Archives Collections Relating to Christian Mission

If we fail to consult the primary sources of archives and oral history the popular story of the past is a product of power, interest, fear, fancy, prejudice and wishful thinking. We may know what people would have liked to happened, and what they fear may have happened, we may know what people today consider important about the past, but the power of the past to enlighten, guide, correct, question and inform our direction, never mind address with any authority, burning issues of faith, fact and truth, are compromised. Indeed, "If we lose our way to the past, we lose our way to the future."

(1992 IAMS Statement on Archives for Mission)

Africa in German mission archives Leipzig
Archives Online - gateway to UK Archives ARCHON
Church Missionary Society - notes re their archives at the University of Birmingham and microfilm at the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton, IL: USA Univ Birm.

BG Archives

Council for World Mission (formerly London Missionary Society) Archives CWM / LMS
Evangelical Mission Archives Billy Graham Center
Historical Resources for Latin America Latin America
International Council on Archives ICA
Missionary Collections Project to accelerate, extend and improve access to Missionary Collections throughout the UK. Mundus 
Religion and Rebellion in China: The LMS collection in Australia LMS at ANU

I A Iheakaram, Records relating to missionary activities at the National Archives, Enugu (1903-1959), National Archives of Nigeria, 1992.


Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Archives

Presbyterian Archives
Scandinavian African Archives Project African Church Archives (email)

School of Oriental and African Studies Archives


UNESCO Archives Portal UNESCO

Yale Divinity School: mission agency archives and repositories


Note also: