Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission Studies

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The 2001 Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission Studies Conference was held 28th-29th November 2001 in Christchurch.

Conference Papers (click on the title to get the paper in Word format):

bulletTraining for Mission - Derek Christensen.
bulletFaith at Work: The Journey and the Issues - Alistair Mackenzie.
bulletCarest Thou Not? Discerning the Face of Baptist Missionary Support in New Zealand 1885-1930 - Hugh Morrison.
bulletSome Critical Issues in a Global Theology of Mission - Bruce J Nicholls.
bulletLesslie Newbigin and Hindu-Christian Dialogue: A Decided Ambivalence - Bob Robinson.
bulletMore than Wives: Helpmeets, heroines or partners? Case Studies - Cathy Ross.
bulletRevisiting the Missionary Nature of the Old Testament - John Roxborogh.
bulletThe Changing Nature of the Spirituality of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in Aotearoa New Zealand and its Relationship to Their Changing Mission - Susan Smith.
bulletChristendom, clericalism, church and context: finding categories of connexion in a culture without a Christian memory. Implications of New Zealand research - Kevin Ward.