The International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS)
of the Meeting of the IAMS-Executive Committee
28. January –2. February 1998
at the Missionsakademie, Hamburg
Present: Chun Chae Ok (President), Paulo Suess,
Andrew Kirk, Tim Huffman, Teresa Okure, Jerjes Ruiz, Graham Kings, Stephen B.
Bevans, Klaus Schäfer;
John Roxborogh (for DAB), Godelieve Prové (for „Healing“), Willem
Sayman (for SAMS);
Apologies: Joy Thomas; Joseph
1. Welcome and „warming up“
The meeting
began on Thursday, January 28., with dinner in the Missionsakademie.
After dinner,
the President Chun Chae Ok welcomed the members of the Executive Committee. Besides
the regular members of the Committee and Stephen Bevans, who joined the
Committee for the first time, she welcomed also the moderators of IAMS Interest
Groups, that is John Roxborough and Godelieve Prové, as well as Willem Saayman
of the Southern African Missiological Society who was especially invited to
take part in the planning process for the next IAMS Conference going to be held
in South Africa in the beginning of the
year 2.000. Mrs. Saayman also took part in some of the sessions and joined the
Executive, particularly during the meals; she also was welcomed warmly.
Apologies were
received from Joy Thomas from India; neither he nor Joseph Mattam, who
represented Joy already last time as a substitute were able to attend the
2. Finalizing the agenda
The agenda was
basically accepted as prepared by the secretary. It was stressed that the major
work of the Executive this time was the preparation for the forthcoming IAMS
Additional items
in the agenda related to exposure programs or fellowship and entertainment;
these items are simply listed here without a further report:
Friday, 30. January,
afternoon: Visit to EMW to visit the office of the IAMS Secretariat;
Friday evening:
Get-together with missiologists of the Theological Faculty of Hamburg
University and the Missionsakademie, with exchange on mutual concerns and
information about the study of missiology and the status of the subject in
German Universities;
Saturday evening:
dinner outside the Missionsakademie at a tourist spot in the Hamburg harbor,
along with Herbert Meißner, Director of EMW; afterwards various entertainment
programs of smaller groups.
Sunday morning:
Worship service in a near-by Lutheran Church.
3. Minutes of the last
Executive meeting (January 1997)
Approval of the minutes
The minutes were
approved, and appreciation was expressed for their completeness.
Matters arising
All items which
need further deliberations will appear again on the agenda of this Executive
4. Reflections on
„IAMS-Identity“ and work on the constitution
In a follow-up
of the last meeting the Executive started off with a general sharing of
opinions on the issue of the identity of the Association. However, the discussion
shifted quickly to focus on the identity of IAMS in relation to the Conference.
It was felt that to a large degree it is in the Conference that the identity of
IAMS established itself. In this discussion there were again elements of a
review and evaluation of the Buenos Aires Conference.
The following
comments should be noted:
One has to clarify
the nature of the Conference: Is it an international conference, open for
everybody, or is it an assembly of a particular Association. It was held that
IAMS is organizing a conference which is basically open for people interested
in the programs; and within the conference there takes also place the assembly
of IAMS as an international Association (Godelieve).
Graham stressed that
IAMS and its conferences have to stress the specific purpose of the
Association. It is not the same, for example, as a mission conference of the
CWME/WCC; the special focus in IAMS conferences is the „S“ in the name IAMS,
that is the „Study“ and academic nature.
Teresa also raises
the question for whom conferences are organized. While it is understood that it
is not a conference for missionaries, one should narrow it down too much;
people who are praxis-oriented may also bring some impact into a conference.
Godelieve also want
to stress the study and research aspects; but for her there is often a
difference in the way that theological reflection is carried out – there are
books and thinking, but there is also the dimension of experience and exposure.
It is exactly the cross-fertilisation what makes IAMS conferences so fruitful
and brings a certain qualitative research.
Tim affirms that the
strength of IAMS is the ecumenical and global nature. On the global level there
may be different assumptions of what study actually means. IAMS provides an
encounter of such various assumptions and gives opportunity for sharing
information and research. Space therefore should not only be given for papers
and publications, but also for various ways of sharing insights and research.
Andrew drew
attention to the mission-aspect of the studies carried out within IAMS. The
Association should emphasize the missiological dimension of all the other
theological disciplines, such as biblical studies, ethics, etc. Its basic
concern is the question what mission as a global responsibility of the churches
mean and how mission should relate to the other disciplines. Important for IAMS
is to have mission as the core, but otherwise to be interdisciplinary. What
mission means is, of course, to some extent controversial; some people may
emphasize the classical concept of mission and be particularly interested in
mission history, while others rather emphasize the contemporary challenges.
Teresa stressed that
it is important for the Association and particularly for the conference to be
in touch with the reality of the members; one should get to know where the
participants come from, which challenges they face and how they try to respond
to them. Those challenges, we articulate within the Association and during the
conferences, force us to rethink and redefine our concepts of mission and our
agenda for the involvement of the churches in the world.
- Chun Chae Ok highlighted
the regional and the global nature of IAMS; conferences should have some
manifestation of regional concerns and challenges, and the task of the
conference is to reflect the input from a region in the dimension of the global
church and its missionary obligation.
- Steve
suggested that all these identity issues should fold into the conference
process itself. Perhaps it is possible that a committee prepares a five-page
position paper on what the membership thinks of the identity of IAMS; and this
paper can – as a „talking paper“, to stimulated further reflection - be
discussed during the conference.
Klaus and Tim also
stress that the process of defining the identity is rather important. Tim
states that frustration often comes out of expectations that are not met. The
fact with the Conference and with IAMS as such is that people come with
different expectations, and some are bound to be disappointed. The right
approach is therefore to deliberately honor the variety of expectations.
Grahams likes to
circumscribe the aims of an IAMS conference in a verbal way; generally one
could say that the conference aims at the improvement of God’s mission; and
under this aim the conference takes place in order
To study, to learn,
to rejoice, to share, to journey together, to dialogue, to encounter, to expand
Godelieve thinks it
is also important to have a write-up on the history of IAMS; one needs to say
and be reminded of what it has been, and then one can talk about the issue what
it will or might be in the future. It might be helpful to have a short
historical sketch prepared for the conference and then later on a longer
version in form of a book. Perhaps Frans Verstraelen can be interested to
prepare such a write-up on the history of IAMS.
This proposal on a
write-up on the IAMS history was then followed up. John suggested that we
indeed need such a short historical sketch, but that might not be sufficient to
provide clarity on the identity of IAMS. We also need to work on a clear
mission statement and also a critical analysis of contemporary challenges. Andrew,
Steve and Godelieve favored, in various ways, an interpretative history;
perhaps somebody could give an brief overall view of the IAMS history, and then
individual members should be asked to respond and mark from their respective
experience, involvement and perspective major shifts of emphasis within IAMS
etc. All this could then also be discussed in small groups.
John then stressed
in conclusion that the major issue still is where mission is going to. A IAMS
conference is certainly not gathering to be told where to go and how to define
mission in the future. It is rather a process of discovery. In order to
facilitate this discovery process towards an identity statement of IAMS, one
should indeed prepare a papers.
5. Planning for the X.
International IAMS-Conference
The planning
process for the next international Conference extended over various days of the
Executive meeting. The process of shaping the outline and content of the
conference was partly carried forward by small groups. In the following it is not
possible to report on the process as such, but to spell out the results and to
note the important features of the conference items etc.
Before entering
into the detailed planning process the Executive discussed on the
methodological approach for the conference. The following principles were
Venue and date of the Conference
Already during
the last Executive meeting it was decided that South Africa should be the first
choice for the forthcoming IAMS Conference, provided some requirements were
met. In the light of this decision Klaus reported on a visit to South Africa
and a dialogue with the friends of the Southern African Missiological Society
(SAMS) which resulted into the invitation of
Willem Saayman
to take part in the further planning process for the Conference.
Willem then
informed the Executive about ideas and suggestions of SAMS towards the
Conference. Regarding the venue he reported about two possibilities: To hold
the conference either, as SAMS usually does with its own conferences, on the
campus of the University of Southern Africa (UNISA), or to go into a conference
center located between Johannesburg and Pretoria; since the accommodation in
Pretoria would be a problem – people will be scattered over various hotels etc.
-, the suggestion of SAMS itself is to go into a Conference Center.
After some
discussion, particularly as far as accommodation, expenses, security etc. are
concerned, it was resolved to hold the next IAMS Conference in the Megawatt
Park Conference Center near Johannesburg. – Willem and Andrew were requested to
already book the Conference Center now, and provide financial means to pay
something in advance.
Regarding the
date of the Conference the Executive first discussed on the length of the
Conference. After an extended discussion it was resolved that the conference,
particularly when it meets in a confined Conference Center, should not extend
the period of one week; the dates were fixed then for 21. – 28. January 2000.
Formation of and relation to a local preparation committee
The President
thanked Willem for all the deliberations and preparations which SAMS already
carried out. The understanding of cooperation for the conference is that the
(expanded) Standing Committee of SAMS will function as a local preparation
committee which relates to the IAMS Secretariat and the Treasury etc. and will
be in charge of all local arrangements.
An open question
was whether the international IAMS Conference will coincide with the annual
SAMS Conference. The majority of the Executive members favored the suggestion
to have only the international Conference and have SAMS members invited for
this Conference.
Klaus raised the
question of the number of people one could possible expect to attend the
Conference. Willem reported that there is already a great enthusiasm in South
Africa about the possibility of having the IAMS Conference there. On the other
hand, it may not be possible for many South Africans to attend the full length
of the Conference; many may not want to stay in the Conference Center either.
On the international level there may also be greater attendance than we had in
Buenos Aires. Even though it can not be decided yet how many people we will be
able to accommodate, it has to be taken care of that the Conference remains
„manageable“. 250 people may be a number we should not exceed.
Theme of the Conference
The Executive spent quite some time to
reflect on a possible theme for the Conference. Klaus first recalled the
suggestions coming from the Buenos Aires Conference which focused on
christiology, reconciliation, and – to a lesser degree – on mission in the next
The discussion
started off with the question whether we should address the issue of the
millennium at all in our Conference theme and the content of the Conference.
From South Africa there was a suggestion to do so, and other Executive members
suggested that at the turn of the century and even the dawn of the new
millennium the Conference should look back to history and assess what happened
there; the conference could focus then on the one hand on repentance, and on
the other hand on an eschatological vision for the next millennium.
However, the
discussion shifted then towards the suggestion of Graham to focus strongly on
christiology and mission. Along this line it was also emphasized that the
Conference should take note of the reality in the world, and particularly the
realities in Africa; this reality is on the one hand the reality of suffering
and brokenness, but on the other also – particularly lively in the African
Independent Churches, but not confined to them – the reality of joy and
celebration. The conference, it was agreed, should reflect something of this
ambiguity of brokenness and new life, suffering and joy; it should not exhibit
a triumphalistic posture, but rather affirm Christ's presence amidst the
struggle of people.
Out of these
general reflections with various tentative proposals for a theme there emerged,
mainly stimulated by interventions of Graham, the following theme: „Reflecting Jesus Christ: Crucified and
living in a broken World.“
The formulation
„crucified and living“ as well as the reference to the brokenness of the world
catches, it was felt, the ambiguity talked about; the formulation „reflecting
Jesus Christ“, inspired by 2. Cor. 3:18, on the other hand stands for thinking
and reflection – that is the scholarly and academic nature of the conference -,
but also for a missiological concern: the church is called to reflect and
mirror Christ and radiate something of the new life which Christ gives.
Nature and structure of the Conference
The extended discussion on general flow and
the structure of the conference may best be summarized by the time table which
emerged finally. It is enclosed as an appendix to the minutes.
On the
background of the time table which finally was approved there were a few major
decisions which might be noted here:
There should not be
simply one key note address; the theme needs to be unfolded by various
speakers. There will be three plenary
addresses focussing on specific elements of the overall theme:
Plenary I: „... Jesus
Christ crucified...“:
Plenary II: „... Jesus
Christ... living“;
Plenary III: „Reflecting Jesus Christ“.
It is understood
that the first plenary paper should also address the issue of the broken world
and place the conference theme in the realities of this world.
In addition to these three
plenary addresses on the conference theme there will be the Presidential Address and finally the
session with a Report of a Listening
Group (Conference Report).
All these inputs
will be in plenary sessions in the morning from 9.30-11.00 hours. After the papers
which are supposed to be rather short (ca. 20 Min.) the plenary will divide in
small „Buzz groups“ and then start a plenary discussion.
Every morning will be a short worship service.
Bible Studies will not be conducted by a
Bible Study leader; Bible Studies take place in small groups. The biblical
passages for the two sessions: Mt. 17; 2. Cor. 3 and 4.
- An important
item on the agenda is the Exposure
Program which is going to be conducted in the vicinity of Johannesburg and
Pretoria. For this program the Conference is going to divide in small groups
which remain in existence throughout the Conference; these groups will already
meet during the first evening after the opening worship and have an exposure
program on Saturday and also on Sunday (worship in local congregations); after
returning on Saturday the people will have time to reflect in their respective
groups on the experience; on Sunday evening there will also be a reflection in
a small group, but this time it is already the „Mission Study Group“ which
tries to understand what the various exposures meant for the topic being dealt
with in that group. The Bible Studies too will be done in the Exposure Groups.
There will be no Forum Papers, but one session on Research Reporting.
We will this time
have two sessions for Regional Meetings;
the first one is supposed meant for reflection on the overall Conference theme
from a regional perspective, the second one is supposed to be for any IAMS
business (preparation for election, regional business, reports, exchange of
opinions and concerns etc.).
- There will be
two IAMS Business Sessions; the
first one should take care of the reports of the Secretary, Treasurer, Editor
of Mission Studies, explain the proceedings for the election etc. The election
will then take place in the second session, along with reports of the IAMS
Interest Groups.
As in previous IAMS
Conferences this conference too will do some of its major work in workshops. However, this time we are
going to call them „Mission Study
Groups“. These groups should not have a larger number of resource persons
who come with papers etc.
It is understood
that the work of the Interest Groups is being done within the framework of the
„Mission Study Groups“; there is not provision officially for additional
or different meetings of Interest Groups or IAMS Projects.
The following
topics and responsible facilitators have been identified:
Contextual Christologies in Dialogue –
CHRISTOLOGY. – Kwame Bediako
Local Church Communities Reflecting
the Healing and Reconciling Christ – HEALING. – Godelieve Prové
Reflecting Christ in Contemporary
Communication and Media – DAB. – John Roxborogh
The Crucified Christ Living in the
Gifts of Women in Mission – WOMEN. – Kang Sun Lee
The Church’s Challenge to Reflect
Christ in the Encounter with the Nation and the State – CHURCH and STATE. –
Jerjes Ruiz
Christ Crucified and Living in the
Context of Ethnic and Racial Conflict – ETNICITY AND CONFLICT. - Jean Marc Ela,
Biblical Hermeneutics: Rediscovering
the Crucified and Living Christ for our Broken World - BIBLE. – Teresa Okure
Rediscovering a Christian Response to
Modernity and Postmodernity - POST-MODERNISM. – Miikke Ruokanen, Finland
Christ and the Quests for Spiritual
Fulfillment – SPIRITUALITY. – Paulo Suess
Christ Crucified and Living in the
History of Christian Mission – Mission History: The First Millennium –
PATRISTICS. – Graham Kings
Christ Crucified and Living in the
History of Christian Mission – Mission History: The Second Millennium – MISSION
Christ Crucified and Living in
Displaced, Disposed and Economically Burdened People – JUSTICE. – Molefe Tsele,
South Africa
Christ Crucified and Living with
Neighbors of Other Faiths – INTER FAITH ISSUES. – Andrea D´Souza, India
Christ Crucified and Living in New
Religious Movements and Indigenous Churches –INDIGENOUS CHURCHES. – Allan
The „greening“ of Christian Mission? –
ECOLOGY. – Jackly Cock
New Horizons: Eschatology and Mission
in the Third Millennium – ESCHATOLOGY. – Robert Schreiter.
Reports of these
Mission Study Groups will not be presented in the plenary, but simply be
published in MISSION STUDIES.
The Conference
should begin and end with a worship. The opening
service should have the sermon already on the overall theme of the
Conference; during or after the service there should also be a general
orientation as to the proceedings and the general flow of the Conference. As
speaker for the opening worship. Frank Chikane, South Africa.
The concluding service at the very end of
the Conference should be a celebration of the Eucharist.
- The „Celebration“
on one of the evenings should be an African Celebration; it would be
wonderful to have Nelson Mandela attending this function. Since we have two
evenings left open, the „Celebration“ might be accommodated on any other of the
evenings, depending on the convenience of Mandela and other possible guests.
5.5. Identification of
speakers and resource persons etc.
While the names
of the facilitators for the Mission Study Groups were already noted, it is here
to list the names of persons suggested as plenary
speakers. The Executive took quite some time to identify names and group
the persons according to denominational, regional, gender and other criteria.
It might be helpful to note here according to continents the names of persons
who could be able to help us to grapple with the overall theme:
Africa: Kwame
Bediako, Molefe Tsele, Teresya Hinga, Isabel Phiri, Ela, Mercy Oduyoye,
Kameeta, Kgatla, Teresa Okure;
Asia: Hwa Yung, Aloysius Pieris, A. J. V.
Latin America: Pablo Richard, Elsa Tamez, Maria Clara
Bingemann, Elia Lopez;
Europe: Jürgen Moltmann, Douglas John Hull, Miroslav
North America: Walter Wink, Walter Brueggemann.
There are
certain guidelines for the presenters:
- The
presentations should have as well a missiological, a contextual and a
historical/contemporary focus;
- The individual
presentations should have the overall theme in view, but highlight a specific
aspect of the theme;
They may prepare a
longer presentation in written form, but the actual presentation should be
short, that is about 20 Minutes;
The presentations
should be provocative in order to get people engaged in thinking and
They may be
encouraged to throw out questions.
The choice then
was as follows:
Presentation: „... Jesus Christ...
Crucified...“ – Teresiya Hinga, Kenya:
„ : „ Jesus Christ... Living...“ – Elia Lopez,
„ : „Reflecting Jesus Christ...“ – Hwa Yung,
Malaysia or Chandrakanthan, Sri Lanka.
In addition it
was resolved to request Walter Wink (and his wife) to write creatively a conference report and serve also as a reflector throughout the conference.
Chairperson of the Worship Committee: Dr. Kareki.
Organization of Bible Studies: Anselm Prior.
Open questions
There are still
questions open which need to be discussed at a later stage. Among
organizational matters and suggestions as to facilitate adequate communications
during the conference (bulletin board, intercessions by a reflector, daily
newsletter etc.), there was the question of Willem whether it would not be
adequate to have something as a „David Bosch Memorial Lecture“ or some other
way of honoring the memory of David Bosch.
Conference Budget
Andrew and
Willem presented a first draft budget on the conference. It was stressed that
this is a very preliminary work and that a more detailed budget has to be spelt
out over the course of the year. Important is, however, to have as soon as
possible the figure we have to charge as conference fees and expenses for
accommodation etc.
Willem also
pointed out that we have to consider the registration fee etc. for persons from
South Africa who may not want to stay in the Conference Center. For full
participation he assumed that one probably needs to charge USD 450,- altogether
(USD 350,- for accommodation etc., USD 100 for registration fee); local persons
would then perhaps have to pay USD 150,-.
The issue of
translation was also raised, and it was reported that for professional
translation one would have to pay around USD 4.000,-. It was therefore
suggested to rather engage „our own people“ and provide translation for French
and Spanish; the payment then should be basically for their expenses, which
might amount to USD 100,- per person.
On the basis of
the conference plans made so fare, the Treasury is going to raise funds and
contributions from corporate members towards the conference. Klaus reported
that EMW has already sanctioned the release of DM 120.000,- for the conference.
Klaus also
reported from discussions and from a correspondence with the „German
Association for Mission Studies“ where the question was raised whether
subsidies for travel expenses, accommodation etc. could not be given also to
participants from Europe and North America. The Executive needs to come back to
that issue at a later stage.
6. Finances
Andrew presented
the IAMS Statement on the receipts and payment accounts for the year ended 31st
December 1997 as well as the Budget 1998 (s. enclosement).
After some
discussion the Committee approved the accounts. Regarding the budget for 1998
it was expressed that the publication of MISSION STUDIES needs to have some
additional funds; and also for DAB (homepage) and for BISAM (small
consultation) additional funds need to be set aside (cf. the resolutions
below). In the discussion of the figures it was pointed out that IAMS will
receive back from the consultation of the Patristic Interest Group GBP
As to the
deficit it was expressed that the conference budget will help to keep the
Association running. Certain activities can be understood as pre-Conference
activities and therefore be part of the conference budget. Nevertheless, there
is a need to reflect further on the financial stability of the Association.
After some
further discussion Tim moved to accept the budget, along with the additions and
corrections made; Graham seconded it. The President expressed thanks and
appreciation for Andrew and Stefka who handle all financial matters so well.
7. IAMS Interest Groups
reported that not much actually has happened between the Buenos Aires
Conference and now. However, the Interest Group is interested in the theme of
the forthcoming conference and will work out its own contribution towards the
conference. The idea is to have possibly a workshop of the Interest Group
organized prior to the conference where the group would discuss what the
contribution of „healing“ might be for the conference at large. Perhaps it is
possible to publish major papers of this workshop also in MISSION STUDIES.
The Executive
welcomed is great interest and the search for a contribution to the overall
conference theme. It was expressed that the issue of healing (for example
„healing of memories“ and also reconciliation) is very vital for a conference
in South Africa.
The decision to
have the work on healing actually accommodated in the conference itself as a
Mission Study Group was generally reaffirmed in the light of what the
deliberations on healing could contribute to the stimulation and success of the
Teresa reported on
the continuing work on a proposal to engage in research and discussion on the
use of the Bible by popular religious movements and by common people. A draft
proposal has been prepared for that.
The Executive
Committee encourages Teresa to further develop this proposal and prepare for a
small consultation. It was resolved that in 1998 BISAM should have a grant of
GBP 5.000,- for this consultation, and the hope is expressed that this
consultation will formulate a proposal for a full-fledged project which will be
sent to donor agencies for support.
Patristics and Mission/Mission in the First
Graham gave a
written report on a small consultation of the Interest Group on Patristics and
Mission. It took place in November 1997 in Cambridge and was attended by eight
persons. During this consultation quite substantial papers by Winrich Loehr
(Cambridge) and Jayakiran Sebastian (Bangalore) were presented which have been
submitted to MISSION STUDIES for publication.
The consultation
proposed a research project from Mission in the First Millennium for which the
Center for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies (CARTS) in Cambridge will
take a certain responsibility. The idea is to organize two symposia in the
spring of 2001 and in the fall of 2002 and plan for subsequent publications
etc. The groups also would like to feed the deliberations on mission in the
first millennium into the forth-coming IAMS Conference.
The Executive
expressed appreciation to Graham for all the work that already has been done.
The group was encouraged to proceed with their proposal and to try to secure
funds for it. An issue which was not quite clear is what the relationship of
CARTS and IAMS in regard to this project would be in the future; the question
of ownership of the project was raised, but it was made clear that IAMS should
not press that issue. On the whole the Executive expressed gratitude for this
initiative and approves it.
John reported on
the development of the IAMS homepage which is functioning now rather well. The
aim of 1998 is to link the homepage with MISSION STUDIES, the Interest Groups,
and also open, if possible, some discussion groups on the internet. John
therefore requested all Executive members concerned to provide any
internet-related communication, which should be put on the web-side, to him
either by disk or by e-mail.
As to the
financial needs of DAB John reported that there would be an annual expenditure
of around GBP 55,- for the server etc., and a further need of GBP 30,- for
software; helpful would also be a scanner.
The Executive
thanked John for the huge amount of work he has put in to improve the
communication within and for IAMS; the financial requirements are valid and the
Treasury was requested to proved the necessary funds.
John raised as
an issue the authorization of authors when articles should not only be
published in the journal but also put on the homepage.
A further task
is to provide links with other organizations. Andrew suggested to put a list of
research projects on the homepage; we could ask our corporate members to
provide such information.
Women in Mission:
After mentioning
in MISSION STUDIES that we would like to have a fresh start with an Interest
Group on Women in Mission there was some response. Klaus reported that Jocelyn
Murray called and expressed her interest to do something with this issue; in
addition there is a young German scholar by name of Katja Heidemanns, working
with the Missiological Institute Mission in Aachen/Germany, who expressed her
interest in this field.
On the other
hand, there was a proposal from Kwang Soon Lee, President of the Korean Society
for Mission Studies, to establish a project on „Women in Mission“.
The Executive
felt very encouraged by these responses. The first round of discussion raised
the question whether these two responses, particularly the one from Germany and
the one from Korea could not be combined. However, in the course of discussion
it was felt that it might be better at this stage to establish a core group and
give the responsibility for the Interest Group to the Korean initiative. It was
then resolved that Chun Chae Ok should get in touch with Kwang Soon Lee and
work on the establishment of such an Interest Group which prepares the work on
Women in Mission for the South Africa Conference; Chun Chae Ok will serve as
moderator of the group and Kwang Soon Lee as the secretary.
On the other
hand, the issue of accessibility of an Interest Group for persons from other
regions than North East Asia was also raised; the international character of
IAMS should not be undermined.
As to the budget
for this group it was resolved that this group may use in 1998 the GBP 300,-
which are usually made available to Interest Groups on their request. Funds for
a small consultation – according to last year’s decision of the Executive – can
not be made available this year. IAMS can afford only one of those
consultations each year, and this time the among it assigned to BISAM.
The President
once again welcomed Steve and expressed the deep appreciation of the
Association for his willingness to serve as the new editor of MISSION STUDIES.
The Executive also congratulated Steve for all that already has been done in bringing
out the 1997 issue and prepare for the issues of 1998.
Steve then
presented a written report and introduced the new style guide and also the
system of contributing editors. The Executive approved on these new policies
and encouraged Steve’s attempts to strengthen the truly international character
of the journal. The budget that Steve presented was also approved and the
Treasury is requested to take care of the expenses Steve has already had to get
the work going.
The discussion
concentrated then on several issues; most of them would later referred to the
publication committee consisting of Steve, John and Tim, for further
should be accepted if they are consistent with the ethos of the Association;
particularly advertisements by corporate members should be accepted;
Though there is
agreement that we for the time being continue with the printing and mailing
from Germany, this issue needs further discussion; publishers in the US – for
example Orbis Books – may have difficulties to print and distribute the journal
on behalf of IAMS or need to have subsidies which we can not provide;
We need to look for
ways to raise the subscriptions for MISSION STUDIES;
There has to be some
research on a more appropriate way of payment for subscriptions; John suggested
that a credit card system would probably the easiest way for most subscribers
to pay for the journal.
As to the next
issues of MISSION STUDIES it was suggested to have one or two issues
concentrating on the theme of the conference as well as on the African context.
Willem suggested that also MISSIONALIA could bring out a special issue on
„Welcome to South Africa“.
9. Other IAMS publications
It was reported that the manuscript of a book coming from a BISAM project – „In Search of Renewed Biblical Hermeneutics for Mission Studies“ -, edited by John Pobee has been handed over to Bill Burrows of Orbis Books for publication. As yet there is no response from Orbis whether the book will be published by Orbis or not.
Klaus was requested to get in touch with Orbis Books and request them to publish this book; otherwise IAMS should look for a different publisher. Teresa is going to look through the manuscript for any corrections etc.
10. IAMS relations
10.1. Relation to the newly formed „International Association of Catholic Missiologists“ (IACM)
Klaus reported
on further information from Rome about the formation of IACM. Meanwhile, a
press release has been issued, and IAMS was also requested to publish this
notice in MISSION STUDIES. On the whole, the letter from the IAMS Secretariat
to IACM and to the Deans of the Missiological Faculties of the Urbaniana and
Gregoriana Universities have been on a very friendly level. The responses from
Rome assured IAMS that one does not want to establish a rival or parallel
association but to foster and stimulate missiological reflection and research
among Catholic scholars; many of them are not members of IAMS anyhow.
In the
discussion of this development Paulo suggested that Catholic members of IAMS
should also be in touch with IACM; it is better to participate in this venture
than to boycott it.
After some
further discussion it was then resolved to send a letter of the IAMS President
to the responsible persons of IACM in Rome, informing them about our interest
in a partnership and in friendly relations. We also should seek opportunities
for a dialogue, and should perhaps hold the next meeting of the Executive
Committee in Rome.
Relations to regional meetings of IAMS membership („IAMS-Europe“)
Klaus reported
on the initiative of Jan Jongeneel and the Nordic Institute of Missionary and
Ecumenical Research (NIME) to hold a European Conference of IAMS members next
August in Stavanger. In the background of this initiative was a suggestion of
the European Regional meeting during the Buenos Aires Conference to have a
regional IAMS meeting between the international IAMS conferences. – Meanwhile,
notices of this Stavanger Conference with a tentative program have been sent
from Norway to IAMS members in Europe. And Klaus has expressed concern to the
initiators that inviting for a conference in the name of IAMS causes confusion
if the Executive has not approved this.
After some
discussion it was made clear that there is indeed a problem when people
initiative something in the name of IAMS. On the other hand there is a genuine
concern of European IAMS members to meet; we should not object to that but
rather encourage it and render assistance as much as possible. This development
can even strengthen IAMS, but it must be made clear that it is not a IAMS
Klaus is
requested to write to Jan Jongeneel and others accordingly; the Executive
welcomes that the Secretary is also attending the Stavanger meeting. If
possible, Graham also should represent the Executive at that meeting; a subsidy
of GBP 300,- will be made available for Graham towards his travel expenses etc.
Relation to Corporate Members
Klaus recalled
the initiative of CWM to request IAMS in assisting the corporate members in
their missiological reflection and study. Due to time constrains nothing much
has happened yet, but the Executive should put this concern before the
Conference and also seek some information on the needs of other corporate
Location of the IAMS Secretariat beyond the year 2000
Klaus reported
about ongoing restructuring discussions within the office of EMW and the
churches in Germany in general. In the light of the necessity to reduce staff
and since Klaus already had to take up additional responsibilities within the
EMW office it will not be possible to continue to host the IAMS Secretariat
with EMW after the next Conference. In addition, sometime after 2000 Klaus is
going to leave EMW, and at the latest then it will not be possible to assign –
after Joachim Wietzke and Klaus Schaefer – another person with responsibility
for IAMS. As yet, the matter has been discussed only informally by the EMW
Board, but a formal decision on this issue is expected to be taken sometime in
early 1999. The support of the cause of IAMS and contributions towards the
conferences etc. will certainly continue, according to the capacity of EMW.
In the light of this development, which is
regretted very much by Klaus who can not devote as much time anymore to IAMS as
previously, and in anticipation of a decision of the EMW Board the Executive is
requested to begin thinking about an alternative place for hosting the
Secretariat. Klaus suggested that some informal inquiry should start already
during 1998; by the time of the Conference one should have arrived at a
solution so that the Conference as the general assembly of IAMS can approve of
a new location of the Secretariat and the Secretary.
The Executive
Committee accepted this information with the expression of gratitude to EMW for
the support rendered over the last 15 years, but also with regret about the new
It was further
resolved not to announce this new situation yet or call officially for any
suggestions etc. One should rather proceed in an informal way and begin to talk
to institutions and persons which might be in a position to take the
Secretariat over.
Some of the
possibilities which need to be explored were mentioned:
Seeds, Rome;
Center for Global
Ministries, Chicago (Richard Bleeps);
CWM, London;
Mary Knoll;
NIME in one of the
Scandinavian countries;
Some Catholic
institution in India;
Institutions in Dublin, Ireland.
IAMS Archives
Since this
matter is also related to a change of the Secretariat it was postponed to one
of the next meetings.
Membership Issues
Applications for Membership:
The following
persons were accepted as new individual
members of IAMS:
Dr. Nico Botha, Pretoria, South Africa;
Dr. Andreas D'Souza, Hyderabad, India;
Dr. Ulrich Dehn, Berlin, Germany;
Rev. Line Folaumoeloa, Suva, Fiji;
Dr. Michael Griffiths, Guilford,
Dr. Christina Kayales, Wobbelbüll,
Dr. Dennis R. Lindsay, Birmingham, England;
Dr. Tiyiko Sam Maluleke, Pretoria, South
Rev. Dr. Gnana Robinson, Bangalore,
Dr. Jörg Schnellbach, Filderstadt,
Dr. Roger Schroeder SVD, Chicago, USA;
Bishop Ernest W. Talibuddin, Serampore,
Dr. Charles W. Weber, Wheaton, USA;
Dr. Frans Wijsen, Nijmwegen,
Mr. John Casson, Cambridge, England;
Rev. Valentin Dedji, Cambridge, England;
Dr. Winrich Löhr, Cambridge, England;
Dr. Brian Stanley, Cambridge, England;
Dr. Andreas Feldtkeller, Heidelberg,
Rev. Dr. Dietrich Werner,
Missionsakademie, Hamburg, Germany;
Dr. Katja Heidemanns, Missiological
Institute Missio, Aachen, Germany;
Rev. Dr. Sin Hong Kim, Seoul, Korea;
Prof. Dr. Soo-Il Chai, Chonan, Korea;
Prof. Ki-Young Hong, Chonan, Korea;
Prof. Dr. Eum-Soo Kim, Chon-Ju, Korea;
Prof. Dr. Hee-Mo Yim, Chonbuk, Korea.
As corporate members were accepted:
The United Theological College (UTC),
Bangalore, India;
The Korean Society for Mission Studies,
As associate members were accepted:
Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Birmingham,
Rev. Valentin Dedji, Cambridge, England;
Fr. Franz Xaver Scheuerer, Bangalore,
Rev. Graeme Richard Smith, Birmingham,
Rev. Andrea Z. Stephanous, Cairo, Egypt;
Mrs. Annalet van Schalwyk, Pretoria,
South Africa;
Not accepted was:
Samuel Joe, Monrovia, Liberia;
Membership Campaign
The Executive
again pointed out the need for a membership campaign. Application forms etc.
should be put on the homepage.
But a strategic
move to have a meeting in Eastern Europe etc., as considered during the last
Executive meeting, is not possible at this stage.
Dropping of members/reminders on membership fees etc.
Andrew presented
a list with names of those members who have not paid for the last three years.
It was resolved simply to drop these persons from the membership rolls; the
have not responded yet to several reminders and should therefore not be
reminded again.
Date and place of next Executive Meeting
Chun Chae Ok
invited the Executive to have its next meeting in Korean; another suggestion –
and actually invitation – came from South Africa. However, due to financial
reasons it was resolved not to have the meeting somewhere in the far East or
The first choice
for a meeting should be Rome, because that would give an opportunity to meet
with people of IACM. If that is not possible one could have the meeting
somewhere in the U.S.A.
The dates of the
meeting are January 27 (dinner) –
January 31 (after lunch); the place will be Rome.
Miscellaneous: Appreciation for EMW
The meeting
closed with an expression of gratitude and thanks for EMW. It was particularly
expressed that IAMS is grateful for providing for our accommodation and
granting us hospitality during our annual meeting, for the current provision of
the IAMS secretariat, and for the grant towards the next conference in 2000 in
South Africa.
September 1998
Klaus Schäfer