
IAMS Executive Meetings in Chronological Order


1976     November 26-27, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

1977     March 25-27, Aarhus, Denmark.

1978     February 9-11, Maryknoll Fathers, New York, USA.

1978     August 20-25, Maryknoll Fathers, New York, USA.

1978     November 17-19, San Luchesio, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

1979     August 17-19, Dunbar Hall, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

1978         January 1-5, United Theological College, Bangalore, India.

1980         July 30 – August 1, Casa Pallotti, Rome, Italy (during the DAB Conference in Rome)

1981         April 10-12, School of Church Music, Croydon, London, England.

1982         During the Vth IAMS Conference, January 1982, Bangalore, India.

1982     June (without date), Ventnor, USA.

1983         July 7-10, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, England.

1985     June 13-16, Ventnor, USA.

1986     April 20-24, Rome, Italy.

1987     November 26-29, Rome, Italy.

1988     June - preceding the conference in Rome.

1989         January 12-16, Bossey, Switzerland.

1990         January 4-8, Techny, Chicago, USA.

1991         April 26-30, Hamburg, Germany.

1992         March 6-9, Steyler Missionwiss. Inst, Sankt Augustin, Germany.

1992         During the  VIII th IAMS Conference, August 3, Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA.

1993         January 7-11, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, England.

1994         January 27-31, Steyler Missionswiss. Inst., Sankt Augustin, Germany.

1994     September 24-28, Washington D.C., USA.

1995         November 24-26, Hamburg, Germany.

1996         During the IXth IAMS Conference, April, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1997         January 9-12, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, England.

1998     January 28- February 2, Missionsakademie, Hamburg, Germany.

1999     January 27-31, Rome, Italy.

2000         During the Xth IAMS Conference, Hammanskraal, Gauteng, South Africa.

2001         January 25-30, Maryknoll House, New York City, USA

2002         January 29 – February 4, Int. Baptist Theol. Seminary, Prague, Czech Republic

2003     28 Jan-2 Feb, Paris, France .

2004     29,30 April, New York, USA, 30 July, Port Dickson, Malaysia (old Executive), 6 August, Port Dickson, Malaysia (new Executive) .


2006     9 November and 8 December, teleconference.

2007     26-31 January, Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, Hungary.

2008     25-29 January, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, USA and 15-16 August, Balatonfured, Hungary.

2009     9-12 January, Ripon College, Cuddesdon, Oxford, UK.

2010     15 January, 12 July, 8 October, 10 December, Teleconferences.

2011     7 February, 9 May, Teleconferences.