Minutes of the Executive Meeting

The International Association for Mission Studies

The Maryknoll House, 39 st, New York City

25-30. January 2001



Officers: Paulo Suess (PS) (President); Darrell Whiteman (DW); Andrew Kirk (AK); Stephen Bevans (SB); Birger Nygaard (BN)

Other executive members: Emilio Monti (EM); Klaus Schäfer (KS); William Boroughs (WB); Cathy Ross (CR); present.

From Interest Groups: John Roxborogh (JR)

From the secretariat: Jonas Jørgensen



Christopher Oshun – due to visa problems


The executive meeting took place in the New York City Maryknoll House, 121 East 39th Street. The committee meeting started at 8.30 AM, Friday Jan. 26 and concluded at 9PM, Monday, Jan. 29. The committee was in business sessions for approximately 23 hours.


Friday afternoon the executive met with local mission leaders for a session where Dr. Lamin Sanneh, Yale Divinity School shared on his most recent book, “Abolitionists Abroad”



1.      Welcome, “warming up” and getting to know each other

IAMS President, Paulo Suess opened the meeting with devotion and welcomed everyone. As a number of committee members were new, time was allowed for each participant to share personal and professional history.



2.      Finalizing the Agenda

The Agenda and a number of papers had been mailed to the executive in advance. The agenda was accepted without comments.



3.      Minutes of the latest Executive Meetings (Rome 1999 and South Africa 2000)

Minutes from the last full executive meeting in Rome 1999 were accepted at the South Africa executive meeting, January 2000.


Minutes from the last, short executive meeting in South Africa, January 2000 were accepted. The complete minutes will be mailed together with minutes from the 2001 meeting.


Minutes from the South Africa General Assembly will be published in Mission Studies.



4.      Evaluation of the South Africa Conference, January 2000

The following documents formed the basis for the evaluation:

    Report of Conference Listening Committee

    Summary of participant evaluations

    List of participants

    List of participant distribution by country

    Executive evaluation comments from the 1996 Buenos Aires conference


The Executive made a number of general comments to the SA Conference:

    “the best conference ever”

    a clear key to the success of the conference was the very able and active local committee

    the exposure program of very high quality

    program timing was well balanced – time to relate to each other

    both the food and the accommodation were good and sufficient

    the remote location created good fellowship throughout the conference

    the theme of the conference was partly addressed in various papers and in the plenaries

    the mission study groups were unequal in size and this could be better structured

    the focused questions for the work and study groups seemed to work well

    the number of plenary addresses (3+1) seemed to work well. However, it should be considered to give some more substantial presentations

    in some of the study groups the moderators spent most of the time sharing their own ideas.

    the forum of editors of the mission journals worked very well

    the research reporting was good though too short

    worship was divided according to denominational lines, which reflected the South African reality and can be seen both as strength and a weakness. The conference usually ends with communion worship, but this was not the case in South Africa. It is felt that the conference should end with a communion

    some reports have been included in European missiological journals


The following can be considered for the next conference:


    translation from and to English need consideration

    speakers should be able to give plenary addresses in one of the main languages, not just English

    (though it should be expected that members should be able to read the major European languages

    it must be visible in the programme that other than English speaking persons will benefit from the conference



    plenaries must seek to be in multiple languages – workshops could be monolingual.

    it would be ideal if plenary papers are sent to participants in advance or published on the web site.

    plenary speakers with be very best communication abilities should be given priority

    speakers must be directed not just to “read papers” but also to focus on making plenaries rhetoric events

    plenary speakers must be given very clear directions on length, words, language, and time. And speakers must be stopped if they go on for longer than planned. Papers must be submitted to organizers in advance for control

    “meet the speaker” sessions should be provided each afternoon in order to follow up on challenges given in plenaries



    on the basis of the theme: call for topical workgroup papers in advance. The best of these could then be selected for workshops at the conference – OR: ask of participant interests and make the programme according to them

    be specifically aware of the cross section of people that are invited to write papers for workshops

    Focus on unequal distribution of participants in workshops

    Interest Groups could be involved in the process of deciding and planning the topics within their sphere of interest

    The IAMS Manual should develop clear guidelines on leading and facilitating study-groups

    Only select those for moderation, who are known to be able to do the job in a satisfactory way

    Take time for a briefing with workshop leaders before they lead

    All executive members should be workshop facilitators

    Only 8 of 12 workshop reports are received. In order to make sure that the leaders of the study groups submit their reports, expenses should not be reimbursed until the report has been submitted



    Executive, main speakers, workshop facilitators, SA participants were subsidized

    Emphasis should be given to those who have not been at a conference previously



    The local committee needs to be in touch with local news media for coverage

    A priority that all participants are accommodated in the same place

    No problem with simple accommodation

    Don’t divide worship along denominational lines

    Give priority to concluding communion service


In conclusion the Executive expressed deep gratitude to SAMS and the local committee for all their work, which were so important to the success of the conference.



5.      IACM AND IAMS Relations

The following documents formed the basis for the discussion:

    Memo by Birger Nygaard from his participation in the IACM Conference in Rome, 17-21. Oct. 2000

    Official IACM First Plenary Assembly Report


The first General Assembly of IACM indicated that there would be proper room for both IAMS and IACM – and a proper division of profile and tasks. It is yet to be seen how IACM will develop its work. But IAMS wants to maintain a meaningful relationship with IACM. It was therefore resolved that

    The IAMS secretary should do his best to secure general cordial relations to the IACM secretary

    IAMS should extend a general invitation to IAMS membership

    IACM should be informed on major IAMS decisions

    IACM should be invited to share important news with IAMS

    There should be reciprocity in invitations to conferences

    IAMS welcomes IACM members to submit articles for publication in Mission Studies

    IACM will be presented on the IAMS web site.


Co-sponsorship of an upcoming DAB conference is already in process. This joint conference will provide experience on possibilities for similar future co-sponsorships of events.



6.  IAMS Identity Issues

The following documents gave inspiration to the discussion:

    John Roxborogh issue paper: “Reflections on the Future Direction of IAMS”

    Memo by Birger Nygaard: Challenges to IAMS regarding global sharing of missiological/theological resources (with memo’s from meetings with Yale and Princeton Librarians)

    Memo by Birger Nygaard: Future Sharing of Missiological Knowledge – Missiological Journals


As a number of executive members were new in the committee, a fairly thorough assessment of history, status and future of IAMS was undertaken.


First a SWOT analysis on IAMS strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats was undertaken. Some keywords from this discussion were the following:


Strengths: a long history, relatively; a good name – its membership means something; academic credibility; interdisciplinary; global nature – geographically and denominationally; ecumenical; the journal; a structure for facilitating and creating networks; lack of ideological agenda; a believing community.


Weaknesses: weak global coverage; lack of ideological agenda; financial weakness/ vulnerability; low activity level (at least in terms of visibility); loose structure – somewhat inoperative network; not reflecting current developments sufficiently (e.g. growth of Third World Christianity); mono-linguistic


Opportunities: catching up with the Third World growth; dealing with common global issues; network hub for numerous projects; extend ministry to “field missiologists”; new electronic opportunities; theological curricula where missiology will become increasingly essential both in North and South


Threats: inability to become truly global; financial strains; becoming secondary/dispensable due to lack of vision and initiative


Features of the world of 1970 and today were discussed:


1970 – The world when IAMS was created

• Postcolonial situation

• 1971 Gutierrez’ book

• Vatican II - Lausanne 1974 - WCC Nairobi – Medellin 1968 – 1961 IMC to WCC

• Moratorium

• Redefine missiology – not just “do mission work” but be in touch with other disciplines

• From “History of Mission” into engagement


2001 – Where are we now?

• 3rd world church majority – but need for mental and physical multi polar transformation

• Globalization/glocalization – WWW

• Development of Pentecostalism

• The agendas of disparate worlds

• “Partnership in mission” – studies / facilitation role

• Prophetically dealing with globalisation neo-liberalism issues – voice of the poor, indigenous


Then the objectives of IAMS were spelled out and scrutinized with a view to see what IAMS is already doing, where it can be critiqued, and what new challenges should be addressed. Power Point summaries of this exercise are enclosed as APPENDIX A.


The discussion included the following general remarks:

    An association like IAMS has to re-invent itself all the time

    The theological climate has changed a lot since the emergence of IAMS in the 1970’s and the church is no longer centred in the Western countries, but has become multi-polar. The new “glo-cal” situation forces us to rethink missiology as well as to make IAMS members aware of the necessity of communication of missiological reflection beyond the members themselves, i.e. to “the general public”

    There is a need for a truly global network of missiologists. So IAMS has good reasons to stress its international and global nature: IAMS gives missiologists the opportunity to plug into the wider network. One way of making IAMS a truly global network is to promote IAMS to members of other missiological associations

    It must also be considered how IAMS can provide something for those who are always the looser when it comes to access to information, i.e. Third World missiologists

    The social issues must continuously be on the agenda and the research activities of missiologists

    They have to respond to the challenges of the world

    The core problems in missiology must be pointed out


Finally the secretary presented some of his components to an IAMS strategy for 2001-2004. Power point summary of these suggestions is enclosed as APPENDIX B. From this list the executive gave priority to the following immediate tasks:

  1. Cataloguing member research interests
  2. Setting up a credit card payment system
  3. Construction of a new members database
  4. Lapsed members campaign
  5. New members campaign


Funding for the above projects was secured when deciding on the budget for 2001 (see #11. below). The secretariat will include these projects in its work plan for 2001-2002.


In response to recommendations in JR’s paper on commissioning a history of IAMS, KS kindly agreed to write such a history within a year. KS also agreed to update the present Wietzke IAMS historical sketch, which needs updating from 1993-2000.


Memos by Birger Nygaard on Challenges to IAMS regarding global sharing of missiological/theological resources (with memos from meetings with Yale and Princeton Librarians) were not dealt with at the meeting. The PADOH conference (see #7.1) is asked to seek to include perspectives from these memos for its upcoming conference. And the issues can be dealt with at the next executive meeting.



7. IAMS Interest Groups


    2 DAB Report (Report on the period April 1996 to January 20 and Report to IAMS Executive January 2001)

    Documentation and Archives for Mission: Proposed IAMS-IACM Conference Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome, July 8-13,2002

    BISAM Report

    Healing Report


Reports from DAB, BISAM and Healing were received with thanks.


There was discussion on the continued role of interest Groups in IAMS. It was pointed out that the fact than only 4-5 interest groups existed might miscommunicate to members that these were preferred study subjects in IAMS. That is not the case. And it would be very positive if several clusters of members choose to make visible their research interests and projects as IAMS interest groups. Such clusters of interest should not necessarily receive any special attention or funds from IAMS. But it would be a means for members to link up with their research interest peers.


In order to work towards such networking, it would be helpful if members knew the research fields of their peers. It was therefore resolved that the secretariat designs a way to catalogue and present members’ research interest.


The discussion concluded that for the time being, the interest groups should continue and work according to the present guidelines described in the IAMS Manual.



7.1 Project for Archives, Documentation and Oral Histories - PADOH

JR presented the proposal for a joint DAB IACM-IAMS conference at the Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome, July 8-13 2002. The reason for this is that there has been a strong concern on making statements on archives and documentation centres. The vision for the conference is: 1) to renew the commitment to Documentation and Archives for Christian mission; 2) to face the electronic challenge and opportunity for gathering and sharing the story of the global Church in all it’s social, cultural, and political situations; 3) to provide training and networking for key people from around the world. In order to make this proposal into reality, $100.000 needs to be raised for the PADOH project. Special fundraising efforts will be needed.

A lengthy discussion followed: Everyone agrees that archives are most valuable for the future research. There seems to be two objectives: a) deteriorating archives; b) make historians aware of the material. A goal of the conference must be to make a plan for subsequent, major action for saving invaluable archives - possibly with funding from large foundations, Unesco, etc. So the DAB conference in Rome should only be regarded as the first step towards this larger goal.


 It was decided to rename the project to “Project for Archives, Documentation and Oral Histories (PADOH). Thus DAB will not be used any longer.


Working theme for the conference and the subsequent project could be “Rescuing the Memory of Our People”.


It was resolved that the Executive approves the conference proposal, if the focus is shifted towards subsequent, action for saving church and mission archives. It is also approved that IACM is invited into co-sponsoring the conference. IAMS welcomes the opportunity to have the conference at the Urbaniana University in Rome.


For the conference committee IAMS would like to see the following persons included: John Roxborogh (convenor); Martha Smalley; Rosemary Seton; Sebastian Karotemprel; Joan Chatfield/ Gerald Anderson, Paul Jenkins; Anna María Bidegain. PS will find a South American member.


IAMS requests that a local conference committee is set up by IACM in Rome.


JR is asked to be present at the next executive meeting, January 2002 in order to give an update on the development of the project.


The conference will have the status of an IAMS Project. It was decided to grant a budget of  USD 10.000 = 7.000 £ for 2001-2002 for planning and conference purposes. The Executive expects the conference committee to raise the rest of funding needed.



Regarding the Interest Groups in general it was resolved to continue the interest group status of the PADOH (formerly DAB), BISAM and Healing groups. As no reports have been submitted from the Patristic and the Women in Mission groups, continuation of their status as interest groups will be dependent on reception of status reports from them.



8.    Reports from Regions


New Zealand: The 1st ANZAMS conference, New Zealand: CR reported from the first ANZAMS meeting in November 2000. Persons teaching mission or interested in mission were invited and 30 person turned up. 12 papers were presented. Abstracts are on the www.missionstudies.org web site. Susan Smith, JR and CR and some others are in the committee and the next conference is to take place November 2001 in Christchurch. Challenges for future conferences: How generate issues with more than local significance.


Europe: A European missiological conference is planned for in 24-27. August 2002 in Leipzig. The German Missiological Society is hosting the conference. More than 100 participants are expected.


Germany: KS reported on the German situation. The German Missiological Society has just turned 82 years. In 2000 more than 120 missiologists celebrated Theodor Sündermeier. In September there is going to be a consultation on “One Mission or various Missions”. A new association for young scholars focusing on ecumenical theology has been formed. A conference on secularisation in Europe is planned for.


USA -ASM: DW reported on a high number of young doctoral students attending the missiological discussion in ASM. An “open evangelicalism” is the main tenet of ASM. When it comes to leadership ASM is thoroughly ecumenical, striving to maintain a proper balance of the various traditions. There is a tendency to be looking more and more at the local situation (e.g. urban settings) rather than global mission.

   There are several regional associations (east, middle and west), which are open to students, missionaries and scholars. SB reported that the Catholic Theological Association of America is having “Mission” as the theme for this year. The high number of third world students (40-50% of Chicago students) seems to have catalysed the process of putting mission at the center of the curriculum in theological education.



Britain and Ireland: AK reported on BIAMS and the theme for this year: “Spirituality and Mission”. There has been some talk on bringing out a journal on Gospel in context, but nothing concrete has been done yet.


Nordic Countries: BN reported from Scandinavia on NIME. NIME holds biannual meetings. NIME has ceased publication of its annual mission biography (MISSIO NORDICA).


Latin America: EM reported that there are only few people related to IAMS in Latin America. The dominating factor these years is growth of mission from Pentecostal and charismatic groups. PS informed that there has been a regional IACM meeting where approximately 100 persons participated.


Lausanne International is planning a global conference for 2003


WCC is planning a global conference for 2004.



9. Communication


9.1.                            Mission Studies

Documentation: Report from the editor of Mission Studies


SB excused that Mission Studies has not yet been published due to lack of time. SB hopes that this “monster-volume” (some 350p.) can be printed mid/late March. The delay is partly due to lack of time and partly due to the fact that some of the key addresses still are missing.


In the editor’s report a number of issues were raised:


New Contributing Editors and Advisory Board

There is a need for more and more active contributing editors. It was agreed that SB will bring a list of proposals to the next executive meeting.


It was further decided that Christian Taucher SVD, Gerald Anderson, and WB be requested to form an advisory board for the editor.


Book editor

It would be helpful if tasks related to book reviews were separated from the article editor. It was decided that Martin Conway be requested to take the job as book review editor for Mission Studies until the next conference in 2004.


It should be considered to include an annual bibliographic essay from each continent.


Summaries in other languages

It was decided that priority should be given to include summaries of each article in the four languages: English, German, French, and Spanish.


In general: In publications of IAMS, the name of IAMS should be given in these four languages. In Spanish the name is to be: “Asociación International de Estudios de la Mission”


IACM Communications

Mission Studies welcomes communications from IACM and other missiological associations whenever it is appropriate.


Next Editor of Mission Studies

SB is going to retire from the editing post in 2004 and the Executive has to start thinking about his successor. A name to be considered is Terry Much.


Conference Proceedings

A suggestion was made that conference proceedings should be published in a separate book, published by a publishing house like ORBIS. The costs should be included in the conference budget.


Electronic Journal

BN gave a presentation on the development of electronic journals and the appropriateness of such tool for missiological publication, both within IAMS and for other missiological associations. It is cost effective and global. However, an electronic journal should receive the same editorial standards and attention like a printed journal in order to gain proper reputation and respectability. It is likely that IAMS will need/choose to go into such electronic publishing within a foreseeable future. IAMS would also be able to provide an infrastructure for such a journal, which regional associations/IAMS groups could benefit from.


It was resolved to establish a task force that will explore these options in depth and submit a report to the 2002 Executive meeting. The group consists of SB, JB, WB and BN. BN will chair the group.


9.2 The IAMS Web Site

JR reported on the significant increase in use of the web site during 2000. Some 100 people are visiting every day. Until now JR has done a great job in building up the web site. He is willing to continue – but would need some assistance as it grows larger and larger.


When it comes to language, it is a goal that the web site has major items like constitution, leaflet, Mission Studies Style Guide, application forms in the four official main languages. The executive will assist the secretariat in finding qualified translators who can translate into these languages.


9.3 The Leaflet

The leaflet has been revised and it was suggested that there should be a tear-off for subscription or for application for membership. The advantages of membership should be stated, preferably by contacting a well-known, representative member from each continent and get from them a short statement on why they are members of IAMS.


Further to that the leaflet should state that the association is global and an invitation for the conferences as well as to younger scholars for publishing and networking should be included.


The leaflet is to be professionally designed and printed.



10.                              IAMS Administration

BN gave a brief orientation on the office of the secretariat in Copenhagen. The Executive Committee expressed its gratitude to Areopagos and it was agreed that PS should send a thank you letter to Areopagos.



11.                              Finances

Documentation: Audited Accounts for 2000 – Draft Budget 2001


Accounts 2000

Conference costs in South Africa were lower than expected. IAMS is therefore in a good financial position right now.

Income in 2000 was GBP 45.304

Expenses in 2000: GBP 34.852

Current (31.12.2000) assets are GBP 133.053


The South Africa Conference accounts show the following:

Income: GBP 76.473

Expenses: GBP 29.976

Net: GBP 46.497


The accounts have been scrutinised according to British law and were approved by the Executive Committee.

The Accounts were received with thanks to the treasury for its good work.


Budget 2001

The first draft of the budget showed an income of GBP 9.950 and expenses of GBP 27.600 = a projected shortfall of GBP 17.650.


It was decided to include the Areopagos secretariat grant in the income and expense budget (GBP 20.000).


In addition to this the following projects were budgeted for the year 2001:

1)    PADOH Project Grant: a total of USD 10.000 = GBP 7.000 for the years 2001-2001. GBP 3.500 is paid from the 2001 budget and GBP 3.500 for the 2002 budget.


The Secretary were given an extra budget of a total GBP 5000 towards:

2) Cataloguing of Members Research Interests: GBP 2000 (Database setup: GBP 500, Mailing: GBP 500, Data entry: GBP 1000)

3) Construction of new Access member database: GBP 500

3) Setting up Credit Card system: GBP 500

4) Lapsed Members Campaign: GBP 250

5) New Members Campaign: GBP 250


It was then resolved to pass a budget for 2001 with

Income: 25.950 GBP

Expenses: 55.200 GBP

Net deficit: 25.250 GBP


The Revised budget is enclosed to these minutes (APPENDIX C).


The treasurer warned that such expense level will not be sustainable for the following years, but should be understood in light of the current financial standing and the need for investment in the future of IAMS.


Re a credit card payment system it was felt that this should be given priority as a number of potential candidates may abstain from membership due to the lack of such a system. However, the secretariat will seek to find a cost efficient system, preferably using a system of some other organization.


It was discussed whether it is possible to reduce the membership fee for Third World members. However, this is to be decided by the General Meeting. It will be put on the agenda of the meeting at the next conference.



Future of the Treasury

As Mrs. Stefka Ritchie is going to retire from her job is was discussed to move some of the functions of the treasury to Copenhagen, even if the treasury will remain in the UK, preferably at Selly Oak. Details on this are to be worked out between the Secretariat and the Treasury.


AK will retire from his position at Selly Oak next year. But AK kindly agreed to stay on as treasurer until the next conference. A possible substitute at Selly Oak would then be Dr. Allan Anderson, Selly Oak. The executive asks AK to contact him and request that he takes over the treasury in 2004 – and becomes a co-treasurer by 2002. Allan Anderson should then participate in the meeting of the Executive from 2003.



12.                               Membership issues

Documentation: Recommendation summaries for new members


The following applicants were granted individual membership:

Dr. Dwight P. Baker

Revd Stanley Davies

Dr. Mark Hay

James Knight SVD

Rev. Dr. Leonardo N. Mercado SVD

Dr. Martin Ott

Sr. Susan Smith

Dr. Andrew Wingate.


The following were granted individual membership subject to recommendation by the necessary sponsors:

Dr. Manfred Ernst

Revd. John Fortin.


The following were granted associate membership:

Edmund Tang.


The following were granted associate membership subject to recommendation by their academic supervisor:

Pastor Robin Morgan


The following was not granted membership:

Revd. Samuel Joe.


The following were transferred from associate to individual membership:

Dr. Graeme Richard Smith.


The following were transferred from associate to individual membership subject to sponsorship of a IAMS member:

Dr. Franz Xaver Scheuerer:


The following Corporate Members were accepted:

Revue Spiritus

Vereinte Evangelishe Mission

United Evangelical Mission

Canadian Churches’ Forum for Global Ministries.



It was suggested that a number of Catholic Missionary Orders (like Maryknoll Fathers, SVD Rome, Colombian Brothers, etc) be approached for corporate membership


A number of pending applicants will be approached (DW contacts them).


Honorary Lifetime Members

The status and conditions for obtaining Honorary Lifetime Membership were discussed. Criteria were worked out (see revised version of the IAMS Manual enclosed).


The Executive decided to appoint the following Honorary Lifetime Members:

    Arnulf Camps

    Gerald Anderson

    Joan Chatfield

    Rene Padilla

    Stanley Samartha

    Willem Saayman



13.                               The IAMS Executive Manual

Documentation: First Draft of IAMS Executive Manual


The secretary had made a first draft of an IAMS Executive Manual. The purpose of the manual is to keep together in one compendium decisions made by previous general meetings or executive meetings so that it is easy to access the guidelines that have been determined for the association.


A number of changes were made to the first draft. And a number of discussion items from the 2001 executive meeting have been included in a new version of the manual. The new version of the manual is enclosed the minutes from this meeting and should be understood as part of the minutes.


Of special significance: The Byelaws of the association were changed in order to bring them into accordance with the revised constitution.


14.                              Reflection on Venue, Date and Possible Theme for the Next Conference

The conference has taken place only once in Asia (India). It was therefore decided that the next conference should be located somewhere in South East Asia.


The ranked priorities are the following:

1)    Indonesia

2)    Hong Kong

3)    South Korea

4)    Thailand.


The conference should be double edged so that there is both a focus on the academic discipline of missiology and a focus on the conference location life setting.


A possible “internal” focus is “The Hermeneutic of Theological and Missiological Education”

The “external” focus will be dependent of the actual choice of location.

    In Indonesia it could be “Faith of Violence: the Role of Religion in Dialogue and Conflict”.

    In Hong Kong it could include  “Religion, Modernity, Capitalism, Chinese Church”

    A theme for Korea could be “Cross Cultural Mission”; “Shamanism”; “Mission Between Religions” or “Ethnic Minorities”


In general an Asia theme would be “Church in the Midst of Conflict”. In contrast the term and reality of “Shalom” could be included in the title. Emphasis on “Violence and the Christian response out of Weakness”, or “Reconciliation” were found important


It was resolved that the secretary should investigate into possibilities in a) Indonesia; b) Hong Kong; c) Korea and then report to the Executive. Final decision on location and theme will take place at the next executive meeting in 2002.



15.                              Dates and Venue for the Next Executive Committee Meeting

Date: 29. January– 4. February  2002

(agenda start 30. January at 8:30AM – and conclude on the evening of Feb 3rd) (departure after breakfast on Feb 4th) 

Venue (ranked): Prague, Paris, Copenhagen, Selly Oak.  The Secretary will explore the possibilities and inform the Executive.


16.                              Miscellaneous:

A letter was received from Christopher Oshun on the African chapter of IAMS.


It was agreed to write a letter thanking the Maryknoll Superior for allowing the Executive into the splendid accommodation and hospitality at the New York City Maryknoll House.



Revised version
June 11, 2001