committee members.
- This slate of nominations will be voted on at the General Meeting on Thursday, August 18.
- Reminder. It is important that the Executive Committee reflect the ecclesiastical inclusiveness of the Association. For example, since the outgoing President is Mennonite, and since his Vice-President and likely incoming President is Lutheran, it would be prudent to nominate a Catholic to serve as vice-president for 2012-2016.
- Proposed Alteration to the Constitution.
According to the Constitution “alterations to the Constitution [emphasis mine] shall be made only by resolution of the General Meeting, carried by a majority of not less than two thirds of those voting.”
Motion: I move that the IAMS Officers together with the Executive Committee be authorized to form an IAMS Senior Advisory Group (SAG) from the ranks of lifetime members and past officers. The SAG would, as needed, be available to seek financial support and to otherwise promote the mission of IAMS.
Jonathan Bonk
From the General Secretariat
Let me introduce you to Anne Henriksen who recently joined the IAMS Secretariat for a couple of hours per week. She is Danish and has worked in Palestine, and Romania. She has previously worked in Project Development for the EU in Jerusalem and she currently works for Church Mission Society in Oxford. She is a wonderufl asset to the IAMS Secretariat and will be joining us in Toronto.
As the Toronto Conference draws closer, it is getting busy! We have received over 170 abstracts - an enormous number for a conference of this type so it proves that there is still a lot of interest in mission studies. Please be patient with the study group leaders as they work through them and make their decisions. So far we have had approximately 60 applications for subsidies and 110 registrations — so we still have room for more registrations!
In the last 2 months we have accepted 49 new members. So thank you for all your interest and support.
The Executive met in Toronto in early March (only our 2nd face to face meeting in 4 years) to go over all the conference planning. You will be informed of the subisdy and abstract acceptances now that the meeting is over.
May I please remind you, that if you change your address details, to do this yourself, through the membership pages of the website. We simply do not have the infrastructure to change all your details ourselves - so please, could you help us by doing this youself.
Looking forward to seeing you in Toronto,
Cathy Ross
General Secretary
Anne Henriksen
From the Vice-President
Guidelines for Choosing the Next Assembly Location
It is not too early to begin thinking about the venue of the next general meeting of IAMS in 2016. If your organization would be interested in hosting the next meeting, here are considerations that will play a part in the Execitive's final decision:
- Institutional strength: Is the inviting institution able to shoulder the burden of taking a major responsibility in organizing the next conference?
- Availability of adequate services: conference facilities, meals and accommodation of sufficient quality and quantity are available, in as short distance from each other as possible.
- Regional representation: In case of several invitations, attention will be paid to the geographical location – the rotation of the assembly hosting countries should reflect the geographical coverage of the membership of IAMS.
- Ecumenical representation: The hosting institution should be ecumenically open, and willing and able to set up an ecumenically representative hosting committee.
- Cost efficiency: attention will be paid to the cost level of the services available, in order to keep the assembly fee affordable.
- Availability of interesting exposure trips that cover different dimensions of mission studies.
- Availability of local assistant staff, like stewards in addition to the active participation of the hosting committee in the planning and running of the assembly.
- Possibilities of fundraising.
Mika Vähäkangas
Vice President
From the Conference Organizer
Conference Program Draft
Click here for a draft of the program for The 13th International Conference of the International Association for Missions in Toronto.
Registration Summary Report
March 15, 2012
Total Registrations: 138
IAMS Members:
- In Process: 17
- No: 25
- Yes: 96
Number of Countries: 39
Australia, Belgium, Burundi, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Holy See (Vatican City State), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Republic of, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States
Gender Breakdown:
Visa Requests: 38
Subsidy Requests: 63
Preaching: 52
Study Groups:
- BISAM: 20
- DABOH: 16
- World Christianity: 23
- Environment: 1
- Gender: 3
- Healing: 5
- Interfaith: 14
- Migration: 47
Exposure Trips:
- Mennonites: 14
- Local Churches: 36
- Aboriginals: 15
- Sainte-Marie: 21
- Migrant: 41
- Women: 9
- Stay on Campus: 27
Travel Arrangements
We’re pleased to work with Menno Travel to arrange your travel needs to and from Toronto. All subsidy recipients are required to work through Menno Travel in order to ensure smooth travel arrangements have been made. All other assembly participants are welcome to consult with Connie at Menno Travel, but are free to arrange their own travel. Please note that Connie has a new email address for our event:
Conference Announcements
Please also remember to check our website for regular and timely updates:
Music and Drama for Toronto
Members who would like to take part in worship by offering to sing or dance should contact Jody Cross, our worship coordinator for the morning sessions. His email address is:
Ann Chow
Conference Organizer
Web Site:
Fundraising News from the President
We continue to seek funds so that deserving members can receive assistance with travel and conference costs. In their March meeting in Toronto, the Executive wrestled long and hard in trying to fairly allocate the limited funds that have come in so far. We had thought that it would be possible to give thirty full scholarships, but found that the amount of subsidy money available was adequate for only twenty-five. In the past twelve months, sixty five organizations and individuals have received personalized appeals from IAMS. While many have responded with regret, unable to help because of their own financial situation, others have responded generously, according to their means. Some have even responded twice. While most of the donors have been organizations, many have been individual members of IAMS. One senior IAMS member personally contributed $3,000, while another gave $400, and still another contributed $4,200 toward the cost of our history book. Several Executive members have quietly absorbed executive-related telephone, travel, and hotel expenses, and each has given sacrificially of their time and energies. To date, in response to requests totaling $176,000, our treasurer reports that his office has received $63,497, along with pledges for an additional $19,273. Responses to fifteen appeals are still awaited. We recognize that the financial shortfall has made it difficult for some of our study groups to follow through on plans put in place before we or they could be fully aware of the financial strictures under which IAMS operates. The Executive is grateful for your understanding. If you are able to contribute to the IAMS subsidy fund, you may do so on line: Or you may send a check or money order to the Secretariat in Oxford. No amount is too small.
Jonathan Bonk
Toronto 2012 Plenary Speakers and Leaders
In the last issue of IAMS Matters the plenary speakers for the Toronto conference were introduced to you. At the time, we had only the name of the final speaker. We are pleased to now provide more detailed biographical information on Fr. Bernard I. Alphonsus. A Catholic priest from Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Fr. Bernard did his priestly studies at the Pontifical Athenaeum, India, and was conferred BPh and LPh, followed by BTh and LTh. Later he obtained a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights and Education, and an MA in Education from the University of London, UK.
In his home country he worked as a lecturer at the National Seminary and the Regional Seminary, and as Rector of St Patrick’s College. He also worked as the Chairman of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Diocese of Jaffna in the challenging context of civil war.
He has training in the area of human rights and peace, including: Working with Treaty Monitoring Bodies, by the Office of the UNHCHR, Geneva; Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution by the Department of State, USA; and International Peacekeeping and Peacemaking by the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution. He participated in several conferences at both regional and international levels.
He founded the Centre for Peace and Human Rights Culture in Jaffna, and edited its Tamil periodical Urimai Noku (Rights Perspective), publishing a number of articles relating to rights and peace.
He now lives in Canada as a refugee, and works for the Archdiocese of Toronto. At the same time he is doing a doctoral research on War Trauma, Forgiveness and Reconciliation.
The IAMS Conference worship leader will be Jody Cross, from Barrie, Ontario. He completed a B.A. at Carleton University followed up with a B.Ed. at the University of Ottawa.
He led worship in his youth group and in university campus ministries. Jody served on two short term summer mission projects with YWAM and Campus Crusade for Christ in South and Central America. He holds the M.Div. from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, and a doctoral degree in Christian Leadership from Gordon Conwell Seminary in Charlotte North Carolina.
His worship CD’s have a received a Juno nomination and two “Praise and Worship Album of the Year” Awards from the CDN Gospel Music Association.
Members of the Canada Hosting Committee
George Robinson Sumner is Principal and Helliwell Professor of World Missions at Wycliffe College, Toronto.
The Rev. Canon Dr. George Sumner was ordained priest in Tanzania in 1981. He has served in cross-cultural ministry in Navajoland, and has a doctorate in Theology from Yale. Dr. Sumner is married to Stephanie Hodgkins and is father to Marta (23) and Sam (15). He has been Principal of Wycliffe College since 1999, and his first book “The First and the Last” was released in the summer of 2004, with his second “Unwearied Praises”, co-written with Jeff Greenman, released in the fall of 2004. In 2007 “Being Salt” was released. Currently he is working on a commentary on the book of Daniel for Brazos press. Dr. Sumner’s past-times include playing squash and cheering on the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. He is the chairman of the hosting committee. Thanks to him, IAMS has free use of Wycliffe College facilities for the August assembly.
Karen Baker-Bigauskas is Executive Administrator, in the Principal’s Office at Wycliffe College. She is a member of Trinity Anglican Church Streetsville, where she is a Stephen Minister. Karen is married to Tom Bigauskas, and the mother of Abigail (21), Danielle (18), and Justin (12). An avid skier in the winter, Karen also enjoys spending time at the family cottage in the summer.
Robert Cousins is Director of Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre. He is a graduate of Ontario Bible College (BTh) and Wheaton Graduate School (MA in Intercultural Studies). Robert and his wife Sheila served in theological education and leadership development with Africa lnland Mission (AIM) for twelve years in Kenya and Tanzania. Robert served as personnel director of AIM (Canada) for 5 years and was seconded from AIM to MissionPrep, an inter-mission cross-cultural training partnership, where he served as Director for 8 years. He is adjunct professor at Tyndale Seminary.
Charles J. Fensham is Professor of Systematic Theology and Mission Studies at Knox College, Toronto, School of Theology, University of Toronto. Charles’s interest is in theology of mission and particularly in the study of the church as it is sent into the world to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Charles completed a ThD degree at the University of South Africa (UNISA) under the supervision of David J. Bosch, and taught Missiology in the Department of Science of Religion and Missiology at UNISA. Charles also worked in inter-cultural ministry in France, Switzerland and Tahitit in the South Pacific. Charles’s first book, “Emerging from the Dark Age Ahead: The Future of The North American Church” has been republished by Clement Academic, Toronto, and his latest book, “A Missional Spirituality for an Emerging Church” will appear this Spring with Clements Academic. He is an ordained minister within the Presbyterian Church in Canada and minister in association with Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Ontario. Charles is married with two children.
Terry LeBlanc, a Mi’kmaq/Acadian, is the founding Chair and Director of the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies (NAIITS). He also oversees iEmergence and My People International. With 35 years of grassroots experience in the Native North American and global indigenous context, Terry has taught at various colleges, seminaries and universities. He serves as an adjunct faculty member at Asbury Theological Seminary, George Fox University and Evangelical Seminary, North Park University and Tyndale University College and Seminary. Author of numerous articles, theological papers and several book chapters, Terry has won several awards for his varied writings. For his work on the creation of NAIITS, Terry became the 28th recipient of the Dr. E.H. Johnson Memorial Award for Innovation in Mission in June 2010.
Kevin Livingston is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and has served congregations in Seattle, Scotland, Vancouver and most recently, Knox Presbyterian Church in Toronto. He has degrees from Seattle University (BA), Fuller Theological Seminary (MDiv) and the University of Aberdeen in Scotland (PhD). At Aberdeen he studied under James Torrance and Andrew Walls and completed his thesis on David Bosch’s theology of mission and evangelism. He is currently Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Tyndale Seminary where he teaches preaching, worship and pastoral theology. He enjoys strong coffee and used book stores. His also serves as Chair of the Board of the Latin America Mission, Canada. He is married to Irene, a nutritionist. They have three adult children.
Mark MacDonald is the Anglican Church of Canada's first National Indigenous Bishop. He was appointed to this position after serving about 10 years as Bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Diocese of Alaska where he was consecrated bishop on Sept. 13, 1997. Overlapping his time in Alaska and Canada, he served as the assisting bishop of the Episcopal Church in Navajoland from 2006-2009. The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald is the Board Chair for Church Innovations, Inc. Among his published works are A Strategy for Growth for the Episcopal Church: Joining Multiculturalism and Evangelism, Inter-Cultural Ministry Development, San Jose, CA, 1994. He co-edited The Chant of Life: Inculturation and the People of the Land (Liturgical Studies IV), Church Publishing Company, 2003. He was a contributor to Holy Ground: A Gathering of Voices on Caring for Creation, ed. Lyndsay Moseley, Sierra Club Books, 2008.
Wenh-In Ng is former Vice Chair of the Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia, taught for a decade at the Vancouver School of Theology, and is now officially retired from her professorial respnosibilities at Emmanuel College, Victoria University in the University of Toronto.
The Rev. Dr. Greer Anne Wenh-In Ng is a first-generation immigrant to Canada and a product of mission schools in Macao and Hong Kong. She obtained her Ph.D. from Columbia University and is ordained in The United Church of Canada, which she has served congregationally, regionally, and nationally. Her research and writing have focused on the religious life and education, worship and spirituality for Asian Canadian/American Christians, and in the areas of gender and racial justice and ethnic and intercultural ministries. A contributor to the volume Christianity and Ethnicity in Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2008). Dr. Wenh-In Ng co-chairs Emmanuel College’s Centre for Asian Theology.
Robert Nusca is a Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Toronto, ordained in 1988. He attended the University of Toronto and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1980. He received his Master of Divinity from St. Augustine’s Seminary in 1988. After serving in a parish in Toronto, he studied in Rome where he completed his Licentiate in Sacred Scripture with Honours from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in 1993; and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology with Honours from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 1998. The Rev. Monsignor A. Robert Nusca is currently an Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies. He became the President and Rector of St. Augustine’s Seminary in June 2001.
Lori Ransom is an ordained elder of The Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) and member of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation in eastern Ontario who has worked in support of Canada’s indigenous peoples throughout her career. She is presently a Senior Advisor responsible for church and other faith group relations for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Prior to this she led work to support healing and reconciliation with indigenous peoples for The PCC, building on her public relations and education work as the Director of Executive Services and Communications for the Government of Canada’s Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development in Ontario. She is the Clerk of Session, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Toronto, and a member of the board of Boarding Homes Ministry Canada. Lori co-chaired the Mission and Power theme study group for the Edinburgh 2010: Witnessing to Christ Together centenary mission conference.
David Reed is Professor Emeritus and Research Professor at Wycliffe College. He is currently researching and writing on Pentecostal-type movements in the Global South. He has lectured in the Sudan, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, The Gambia and China. His recent publication is the definitive study of the non-Trinitarian “Oneness” Pentecostals, ‘In Jesus’ Name’: The History and Beliefs of Oneness Pentecostals.
After pastoring for 18 years as an Episcopal priest in the US, he served for 20 years as Professor of Pastoral Theology at Wycliffe College. With Toronto as a major centre for immigrants, David continues an interest in exploring transplanted churches that serve the city’s immigrant community. David holds a PhD in theology from Boston University. David and his wife, Carlynn, have two sons, and live in a Toronto suburb.
Peter Rekai is a Barrister and Solicitor and is certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Immigration Law.
Over the past twenty-five years Peter has represented major employers, expanding new businesses and skilled individuals in dealing with Canadian immigration issues. He has a particular expertise in assisting trade and industry associations address comprehensive foreign worker strategies with the federal government. He is a frequent lecturer at Immigration practice and international policy conferences and a regular op-ed contributor to major newspapers in Canada and the United States. He recently authored a study on Canadian and US immigration issues for the noted Canadian policy think-tank the CD HOWE Institute as part of its series on North American Relations (The Border Papers). He has served in many capacities on the Immigration and Citizenship section of the Ontario Bar Association Immigration Section and is a member of the Immigration section of the International Bar Association.
Mark E. Robson is a Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Toronto, ordained in 2000. The Rev. Mark E. Robson completed his Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and is currently teaching Systematic Theology at St. Augustine’s Seminary of Toronto.
Jonathan Schmidt is Co-Director of the “Canadian Churches Forum for Global Ministries” (CCFGM) CCFGM began in 1921 as The Canadian School of Missions. This ecumenical agency operates as a forum for Canadian Churches around issues of mission and provides training for mission personnel from a number of Canadian and US denominations.
In recent years migration has deeply impacted this agency as it increasingly is being called on to turn its 90 years of global mission experience toward intercultural and anti-racism work in Canada.
Rev. Jonathan Schmidt, ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, job shares the director job with his wife, Alice Schuda. His ancestors were Lutheran missionaries to North America in the early 1800s who were primarily concerned with making sure German immigrants didn’t fall into the hands of the wrong kinds of Lutherans.
Andrew J.B. Stirling is currently Senior Minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church in Toronto. Andrew was born in the United Kingdom and received his education in England, Bermuda, Canada and South Africa. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Law from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, a Master of Divinity from the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Nova Scotia and a Doctor of Ministry in preaching from Acadia Divinity College in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. In 2008 Wycliffe College, Toronto recognized his contribution to preaching by awarding him an honorary Doctor of Divinity.
The Rev. Dr. Andrew J.B. Stirling has written two books: What’s Good About The Good News? and The Christian Imperative (both by Lancelot Press), is the Editor of The Trinity: An Essential For Faith In Our Time (Evangel Publishing House) with a Forward by Wolfhart Pannenberg and has written over 50 theological and devotional articles. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University Divinity School and was a founding faculty member of Augustine College in Ottawa. In addition, he has taught Church History at the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto, Systematic Theology at Tyndale University Seminary, Toronto and Homiletics at Emmanuel College and Wycliffe College, Toronto.
Environment and Mission Study Group
— Beginning and Looking to the Future
The Environment and Mission Study Group meets for the first time in IAMS history at the Toronto Conference. So it is with a sense of excitement that we invite all those interested to register with the Study Group and be a part of the process of developing an often neglected but critical area in mission thinking and praxis.
This Study Group will meet for the two sessions on Tuesday, 16 August 2012. We will hear and discuss two papers to be presented by:
Victor Sagayan, “Migration of Katkari Indigenous Tribe: Ethno-Missional Perspectives:
Auli Vähäkangas, “Faith Communities and Poverty in Africa”
This will be followed by an interactive discussion on:
First, issues emerging from the two papers.
Second, broader issues on the Environment, Climate Change and Mission that will be important for the group to consider researching before the next IAMS conference in 2016.
Third, to develop goals and or a statement about the purpose of the Environment and Mission Study group.
Fourth, to propose names to the IAMS executive to be considered for the position of the Environment and Mission Coordinator for the next four years.
If the group feels it is important to meet for further discussion on the Thursday, then there would be opportunity to do this, or members could join other groups to hear papers being presented in those groups
Allison M. Howell
Allison Howell is an Associate Professor and the Dean of Accredited Studies at the Akrofi-Christaller Institute. She also works with a program on writing Bible Commentaries in Ghanaian languages. She has an ongoing interest and involvement in mission and the environment.
Update: Biblical Studies and Mission
Toronto Conference
As the 13th IAMS Conference in Toronto nears, so the BISAM Study Sessions are taking shape, indeed, they are looking really good!
Accepted Papers: By 31st January some 25 abstracts were received by Cathy Ross, the IAMS secretary. These were forwarded to John Prior, the BISAM coordinator, and Gerard Goldman, who is the BISAM stream coordinator on the IAMS Executive. [Gerard is the Oceanic representative on the IAMS Executive Committee.] These abstracts were carefully evaluated according to their quality, their contribution to the Toronto theme, their originality, and their relevance to BISAM.
No less than 23 papers were accepted by the IAMS Executive for our BISAM Sessions. These are listed below. A couple of applicants’ papers have been shifted to another study group, while BISAM has received two from another group! We trust the “swop” makes for more coherent discussions.
Bursaries: The Executive has also approved requests for five bursaries. The five BISAM recipients have already been informed by Gerard Goldman.
Parallel Sessions: With the prospect of 23 papers, we are proposing to have two parallel sessions during the first three Study Group periods, each of which lasts one and a half hours. [See proposed Conference agenda and schedule.] This will allow for what we hope will be an adequate discussion of key issues in each paper, as each session, on average, will discuss four papers. Presenters will be informed later on precisely how the sessions will be held.
BISAM 2012-2016: During the fourth and final session we shall gather as a single group to pull out key issues that have arisen from the papers. We shall also look at a possible research project for the BISAM network to undertake over the coming four years. And last, but by no means least, we shall need to propose names to be forwarded to the (new) IAMS Executive for the position of BISAM Coordinator until the next Conference (2012-2016).
BISAM History
Gerald Anderson has written a delightful and insightful history of IAMS under the title Witness to World Christianity: The International Association for Mission Studies 1972–2012. The book will be launched during the Toronto Conference. The volume also includes chapters on three of the IAMS study groups, namely DABOH: Documentation, Archives, Bibliography and Oral History (by John Roxborogh); Healing and Mission (by Christoffer Grundmann), and BISAM: Biblical Studies and Mission (by John Prior). I trust this mini-history of BISAM will assist us in our discussions in Toronto and orient us as we decide on a future direction for the network.
Confirmed BISAM Papers for Toronto
12 Papers in Biblical-Contextual Theology:
Pascal Fossouo, “Jeremiah’s Letter to Fellow Believers in the Diaspora” (Rwanda)
Colin Godwin, “Theological Significance of Acts 17: A Case in South Sudan” (Sudan)
CJP Niemandt, “Congregations Welcoming the Stranger and Celebrating Meals” (South Africa)
Amy West, “Discipleship Across Boundaries” (South Africa)
Phileomon Gibungula, “Migrancy, Exile, Mission in Pretoria” (South Africa)
Gladys Ogedegbe, “Migration and Mission in Biblical Perspective: The Nigerian Situation” (Nigeria)
Eric Anum, “The Relationship between the NT Concept of Soteriology and ‘Omanye’” (Ghana)
Batara Sihombing, “Hospitality as a Means of Mission for Migrant Workers” (Indonesia)
John Prior, “I departed full, and the Lord has brought me home empty” (Ruth 1:21) (Indonesia)
Kelhoukhrieno Savi, “An Inter-Tribal Reading of the Bible” (India)
Wen xi Zhang, “Biblical & Pastoral Reflection on the Impact of Urbanisation” (China)
George Wieland, “Transnational Aspects of Mission in Acts & Auckland” (New Zealand)
Christoph Stenschke, “Migration, Dislocation, Refugees & Early Christian Mission”
Robert Gallagher, “David’s Migration & Marginal Exploits in Gath”
P.G. George, “An Immigrant Community at the Crossroads”
Paul Hertiz, “Jesus’ Migration & Liminal Withdrawals in Matthew”
Craig Hendrickson, “Mission as a Placed People in Urban Culture of Displacement”
Johannes Kritzinger, “Leaving Sodom Before Daybreak”
James Maxey, Translation as Hospitality.
Thanh Nguyen, “Migration & Mission: The Case of Priscilla & Aquila”
Mark Glanville, “The Resident Stranger in Deuteronomy”
Sarita Gallagher, “A Biblical Exploration of the Cross-Cultural Encounters of Abraham”
Felix Enegho, “Jewish Migration to and Out of Egypt (Genesis 37 – Exodus 12) in Comparison with Contemporary Migration”
Johannes Nissen, “Out of Place: NT Perspectives on Mission & Migration”
See the BISAM page on the IAMS website for further details of BISAM activities.
John Prior
BISAM Study Group Convener
Healing / Pneumatology
Pre-conference Update
Dear colleagues,
Fourteen paper suggestions have been accepted for presentation in the sessions of the study-group Healing/Pneumatology during the upcoming IAMS General Conference. Authored by people from diverse cultural backgrounds and several continents they address various topics which fall within the broad scope of the study-group’s thematic interests. The first session on August 16th will provide the forum for the discussion of issues related to healing, while the second session on August 18th will offer insights into ongoing research on different pneumatological questions from around the world. Both sessions, thus, hold the potential to become exciting events.
However, everyone should be aware of and prepared for unexpected changes in this arrangement. As previous conferences have shown there are always some who have signed up but cannot make it due to unexpected difficulties of various kinds. This might affect the order of things. Let us, therefore, be mindful of James’ admonition: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a town ...” ... Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wishes, we will live and do this or that.” (4:13 + 15) While all those whose proposals have been accepted have received more detailed information about the planned schedule of the meetings and the timing of their presentations, all should pay attention to the final announcements at the conference site because these will be the definite ones reflecting the actual situation and availability or non-availability of registered presenters.
Looking forward to meeting as many of you as can make it to Toronto!
Yours sincerely
Christoffer Grundmann
John R. Eckrich Prof. in Religion and the Healing Arts
Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana USA
Volunteers Needed
We are looking for a competent photographer with a good camera to serve as the 13th Assembly's official photographer, providing a visual record of conference highlights and personnel. If you are willing to serve in this way, please contact Ann Chow: We would like pictures to be available online each day for the duration of the conference.
Question: Who is eligible to attend Toronto 2012?
Please see previous issue for most recent report.
IAMS Toronto 2012 Subsidy Guidelines
Please see previous issue for most recent report.
Documentation, Archives, Bibliography and Oral History (DABOH):
From Balaton to Toronto and Beyond

Please see previous issue for most recent report.
P. Marek A. Rostkowski, OMI
Direttore della Biblioteca della Pontificia Università Urbaniana
Michael Nai Chiu Poon
Director and Asian Christianity Coordinator of the Centre for the Study of Christianity in Asia
Trinity Theological College
From the IAMS Treasurer
Please see second issue for most recent report.
David Singh
Migration, Religion and Identity: Missiological Theoretical Issues
Please see second issue for most recent report.
For abstracts (300 words) or questions, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Martha Frederiks (
Dr. Dorottya Nagy (
Prof. Dr. Lalsangkima Pachuau (
Martha Frederiks
Prof. of Missiology: World Christianity and Interreligious Dialogue
Department of Religious Studies and Theology, Faculty of Humanities Utrecht University
World Christianity
Please see second issue for most recent report.
Arun W. Jones
Dan and Lillian Hankey Associate Professor of World Evangelism
Candler School of Theology
Emory University
Mission Studies; Journal of the IAMS
Please see first issue for most recent report.
Lalsangkima Pachuau
Please see first issue for most recent report.
Rose Uchem MSHR
Regional Representative Africa
Interfaith Issues in Toronto
Please see first issue for most recent report.
David Singh
Response / Opinions / Suggestions
We would like to hear from you.
Executive Members Nominations
Please review the 'Procedure for the election of President, Vice President, and other members of the Executive Committee' in the Byelaws on page 5:
Address All Correspondence To
The Secretariat International Association for Mission Studies c/o Church Mission Society Watlington Road, Oxford OX4 6BZ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1865 787400
Fax: +44 1865 776375