| Indigenous Peoples For indigenous peoples research, especially by and about New Zealand Maori, visit: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rhimona/research.htm Oceania / The Pacific The Pacific is caught between being a vast area of the world's surface and having a relatively small population. The "Pacific Rim" is economically powerful and its cultural and religious history is well known. The history of Christianity in the Pacific itself is a story that needs to be better known, and studies by those living within the Pacific better available. It is too easy to get the feeling that the Pacific is most frequently noted when the studies are by those from outside the Pacific itself. Those studies are valuable, but there is a need for the Pacific to be seen as a place which is missiologically interesting in its own right. Their own citizens - of a range of ethnic origins - have themselves something significant to say about their own experience, cultures and history. Partnership through the fellowship of IAMS is one way of helping create this dialogue. Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission Studies On the 15th December 1999 Allan Davidson, Simon Rae, John Roxborogh and Cathy Ross met at the Bible College of New Zealand to discuss the formation an association for mission studies. As a result the name Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission Studies was decided upon and our first conference is planned for November 2000. Please email Allan Davidson ak.davidson@auckland.ac.nz or Cathy Ross cathyr@ak.bcnz.ac.nz to register your interest. Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested and ask them to email us as well. The New
Zealand Religious History Newsletter
is available for US$5.00. NZ Religious History Newsletter Editors Janet Crawford j.crawford@auckland.ac.nz ... To Teach Others Also. The Bible Schools of the Christian Brethren Churches in Papua New Guinea by Jenny Fountain. There are over 380 Christian Brethren Churches in PNG and they are still growing. It is less than 50 years since the first Brethren missionaries arrived in isolated areas of the West Sepik and few missionaries remain today. Bible schools have contributed to this growth. Copies can be ordered from Osjen Ministries Trust at fountains@xtra.co.nz or osjen@dg.com.pg . Costs including postage is US$25 or £15 or NZ$40. New Zealand currency preferred. [EARLY CHRISTIANITY IN ASIA] [MALAYSIA] |