KS.IAMS.Minutes99.doc                                              Uncomplete draft



International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS)



M i n u t e s

of the Executive Committee Meeting,

27. to 31. January 1999 in Rome



Present:    Chun Chae Ok (President), Paulo Suess, Andrew Kirk, Tim Huffman, Teresa Okure, Jerjes Ruiz, Graham Kings, Stephen B. Bevans, Joy Thomas, Klaus Schäfer



1. Welcome and „warming up“


The meeting started on Wednesday, January 27, in the evening. - The President, Prof. Chun Chae Ok, welcomed the members of the Executive Committee who all had been able to come to the meeting.This time only the Executive members proper were invited to the meeting.


2. Finalizing the agenda


The agenda was basically accepted as prepared by the secretary. The sequence of items may differ according to the availability of time. The minutes will be recorded in sequence of the discussions and resolutions.


As additional item was included a meeting with Prof. Sebastian Karotemprel of the Urbaniana University and current President of the International Association of Catholic Missiologists (IACM). This meeting and a visit in the Urbaniana University was scheduled for 28th, afternoon.



3. Minutes of the last Executive meeting (28.1.-2.2.98 in Hamburg)


The minutes were received with appreciation for their completeness. However, there were various typing mistakes, particularly as names are concerned. The secretary took note of the corrections and will do a fresh print-out of the minutes for the files.


Regarding matters arising it was noted that all relevant items will appear again in the agenda of the present Executive meeting.



4 Report on the European Missiological Conference


Klaus reported on his participation on the Regional European Missiological Conference which had taken place from August 14-17 in the School for Mission and Theology in Stavanger, Norway.


The idea of such a regional missiological conference had sprung up from the European Regional meeting of the IAMS Buenos Aires conference where Europeans responded to the proposal of Jan Jongeneel. NIME now functioned as host for the conference and provided a platform for missiological reflection on a European level.


The main thematic focus on the conference was on the challenge of religious pluralism in Europe. Besides the theme there was also discussion on further networking of missiologists in Europe, particularly also with Eastern Europe. Already existing links between Universities - for example regarding common research programmes - need to be strengthend and, if possible, being expanded. As a further step for such networking and moving into the realisation of the new European reality also for mission studies it was suggested to compile a Directory of missiological institutions in Europe for which Jan Jongeneel will take responsibility.


It was also suggested to have a regional European missiological conference every four years, that is between the international conferences of IAMS. A secretariat or any administrative structure, however, should not be established. Rather one regional/national body concerned with missiological studies - such as NIME - should take responsibility and invite the others - and the European IAMS members - to such a conference. The venue for the next conference of this type might be Leipzig, Germany, on the invitation of the German Society for Mission Studies (DGMW). Further discussion and then a final decision should be taken during the regional European meeting of the forthcoming IAMS Conference in South Africa.


A report on the Stavanger conference for MISSION STUDIES is supposed to be written by Miika Ruokanen from Helsinki.




5. Future of the IAMS Secretariat


Klaus reports about the ongoing restructuring process in EMW. The reduction of staff in the EMW office, along with a still growing work load for the staff people and the necessity of EMW to respond to new challenges for the churches in Germany, make it very difficult for EMW to continue to host the Secretariat in Hamburg. As yet, the EMW Board has only reflected on the emergence of the necessary determination of hosting the IAMS Secretariat in Hamburg; a decision has not been taken yet.


Meanwhile, various Executive members have made inquiries with possible partner organisations which might be able to take up the responsibility for the IAMS Secretariat.


Klaus reports about informal discussions of this matter with representatives of NIMO during the Stavanger Conference and with representatives of SAMS in South Africa. Steve reported about informal talks with SEDOS in Rome as well as with Anne Reiser of Maryknoll and the Chicago Centre for Global Ministries.


In these discussions it emerged that SEDOS would definitely not be ready to take any responsibility for the IAMS Secretariat at this time. The Chicago Centre also reacted rather reluctant and raised particularly the issues of financial commitment and time factor going along with the responsibility for the Secretariat. In South Africa there is actually a great interest, but also a heavy involvement in restructuring processes at the Universities which don´t seem to leave space for taking up the responsibility for IAMS. While one can explore further the chances to locate the Secretariat in one of the Scandinavian countries, the best option seems to be to engage in further negotiations with Maryknoll. The aim must be an attempt to professionalize the running of the office and also the distribution of the journal.


It was resolved then that there should be a priority list for further negotiations with suitable institutions:


1. Option: Maryknoll,

2. Option: NIMO,

3. Option: A Catholic institute in India.


Involved in further negotiations should be the President of IAMS, Steve, and Klaus. A decision for moving the Secretariat ought to be prepared by this group and then proposed by the Executive and finally sanctioned by the membership of IAMS assembled at the Conference.



6. IAMS Archives


Klaus reported on the amount of IAMS files which have accumulated during the years and are currently being kept at the IAMS Secretariat in Hamburg. In view of shifting the Secretariat it was suggested to locate the IAMS files as an IAMS Archive in one central place where the material is easily accessible for students.


It was resolved that the archivist of EMW should make an assessment of the amount of files, and that the material, which is not needed for the running of the Secretariat, should be moved to the library of Selly Oak Colleges in Birmingham.



7. Meeting with Prof. Sebastian Karotemprel, President of IACM at the Urbaniana University; review of the meeting









9. Conference Planning


The discussion on the forthcoming conference started off with a report by Klaus of the recent SAMS Conference last week in Pretoria. Klaus participated in this Conference and presented a paper on the theme of the IAMS Conference and also had a discussion with representatives of the local organising committee.


Then the discussion focused on various areas of the conference programme.


Worship life of the Conference:


The responsibility for the worship life during the Conference should rest with the Worship Committee. Chairperson of the Worship Committee: Sr. Madge Kareki, Pretoria.

Other people from among the participants of the conference should additionally be invited to the Worship Committee; one has to observe denominational (for example also orthodox) as well as regional/continental balance and input.


There are certain areas of work for the Worship Committee and also some guidelines for the worship life:


Opening Worship: The  Secretary should issue an invitation to Dr. Frank Chikane to give a sermon in the opening worship and also to welcome the participants to South Africa.


The preparation for the worship rests with the Worship Committee.


Closing Worship: Since the representatives from SAMS raised some concern regarding the celebration of the Holy Communion it was felt that there are still some sentiments which have to be clarified. The Executive would certainly like to have a Eucharist according to the tradition of IAMS. It was suggested that John Pobee, now an Anglican Bishop in Ghana, is going to preside over the Eucharist; one of the former IAMS Presidents, who will be present - for instance Arnulf Camps, Joan Shettfield - should be invited to deliver the sermon.


Morning Devotions: The Worship Committee should design the character and type of morning devotions. There should certainly be a special African flavour, but also contributions from other continents. - The scripture readings might be taken from Jesus-Stories of the Gospels, portraying various “Images of Jesus”.





The organisation of the Celebration on the concluding evening of the conference should be left to the local committee in South Africa. The Celebration should certainly have an African flavour. This Celebration may also be the occasion to invite local church representatives to join the conference.


It would be wonderful if Nelson Mandela will be able to greet the conference during that stage (invitation through the Secretary in cooperation with Willem). According to the convenience of Nelson Mandela the Celebration may be shifted to some other time during the conference.



Plenary Speakers:


The plenary speakers have not been contacted yet. The Executive made some readjustment regarding the preference of possible speakers:


1. Presentation: Ft. Chandrakanthan, Sir Lanka/Canada - Asian perspective;

2. presentation: Dr. Eleazar Lopes, Mexico - Latin American (indigenous) perspective;

3. presentation: Dr. Isabel Phiri, South Africa/Malawi - African perspective.


All three speakers should take up the overall theme, but then concentrate on a special focus which is regional (see above) as well as thematic; the first presentation is supposed to dwell on “the broken world” and “Christ crucified”, the second one on “the broken world” and “Christ living”, the third one on the overall emphasis of “Reflecting Jesus Christ”.


Reflector: The first choice for the task of a reflector ist Prof. Walter Wink, the second choice is Prof. Miroslav Volf. The reflector is supposed to prepare and present the conference document at the end of the conference and may also give interventions during the conference.



Mission Study Groups:


Klaus reports on the preparation for the “Mission Study Groups”. Not many have as yet given their consent to serve as a facilitator of a Mission Study Group. The list of Mission Study Groups and facilitators looks as follows:


1. Christology: Contextual Theologies in Dialogues - Kwame Bediako;

2. Healing: Reflecting the Healing and Reconciling Christ - Godelievé Prové;

3. Women: The Crucified Christ: Living in the Gifts of Women in Mission - Kang Sun Lee;

4. Communication: Reflecting Christ Comtemporary Communication and Media - John          Roxborogh;

5. Church and State: Reflecting Christ in the Encounter with the Nation State - Jerjes Ruiz;

6. Ethnic/Racial Conflicts: Christ Crucified and Living in the Contexts of Ethnic and Racial Conflict - Jean Marc Ela;

7. Bible in Mission: Rediscovering Christ Crucified and Living: Biblical Hermeneutics - Teresa Okure;

8. Modernity and Christian Faith: Modernity and Christian Mission: The Mutual Challenge - Miikka Ruokanen;

9. Spirituality: Christ and the Quests for Spiritual Fulfillment - Paulo Suess;

10. History: Christ Crucified and Living in the History of Christian Mission: The First Millenium - Graham Kings;

11. History: Christ Crucified and Living in the History of Christian Mission: The Second Millenium - Dana Robert;

12. Economics and Justice: Christ Crucified and Living in Oppressed and Dispossessed People - Molefe Tsele;

13. Other Faiths: Reflecting Christ with Neighbors of Other Faiths - Andreas D´Souza;

14. African Indigenous Churches: African Indigenous Churches and Pentecostalism - Allan Anderson;

15. Ecology: The Greening of Christian Mission - Jacklyn Cock/W. Saayman/I. Daneel

16. Eschatology: Reflecting Christ at the Turn of the Millenium - Robert J. Schreiter.


There are three things which are expected of the facilitator of a Mission Study Group:


1. The person should write a short text of appoximately 300 words (1 page) to stimulate reflection about the theme of the workshop; this brief text is meant for publication in the IAMS journal MISSION STUDIES and should be sent to the Editor of Mission Studies as soon as possible, but not later than 1. Juni 1999.


2. The facilitator of a Mission Study Group should then make available for the work in the group about three to four short texts which again stimulate reflection and discussion in the sessons of the Mission Study Groups; any longer papers should not be presented in Mission Study Groups.


3. To compile during or shortly after the Conference a report on the work of the Mission Study Group, to be published in the first issue of MISSION STUDIES in the year 2000; this report has to be sent to the Editor not later than 1. March 2000.



Exposure Programme:


The local committee is going to identify programmes, projects, churches, etc. which can be visited during the Exposure Programme. It will be important to identify also local people who serve as contact persons and dialogue partners for the various groups who are going on an Exposure. The local committee in South Africa is requested to categorize areas of exposure so that people already, when they receive the confirmation letter, may be able to reflect on their particular choice or even sign up for a specific area of exposure


It was stressed that the Exposure Programme is a very essential aspect for the success of the Conference.



Bible Study:


As resolved already last year, the Bible Studies will not be conducted by a Bible Study leader in the plenary. Bible Studies take place in small groups of 10 to 12 people. The biblical passages for the two sessions are Mt. 17 and 2. Cor. 3 and 4.


However, it was resolved to invite Anselm Prior, South Africa, to give some orientation for the discussion in the Bible Study groups and provide some material for the group study. This material should help to stimulate a lively and interactive way of study.



Research Projects:


It was reaffirmed that the South Africa Conference will not have separate sessions on Forum Papers. It was decided to work on following guidelines to deal with the wish to present research projects:


Major Research Projects: The time slot allotted to oral presentations on “Research Projects” should be confined to major research project and not to research projects of individuals.


Individual Research Projects/Papers: Nevertheless, many participants may want to and even need to - because of travel grants from Universities - present individual research papers. This should actually be encouraged. It was felt that there are various ways of receiving those research papers:


1. The research papers, which give an account of a persons current or recent research, will be received in paper (and also on a disc) during the Conference and actually be displayed on a table for people who are interested. Some of those papers may also be published in MISSION STUDIES, and perhaps it is possible to present everything we receive on the IAMS Web Side for further distribution.


2. For creating an opportunity to network with other colleagues about specific areas of research it was suggested to establish a major “Research Exchange Notice Board” somewhere in the Conference Centre where short notes are displayed on various topics of interest. The confirmation letter should already have a form where people might provide some information about their current research or interest, and these forms may be pinned at the Notice Board.


It was resolved to have two people in charge of the Research Reporting: Graham Kings and Joy Thomas; Steve Bevans will be in conversation with those persons who would like to have their paper published in MISSION STUDIES.



Regional Meetings:


The conference schedule has provisions for two regional meetings. The programme sheets says that the first regional meeting should focus on sharing on the conference theme from a regional perspective, and the second one should be assigned to regional business matters (regarding elections, strengthening of mission studies in the region, future cooperation, identity of IAMS etc.). However, these two areas of discussion should not be divided so strictuly. The first regional meeting must already take up issues related to the election process (see below top “elections” on the agenda).


The regional meetings will be facilitated by the IAMS Executive members.



Optional sessions:


There are two suggestions for additional sessions, and the Executive resolved to add them to the conference agenda:


Panel of Editors of Missiological Journals:

Such a panel, which had already taken place during earlier IAMS conference, was suggested by Gerald Anderson. The aim is to bring together editors of various journals, to discuss the identity of each journal, to reflect on the scope of cooperation between journals and of specific character and contribution of each of the journals, help young scholars to find contacts for publishing their articles etc. Gerald Anderson is going to prepare the panel and will also moderate it.


Missiology in the Theological Faculty:

During the SAMS conference it was suggested to have a special meeting of missiological scholars involved in teaching, development of curricula etc. at Universities. The aim is to have some exchange and try to enhance the significance - and also the cooperation - of teaching missiology in the Theological Faculties. The friends from SAMS who suggested this topic will be requested to prepare such a session and also moderate it.


These additional, optinal sessions will be scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday evening, after dinner. If the celebration needs to be moved ahead in the programme, we will have one of the optional sessions on Thursday.



Conference Budget:


Andrew presented the figures of the Conference Budget for the South Africa Conference. According to grants - already received or in form of pledges - the income for the Conference shows the following figures:


Donations and grants in GBP:   49850.00

                                        (for comparison: for the Buenos Aires Conference: GBP 80038,28);


payments in US $:       14794.00 (= 9132.00 GBP)

                                        (for comparison: for the Buenos Aires Conference: US $ 20700.00).


The figures show a decrease of income for the organisation of the Conference, compared with the situation of the Buenos Aires Conference. Even though there was some amount remaining from the Buenos Aires Conference, which the donors permitted to use for the general work of IAMS (investments held by the end of 1998 amount to GBP 40.000,-), one has to monitor the financial situation closely.


Regarding the expected expenses for the Conference the following figures were given:


        Accomodation (including meals) for seven days:    US $ 324,-

                (break-up: accomodation per day per person SA Rand: 253,-;

                        daily fee:  SA R. 155,-   =    US $  26,-

breakfast: SA R.  19,95  =   US $    3,33;

                        dinner:     SA R.   78,-    =   US $  13,-


This calculation reckons with 200 people, an exchange rate of 1 US $ = 6 Rand and also with 10 % inflation. It would then amount to a daily rate of US $ 42,33 (+ 10 % = 46,56); the total costs for accomodation would amount to US $ 376,- per person.


In addition there are some expenses for the exposure programme, for translation facilities etc.


In the light of these figures it was resolved to fix the charges for participants at the following rate:


        Total amount: US $ 480,-

        (break-up: US $ 100,- for Conference fee, US $ 380,- for accomodation).


The allotment of subsidy for travel and accomodation will be finalized by the office bearers of IAMS. Special attention has to be paid to the participants from South Africa. The following guidelines should be observed:


- IAMS is sponsoring the full participation (accomodation, conference fee) of 15 members of the local organising committee of SAMS;

- all members of SAMS should be encouraged to participate in the Conference;

- we should identify some key people of African Instituted Churches whose participation is being sponsored by IAMS;

- if people come to the Conference and want to have daily meals we charge them US $ 25,-;

- we expect people, if possible, to attend the whole Conference; some concessions have to be made for people from South Africa, particularly if they look for possibilities to stay outside the Conference Centre (the charge of US $ 150,- was suggested).


In conclusion it was stressed that further appeals for grants from various agencies should be made (for example Missio/Aachen, SVD/St. Augustin, CSM etc.).



Organisational Matters:




There should be translation into French and Spanish. Since hiring of professional translaters is a too costly affair, it was resolved to request friends from South Africa to engage some young people with the translation business and pay them some money. The issue of translation equipment has to be checked; the equipment which was taken from Buenos Aires to Birmingham is probably not suitable for South Africa.


Book Display:

 It is expected that again book publishers would like to display their publications and also sell them during the Conference. This should be encouraged, but the scope of publishers has to be widened beyond Orbis Books. It may be helpful to invite additional publishers, for example also from India and particularly from Africa (Clusters Publication, Pauline Press). - Addresses of publishing houses should be given to the Secretary to issue an invitation.


Information Board:

There should be a big board in the lobby or at some central place to share information amoung the Conference participants. It also would be good to have every day a conference bulletin.


Informations about South Africa:

The letter of confirming the participation in the Conference should also provide information about the expected weather condition in South Africa for end of January, about medication, about a contact address in South Africa, about Visa problems, about the way to get to the Conference Centre etc. - Also the timings of the arrival of people should be given to the local committee.




10. Election process





11. Revision of the IAMS Constitution



12. Reports from the IAMS Interest Groups




13. IAMS Finances




14. Membership issues


Applications for Membership


The following persons were accepted as new individual members of IAMS:


        Dr. Allan H. Anderson, Birmingham, U.K.;

        Dr. Thomas J. Ascheman, SVD, Rome, Italy;

        Mr. Ioan N. Balaj, Malawi;

        Ft. Stuart Clifton Bate, Hilton, South Africa;

        Rev. Klaus J. Burckhardt, Braunschweig, Germany;

        Mr. John Casson, Birmingham, U.K.;

        Rev. Dr. Keith Davies, Manchester, U.K.;

        Joseph Denge Galgalo, Cambridge, U.K.;

        Dr. Roland Gierth, Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany;

        Dr. Gudrun Löwner, New Delhi, India;

        Mrs. Kirsten Kim, Cambridge, U.K.;

        Rev. Sebastian Kim, Cambridge, U.K.;

        Mr. Joseph Tse Hei Lee, London, U.K. (on condition of receiving recommendations);

        Sr. Daphne Norden, London, U.K.;

        Dr. Joern Henrik Olsen, Copenhagen, Denmark;

        Rev. Dr. John Malowyn Parry, Manchester, U.K.;

        Rev. Jeremy Pemberton, Cambridge, U.K.;

        Ft. Anselm Prior, Delmenville, South Africa;

        Sr. Sue Rakoczy, Pretoria, South Africa;

        Mrs. Catherine Rae Ross, Auckland, New Zealand;

        Rev. Prof. Kenneth R. Ross, Edinburgh, U.K.;

        Ft. Lazar Stanslaus SVD, Pune, India;




The following applications are still pending due to lack of information or documentation:


        Rev. Carlos Ribeiro Caldas Filho, Brazil;

        Rev. Stanley Davies, London, U.K.;

        Rev. Celestine Ik. Odogwu, Gambia;

        Rev. Thilenga Kabala Emmanuel, Congo/South Africa;


The following persons were not accepted as IAMS members:


        Canon John Francis Edge, Oswestry, U.K.;

        Rev. Emmanuel Kwabena Frimpong, London, U.K.;



The following institution was accepted as corporate member of IAMS:


        School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, Norway;





15. Dates of Executive Committee Meetings


There will be no full Executive meeting before the Conference. However, regarding matters of acceptance of new members there should be a telefone conference of Executive members. The best date for it would be some time between 19.-23. July.


The allocation of travel grants for the conference should be done through e-mail correspondence - for comments from Executive members - and then through the decision of Chun Chae Ok, Andrew and Klaus.


Then, there should be an Executive meeting just before the conference. Executive members are supposed to arrive in South Africa on Wednesday, 19th January; a meeting, along with representatives of the local committee, is then scheduled for the morning of 20th January 2000 in the Conference Centre.


Executive members should also be aware of a short meeting of the old and newly elected Executive committee towards the end of the Conference.





Klaus Schäfer