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Information on Fellowship of Indian Missiologists (FOIM). 

This Ecumenical Association of Missiologists, an offshoot of IAMS,  was started in 1992; the first preparatory meeting was held at Nagpur. Fr Jacob Kavunkal, Joseph Mattam and a few other members of IAMS discussed the possibility of an Indian branch of IAMS and produced a constitution and rules for membership. Initially annual meetings were held, but gradually it has come to be roughly one meeting in about two years. Each meeting takes up a theme for study and papers are presented and commented upon and discussed at length. With the suggested corrections, a volume is produced after the meeting with the contents of the session, workshop reports, etc.  

Thus far we have held nine meetings and have produced 8 volumes. They are:  

1.     Bible and Mission in India Today, 1993 – Ed. By J. Kavunkal & F. Hrangkhuma

2.     *Christ and Culture, 1994 – Ed. By J. Kavunkal & F. Hrangkhuma

3.     Dimensions of Mission in India, 1995 - Ed. by J. Mattam & S. Kim

4.     Mission & Conversion: A Reappraisal, 1996 - Ed. By J. Mattam & S. Kim

5.     Mission Trends: Historical & Theological Perspectives, 1997- Ed. By J. Mattam & S. Kim

6.     Blossoms from the East –Contribution of the Indian Church to world Mission, 1999, Ed. By J. Mattam & K.C. Marak

7.     Missiological Approaches in India: Retrospect and Prospect, 1999, Ed. By J. Mattam & K.C. Marak

8.     In the Shadow of the Cross: Christians and Minorities in India Encounter Hostility, 2002, Ed. J. Mattam & Reuben Gabriel.

 St. Pauls India, 23rd Road, TPS III, P.B. 9814, Bandra, Mumbai 400050, publishes all the books. Copies can be had from the publishers or from Fr J. Mattam SJ.

At the moment there are some 70 members, both male and female belonging to various denominations. A doctorate in Missiology, publications in Missiological subjects, etc. are needed for membership. (More accurate information can be had from the Secretary).