PACIFIC MANUSCRIPTS BUREAU Room 4201, Coombs Building Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia Telephone: (612) 6125 2521 Fax: (612) 6125 0198 E-mail: pambu@coombs.anu.edu.au Web site: http://rspas.anu.edu.au/pambu
Collated List of PMB
Manuscripts Series The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (PMB) is a non-profit organisation established in 1968 to identify and make preservation microfilm copies of archives, manuscripts and rare printed documents relating to the South Pacific Islands. One of very few long-term archival projects in the world based on international cooperation, the Bureau is funded by a consortium of eight major Pacific research libraries in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. To date it has produced over 3000 reels of 35mm microfilm, together with associated bibliographic documentation and indexes. Sets of the microfilms are lodged in each of the Bureaus member libraries and copies of most of them are available for purchase.The Bureaus microfilms are of value to researchers in all branches of Pacific Studies. They include archives of churches and missions, business and labour, governments and judiciaries political parties and non-government organisations, together with personal papers, ships logs, linguistic material, genealogies and vernacular materials. The Bureau is keen to film at-risk contemporary and indigenous material documenting the cultural and political aspirations of the independent island states, particularly material relating to recent economic and political issues affecting the islands, such as the Fiji coups and the Bougainville crisis. The Bureau gives priority to vulnerable and/or elusive material held in the Pacific Islands. While the Bureau has achieved a great deal in 30 years, the need for an ongoing project of this kind has not diminished. More documentary material than ever is being produced in the Islands, much of it is both historically significant and vulnerable. Climactic conditions, coupled with the regions relatively weak archival infrastructure mean that documents which exist today may not exist in five or ten years time. The Bureau has in place a program for surveying and filming much of this material over the next decade. This includes regular and extensive field work, the aim of which is to produce at least 100 reels of microfilm per year. This list draws together, by island nation or group, archives and manuscripts of, or relating to, Pacific islands missions and churches in the PMBs Manuscripts Series of microfilms. The list does not include published material produced by missions and churches microfilmed in the PMBs Printed Document Series. Nor does the list include the microfilms of the Oceania Marist Province archives (OMPA) which Fr Theo Cook made in the 1980s, as follows:OMPA 1-25: Diocese of Tonga. OMPA 26-74: Diocese of Samoa and Tokelau. OMPA 80-100: Marist Fathers, Rome OMPA 101-126: Diocese of Wallis and Futuna OMPA 127-178: Diocese of Port Vila OMPA 179-360: Archdiocese of Noumea OMPA 361-400: Oceania Marist Province Archives, Suva An inventory of the OMPA microfilms is available in Robert Langdon (Ed.), The Catholic Church in the Western Pacific: A Guide to Records on Microfilm, Canberra, PMB, 1986. Ewan Maidment PMB Exceutive Officer 20 Sep 2002 CONTENTS (click on hyperlinked titles of country; page numbers relate to a printed copy)
Cook IslandsPMB 1064 CATHOLIC CHURCH DIOCESE OF RAROTONGA AND NIUE, Diocesan archives, 1891 1993. 53 reels. FijiPMB 155 METHODIST MISSION, FIJI, Mission correspondence and news items, 1894 1949. 1 reel. See also Methodist Church of Australasia Overseas Mission in Pacific general, below. PMB 1093 METHODIST CHURCH IN FIJI, Circuit reports, 1835 1898, and the Swanston Collection on the Ra and Ba military campaigns, 1873. 5 reels. Restricted access. PMB 1138 METHODIST CHURCH IN FIJI: Annual Synod minutes and journals, 1854-1945, together with miscellaneous correspondence, 1869-1899. 4 reels. (Restricted access.) PMB 1185 JAGGAR, Rev. Thomas James: Fiji journals and letters (Wesleyan Mission in Fiji), 1838-1846. (Available for reference.) PMB 26 FISON Rev. Lorimer, Miscellaneous papers on Fiji, letters, notes, book draft, 1865 1868. 1 reel PMB 1039 FISON Rev. Lorimer, Letterbooks, Vols.1-7, 1867 83. 4 reels. (Permission to supply vol.1 (reel 1) required.) PMB 1040 FISON Rev. Lorimer, Various manuscripts and papers, 188? 19-?, and presscopy book: sermons, articles and letters, 1867 73. 1 reel. (Permission to supply or copy for publication required.) PMB 1041 FISON Rev. Lorimer, Correspondence, 16 Oct 1873 15 Oct 1878. 1 reel. (Both supply of and access to this material are restricted.) PMB 1042 FISON Rev. Lorimer, Articles, letters and miscellaneous papers, 1873 1907. 1 reel PMB 1043 FISON Rev. Lorimer, Correspondence from Lewis Henry Morgan and some others, 1870 81. 1 reel (Permission to quote required.) PMB 1044 FISON Rev. Lorimer, Linguistic material and correspondence on local customs, 1880 94. 1 reel (Permission to quote required.) PMB 1045 FISON Rev. Lorimer, (Not yet available.) PMB 158 CHURCHWARD Rev. Dr C.M., Diary, notes, letters, records (Rotuma), 1882 1967. 1 reel PMB 1073 EASTMAN George Herbert, (1881 1974), Papers, 1913 69 (excluding publications). 11 reels PMB 157 LANGI Jioni, A History of the Church in its Rotuman Setting An Introductory Outline to 1971. 1 reel
PMB 159 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Historical accounts of Rotuma, 1868 1949. 1 reel PMB 160 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with missionaries at Rotuma, 1868 1888. 1 reel PMB 428 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Documents and correspondence relating to Mission Stations at Rotuma, 1868 1930. 1 reel PMB 429 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Extracts from correspondence with mission stations at Rotuma, 1846 1889. 1 reel PMB 432 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with government re education, 1899 1912, 1920 1936. 1 reel PMB 433 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with French Consulate-General, Sydney, 1919, 1927 1929. 1 reel PMB 434 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with government, 1856 1890, 1999 1900. 1 reel PMB 435 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with government, 1901 13, 1916 1930. 1 reel PMB 436 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with government, 1891 1898. 1 reel PMB 437 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, 'La Petite Histoire a Fiji', n.d.. 1 reel PMB 438 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence of Bishop C.J. Nicolas, SM, 1919 1930. 1 reel PMB 439 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Notes on the anthropology, myths, legends, ornithology and Catholic Missions of Fiji. 1 reel. PMB 440 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Historical notes on the Catholic Mission of Wairiki, Taveuni, 1922. 1 reel PMB 441 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence relating to Father Emmanual Rougier, SM, 1906 1907. 1 reel PMB 442 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Notes and reports on the Petits Frθres, c.1919 1923. 1 reel PMB 443 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Letters from Superior-General, Society of Mary, 1888 1928. 1 reel PMB 444 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, General letters to Bishop Julian Vidal, SM, 1887 1917. 1 reel PMB 445 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence of Bishop Julian Vidal, SM, with Father C.J. Nicolas, SM, and other priests, 1893 1920. 1 reel PMB 448 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence re Leper Asylum, Makogai, and sundry related papers, 1908 1930. 2 reels PMB 449 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Rules for, and reports on, catechists, 1890 1919. 1 reel PMB 450 CATHOLIC YOUNG MENS' SOCIETY OF FIJI, Constitution, correspondence with Bishop C.J. Nicolas, SM, 1923 1929. 1 reel PMB 453 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Brief histories of the Mission and its missionaries, 1815 1936. 1 reel PMB 454 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence and miscellaneous papers on education, 1895 1929. 1 reel PMB 455 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Reports and correspondence relating to the mission station at Naililili, Rewa, 1893 1905. 1 reel PMB 456 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with mission stations at Savusavu and Tunuloa, 1919 1930. 1 reel PMB 457 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with various mission stations, 1912 1930. 1 reel PMB 458 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with mission stations at Rotuma, 1894 1930. 1 reel PMB 459 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with Government and others re native affairs, 1883 1924. 1 reel PMB 460 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Miscellaneous (non-local) correspondence of Bishop J. Vidal and Bishop C.J. Nicolas, 1899 1930. 1 reel PMB 461 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with various mission stations, 1920 1930. 1 reel PMB 462 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence re mission work among the Indians of Fiji, 1909 1919. 1 reel PMB 463 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Miscellaneous unpublished items, c.1894 1928. 1 reel PMB 464 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with Marist Sisters, 1892 1930. 1 reel PMB 465 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Correspondence with the Petites Soeurs, 1893 1930. 1 reel PMB 467 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Miscellaneous papers, chiefly historical, c.1926 1970. 1 reel PMB 468 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, FIJI, Minutes of council meetings, 2 Oct 1887 28 Dec 1930. 1 reel PMB 6 FASTRE Father Paul, Notes sur les Moeurs et Coutumes des Fujuges, specialement des Tribus d'Alo et Sivu, Notes completed in 1937. 1 reel PMB 452 GUINARD Father Jean Louis, SM, 'Histoires de Mission, pour enfants', n.d. 1 reel PMB 466 HELLIET Father Y.M., Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1907 1926. 1 reel
French PolynesiaPMB 1080 CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF PAPEETE, Administrative archives, 1833 1969. 60 reels PMB 1081 CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF PAPEETE, Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1968 1983. 3 reels PMB 1082 CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF PAPEETE, Catalogued manuscripts, 1847 19?. 3 reels PMB 1083 UEBE, Auge, Manuscripts on the history and legends of Mangareva in the possession of M. Auge Uebe, n.d. 1 reel PMB 1170 HAWAIIAN MISSION CHILDRENS SOCIETY, Marquesas Collection, 1831-1834, 1853-1918. Reels 1-5. (Available for reference.) PMB 1171 HAWAIIAN MISSION CHILDRENS SOCIETY, Marquesas Collection, 1831-1834, 1853-1918. English translations of selected Hawaiian language documents. Reels 1-2. (Available for reference.) PMB 38 GREEN Rev. James L., Journals and correspondence, 1874 1886. 1 reel PMB 108 JOHNSTON Rev. Joseph, Diaries, Reminiscences, letter, Tahitian history, 1838 1884. 1 reel
HawaiiPMB 198 BISHOP Rev. Artemas(?), Vocabulary of the Hawaiian language, 1828 c.1844. 1 reel
Kitibati IslandsPMB 669 SOCIETE DES MISSIONNAIRES DU SACRE-COEUR: VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF THE GILBERT ISLANDS, Archives , 1893 1952. 1 reel PMB 1155 CONGREGATION OF THE DAUGHTERS OF OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART, KIRIBATI: House diaries and accounts of the Mission, 1921-1967. 1 reel. (Available for reference.)
Micronesia (See also Kiribati and Marshall islands) PMB 738 767 AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS, Papers, 1852 1929. 30 reels.
New Caledonia, including the Loyalty IslandsPMB 161 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 1 Oct 1845 14 Jul 1859. 1 reel PMB 162 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, Feb 1859 1 Jun 1864. 1 reel PMB 163 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 3 Jun 1864 2 May 1866. 1 reel PMB 164 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 2 May 1866 7 Oct 1869. 1 reel PMB 165 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 7 Oct 1869 10 Jul 1873. 1 reel PMB 166 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 9 Jul 1873 Jun 1876. 1 reel PMB 167 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, Jun 1876 18 Aug 1879. 1 reel PMB 168 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 20 Aug 1879 31 May 1883. 1 reel PMB 169 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 12 Jun 1883 22 Oct 1891. 1 reel PMB 170 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 22 Oct 1891 18 Aug 1899. 1 reel PMB 171 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence, 18 Aug 1899 30 Aug 1912. 1 reel PMB 172 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, General correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1836 1954. 1 reel PMB 173 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Correspondence and papers, 1846 1891. 1 reel PMB 174 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Correspondence and Mission reports, 10 Jan 1866 9 Apr 1878. 1 reel PMB 175 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, New Caledonia, Correspondence, 4 Apr 1873 9 Dec 1883. 1 reel PMB 176 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS, New Caledonia, Correspondence, 1874 1894. 1 reel PMB 177 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Correspondence, 1894 1904. 1 reel PMB 178 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Correspondence, list of publications, sketch maps and miscellaneous papers, 1847 1919. 1 reel PMB 179 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Letters, statistics, journal, documents, 1864 1867. 1 reel PMB 180 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, accounts, manuscripts, correspondence, reports, miscellaneous letters, 1857 1920. 1 reel PMB 181 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Correspondence and reports, 1858 1913. 1 reel PMB 182 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Papers on the Pouebo Massacres 1867-68: letters, notes, reports, 1845 1907. 1 reel PMB 183 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, New Caledonia, Correspondence and other papers, 1862 1914. 1 reel PMB 632 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, New Caledonia, Dictionaries, catechisms and ethnography, c.1890 1912. 2 reels PMB 546 NEYRET Father Jean Baptiste, Grammar, hymns and church teachings in the language of Belep, New Caledonia, n.d. 1 reel PMB 547 NEYRET Father Jean Baptiste, Belep-French Dictionary, n.d. 1 reel PMB 548 NEYRET Father Jean Baptiste, French-Belep Dictionary, n.d. 1 reel PMB 567 NEYRET Father Jean Baptiste, Dictionary, gospels and catechism in the Canela-Nakety language of New Caledonia, n.d. 2 reels PMB 1016 JONES Rev. John, Miscellaneous papers re Mare, Loyalty Islands, 1854 1908. 1 reel
Niue Island (See also Cook Islands) PMB 701 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, NIUE, Correspondence, 1910 1953. 7 reels PMB 702 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, NIUE, Register of Baptisms, Nov 1926 Jul 1947. 1 reel PMB 703 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, NIUE, Register of Church Members, 1872 1912. 1 reel PMB 704 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, NIUE, Logbook and statistics; chronicle of important events, 1774 1949. 1 reel PMB 705 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, NIUE, Church roll, last revision 1948. 1 reel PMB 706 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, NIUE, Centenary program, booklets, c.1946 1968. 1 reel PMB 711 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, NIUE, Register of students at Vailahi Institute, 1921 1966. 1 reel PMB 707 LAWES William George, Niue vocabulary, 1861. 1 reel PMB 912 LAWES Rev. Francis Edwin, Niue vocabulary, 1902. 1 reel PMB 708 LAWES Rev. Francis Edwin, Niue vocabulary, compiled before 1907. 1 reel
Norfolk IslandPMB 122 METHODIST CHURCH, NORFOLK ISLAND, Church chronology, marriage registers, minutes, 1886 1970. 1 reel PMB 423 CHURCH OF ENGLAND, NORFOLK ISLAND, Registers, 1871 1971. 1 reel PMB 424 CHURCH OF ENGLAND, NORFOLK ISLAND, Minute books, 1908 1957. 1 reel PMB 425 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, NORFOLK ISLAND, Church history and records, 1891 1970. 1 reel
Papua New Guinea
PMB 653 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, PAPUA: DIOCESE OF BEREINA, 'Elements de grammaire et de syntaxe de langue de Roro', 1898. 1 reel PMB 657 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, PAPUA: DIOCESE OF BEREINA, Toaripi-French Dictionaries, 1937 1968. 1 reel PMB 659 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, PAPUA: DIOCESE OF BEREINA, Papuan-French Dictionaries, 1922 1943. 1 reel PMB 661 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, PAPUA: DIOCESE OF BEREINA, Papuan grammars, n.d. 1 reel PMB 662 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, PAPUA: DIOCESE OF BEREINA, Papuan-French dictionaries and grammar, c.1933 1937. 1 reel PMB 663 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, PAPUA: DIOCESE OF BEREINA, Yule Island station statistics, 1920 1959. 1 reel PMB 651 EGIDI Father Vincenzo, Mekeo genealogies, c.1900 c.1950. 1 reel
PMB 654 NAVARRE Bishop Louis-Andre, 'Notes ... sur sa vie', c.1907. 1 reel PMB 655 EGIDI Father Vincenzo, Roro genealogies, c.1910 c.1950. 1 reel PMB 656 "EBE KAPANA", Monthly newspaper, Jul 1951 Dec 1955. 1 reel PMB 664 SOCIETE DES MISSIONNARIES DU SACRE-COEUR: VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF MELANESIA AND MICRONESIA, Archives, 1879 1889. 3 reels PMB 665 SOCIETE DES MISSIONNAIRES DU SACRE-COEUR: VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF NEW BRITAIN, Archives, 1889 1922. 2 reels PMB 666 SOCIETE DES MISSIONNAIRES DU SACRE-COEUR: VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF RABAUL, Archives, 1922 1961. 1 reel, PMB 667, SOCIETE DES MISSIONNAIRES DU SACRE-COEUR: VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF NEW GUINEA, Archives 1889 1922. 1 reel PMB 668 SOCIETE DES MISSIONNAIRES DU SACRE-COEUR: VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF PAPUA, Archives, 1922 1946. 1 reel PMB 920 CATHOLIC MISSION, WOODLARK AND ROOK ISLANDS, Miscellaneous papers, 1840 1892. 1 reel PMB 921 CATHOLIC MISSION, WOODLARK AND ROOK ISLANDS, Miscellaneous documents, 1848 1856. 1 reel PMB 922 CATHOLIC MISSION, WOODLARK AND ROOK ISLANDS, Miscellaneous documents, 1845 1860. 1 reel PMB 1191 MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS OF HILTRUP: Reports from New Ireland and New Britain, New Guinea, 1937-1950. 1 reel. (Available for Reference.) PMB 41 BALDWIN Father Bernard, Biga Boyowa, A Notional Study of the Trobriand Islands Language, n.d. 1 reel PMB 63 BALDWIN Father Bernard, Vocabulary of Biga Boyowa, 1936 1939. 1 reel PMB 64 BALDWIN Father Bernard, Vocabulary of Bohilai, 1934 1952. 1 reel PMB 1031 BALDWIN Father Bernard, MSC, Papuan notes and Trobriand Islands linguistic material c. 1940. 2 reels PMB 515 MONTAUBAN Father Paul, 'Trois ans de captivite a Buka', Mar 1942 Sept 1945. 1 reel PMB 636 CASPAR Father Joseph, Roro stories and songs, collected c.1910 1912. 1 reel PMB 1160 TSCHAUDER, Fr John: papers on the history of the Catholic Missions in Papua New Guinea and other parts of Melanesia, 1845-1996. Reels 1-15. (Available for reference.)
PMB 639 LUTHERAN MISSION, FINSCHHAFEN, NEW GUINEA, Correspondence, 1931 1941. 1 reel PMB 640 LUTHERAN MISSION, FINSCHHAFEN, NEW GUINEA, Reports on mission stations and villages, 1921 1935. 1 reel PMB 641 LEHNER Rev. Stephan, Anthropological papers, c.1925 1945. 1 reel PMB 642 LUTHERAN MISSION, FINSCHHAFEN, NEW GUINEA, Industrial and agricultural reports, 1920 1939. 1 reel PMB 644 LUTHERAN MISSION, FINSCHHAFEN, NEW GUINEA, Reports on mission stations and villages, 1921 1928. 1 reel PMB 645 LUTHERAN MISSION, FINSCHHAFEN, NEW GUINEA, Reports, correspondence, documents, 1914 1942. 1 reel PMB 646 LUTHERAN MISSION, FINSCHHAFEN, NEW GUINEA, Hospital and medical reports, 1921 1938. 1 reel
PMB 647 'A NILA I RA DOVOT', Methodist Mission magazine, 1909 1973. 5 reels PMB 648 THE UNITED CHURCH IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA AND THE SOLOMON ISLANDS, Reminiscences, 1970 1973. 1 reel PMB 1114 SIMPSON Rev. Thomas Nevison and Mrs Nellie, Correspondence and other papers related to their service with the Methodist Overseas Mission, New Hanover, PNG, 1936 1942. 1 reel PMB 1169 FARDON Rev Ian: papers on the Methodist Church in Rabaul and related documents on Papua New Guinea history and education, 1940-1975. 3 reels PMB 615 RICKARD Rev. R.H., Dictionary of New Britain dialect, 1889. 1 reel PMB 628 ARNOLD Rev. John Kissack, Diaries, 1923 1926. 1 reel PMB 630 MANN Rev. Ira James, Diaries and papers, 1919 1941. 1 reel
PMB 40 GILL (Anglican) Archdeacon Stephen Romney, Letters, 1897 1928. 1 reel
SamoaPMB 95 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Samoan District Committee, Minutes of meetings, Jun 1836 July 1851, Mar 1898 May 1905. 1 reel PMB 96 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Samoan District Committee, Minutes of meetings, Dec 1916 Feb 1929. 1 reel PMB 97 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Samoan District, Minutes of Missionaries' Committee, 1929 38; Minutes of Mission Council, 1935 51, 1929 1938, 1935 1951. 1 reel PMB 126 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, SAMOAN DISTRICT, In letters from LMS, London, 1896 1946. 1 reel PMB 127 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, SAMOAN DISTRICT, Out letters to LMS, London, 1900 1946. 1 reel PMB 128 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, SAMOAN DISTRICT, Correspondence with other religious bodies, including overseas auxiliaries of the LMS, 1908 1946. 1 reel PMB 130 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, SAMOAN DISTRICT, Internal correspondence, 1896 1927. 1 reel PMB 131 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, SAMOAN DISTRICT, In letters from LMS agent, Sydney, 1896 1946. 1 reel PMB 132 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, SAMOAN DISTRICT, Out letters to LMS agent, Sydney, 1908 1947. 1 reel PMB 141 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Samoan District, Correspondence with LMS stations in the Pacific Islands, 1877 1947. 2 reels PMB 142 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Samoan District, Correspondence with LMS agent, Suva, 1907 1946. 1 reel PMB 143 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Samoan District, Correspondence with German Administration, Samoa, 1905 1915. 1 reel PMB 144 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Samoan District, Correspondence with New Zealand Administration, Samoa, 1915 1946. 1 reel PMB 417 NISBET Rev. Henry, Journals, diaries, notebook, letters, hymns, 1836 1876. 3 reels PMB 1198 NEIL Rev. E. G.: Samoan Journal, 1902-1903. 1 reel PMB 184 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Samoa, Letters, ethnographic material, Articles, 1836 1918. 1 reel PMB 185 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Samoa, Correspondence, 1879 1889. 1 reel PMB 186 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Samoa, Correspondence, 1879 1889. 1 reel PMB 187 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Samoa, Miscellaneous correspondence, 1889 1913. 1 reel PMB 188 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Samoa, Miscellaneous papers, 1846 1920. 1 reel PMB 189 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Samoa, Correspondence and other papers, 1848 1934. 1 reel PMB 190 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Samoa, Correspondence, articles, newspaper clippings, bibliography, 1855 1909. 1 reel
Solomon IslandsPMB 1120 CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF HONIARA, Archives, 1905 1982. 6 reels PMB 4 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH North Solomon Islands, Miscellaneous papers, letters, church reports, mission history, journal, 1900 1940. 1 reel PMB 923 COLLOMB Mgr, Journal, 1845 1848. 1 reel See also PMB 1062 & 1063 METHODIST CHURCH OF AUSTRALASIA OVERSEAS MISSION, under Pacific islands general. PMB 520-525 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, OVERSEAS MISSIONS DEPARTMENT, Minute Books, 1903 1955. 6 reels PMB 1110 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, OVERSEAS MISSION BOARD, Minutes, Dec 1955 Nov 1972. 1 reel PMB 1097 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, METHODIST OVERSEAS MISSION, Foreign Mission Executive minute books, 8 Jan 1925 15 Dec 1931. 1 reel PMB 80 SOLOMON ISLANDS METHODIST MISSION, Reports, 1918 1952. 1 reel PMB 924 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Miscellaneous papers and reports, 1920 1925. 1 reel PMB 928-931 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence, 1920 1945. 4 reels PMB 932-934 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence, 1923 1952. 3 reels PMB 936-938 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence, 1940 1958. 3 reels PMB 939-942 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence, 1946 1958. 4 reels PMB 943 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence with various missionaries, 1929 1959. 1 reel PMB 944 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence with various missionaries, 1946 1968. 1 reel PMB 945 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence with various missionaries, 1920 1958. 1 reel PMB 946 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence with various missionaries, 1934 1959. 1 reel PMB 947 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence with various missionaries, 1929 1969. 1 reel PMB 948 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, SOLOMON ISLANDS DISTRICT, Correspondence with governments, 1942 1953. 1 reel PMB 949 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, FOREIGN MISSIONS DEPARTMENT, Correspondence with Methodist Mission office, Sydney, 1934 1952. 1 reel PMB 950 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, FOREIGN MISSIONS DEPARTMENT, Correspondence with volunteers for mission service, 1919 1954. 1 reel PMB 951 METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND, Correspondence with sister organisations, 1925 1956. 1 reel PMB 952 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, Miscellaneous correspondence re Pacific Islands, 1921 1955. 1 reel PMB 1111 METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, Methodist Overseas Mission, Solomon Islands Mission, Chairmans correspondence (indexed), 1952 1961. 6 reels PMB 67 METCALFE Rev. John R., Articles on the Solomon Islands, 1350 c.1961. 1 reel PMB 68 METCALFE Rev. John R., Descriptive newsletters from the Solomon Islands, 16 Sept 1920 Jan 1950. 1 reel PMB 74 METCALFE Rev. John R., Diaries, 1 Jan 1911 31 Jul 1921. 1 reel PMB 75 METCALFE Rev. John R., Diaries, 1 Aug 1921 31 May 1931. 1 reel PMB 76 METCALFE Rev. John R., Diaries, 1 Jun 1931 17 Oct 1938. 1 reel PMB 77 METCALFE Rev. John R., Diaries, 18 Oct 1938 19 Feb 1946. 1 reel PMB 78 METCALFE Rev. John R., Diaries, 20 Feb 1946 31 Jan 1956. 1 reel PMB 79 METCALFE Rev. John R., Diaries, 1 Feb 1956 30 Nov 1969. 1 reel PMB 82 METCALFE Rev. John R., Correspondence, 1919 1968. 1 reel PMB 927 METCALFE Rev. John R., Correspondence, 1934 1952. 1 reel PMB 413 METCALFE, Rev. John R., Essays on Solomon Islands life and Missionary Review extracts, c.1902 1964. 1 reel PMB 925 GOLDIE Rev. John Francis, Correspondence, 1922 1951. 1 reel PMB 926 BINET Rev. Vincent Le Cornu, Correspondence, 1934 1943. 1 reel PMB 594-599 JONES Lina, Diaries, 1924 1942. 6 reels PMB 713-715 JONES Lina, Correspondence, 1924 1942. 3 reels PMB 601 FELLOWS Rev. Samuel Benjamin, Letters, diaries, newspaper clippings, articles, 1883 1941. 1 reel PMB 935 VOYCE Rev. A. Harry, Correspondence, 1921 1959. 1 reel PMB 716 CARTER George G. (compiler), Papers on the history of Western District, Solomon Islands, 1927 1975. 1 reel PMB 1096 HARKNESS Sister Effie, Excerpts from her diaries relating to her service with the Methodist Overseas Mission in the Solomon Islands, 15 Jul 1941 7 May 1957. 3 reels PMB 1098 LEE Sister Ada, Solomon Islands diaries, 1934 1966. 1 reel PMB 1099 LUXTON Rev. Clarence T. J., Diaries, correspondence and related papers from the Solomon Islands, 1945 1947. 1 reel PMB 1100 ALELE Joseph Alele, Solomon Islands diaries (English translation from Roviana original), Oct 1940 Mar 1943. 1 reel PMB 1101 BENSLEY Rev. A. A., Solomon Islands diary (original and typescript), May 1926 Dec 1934. 1 reel PMB 1102 TOZAKA Job, Solomon Islands diaries (photocopy of Roviana originals and English translations), Jun 1925, Feb 1936, Apr 1937, Mar Sep 1942, Jan Mar 1946, May Dec 1950. 1 reel PMB 1103 RINGI Daniel, Solomon Islands diaries (photocopy of Roviana original and English translation), 1951 1956 (irreg.). 1 reel PMB 1104 VOETA David, Solomon Islands diary (Roviana original and English translation), May 1935 Jan 1936. 1 reel PMB 1105 KEVISI John, Solomon Islands diary (photocopy of Roviana original), Jan Apr 1937. 1 reel PMB 1106 FARLAND Sister Merle, Solomon Islands diary (photocopy of original) and index, Dec 1938 Mar 1940, Nov 1941 Feb 1943, together with correspondence, press cuttings and other documents, 1942 1978, including, Rev. J R Metcalfe, The Gizo Scuttle. 1 reel PMB 1107 CARTER Sister Merle, Solomon Islands diaries (originals and typescripts) and correspondence, 1946 1950. 1 reel PMB 1108 BINET Rev. Vincent, Correspondence with the government of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate, 1926 1931, and with Dr Clifford James on clothes, 1931. 1 reel PMB 1109 NGATU Ishmael, Solomon Islands diaries (English translations and some originals), 1927 1954. 2 reels
PMB 1092 MELANESIAN MISSION, Executive Committee minutes, 21 Apr 1921 5 Mar 1925, and Finance Board minutes, 25 Mar 1925 31 Jul 1934. 2 reels PMB 555 MELANESIAN MISSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, SYDNEY, Minute Book, 1940 1946. 1 reel PMB 549 MELANESIAN MISSION, SYDNEY, Letterbook, 1934 1936. 1 reel PMB 559 MELANESIAN CHURCH, SOLOMON ISLANDS, Correspondence, journal, music, 1855 1953. 1 reel PMB 554 MELANESIAN MISSION, SIOTA, SOLOMON ISLANDS, Letterbook, 1924 1931. 1 reel PMB 556 MELANESIAN MISSION, Newspaper clippings re SOUTHERN CROSS, 1932. 1 reel PMB 550 FOX Rev. Dr C.E., Diaries, 1942 1963. 1 reel PMB 145 MARGARET OF THE CROSS Sister, Autobiography, 1887 1966. 1 reel PMB 557 HOPKINS Arthur Innes, Autobiography, n.d. 1 reel PMB 560 SWABEY Frances Edith, 'Elizabeth Colenso: her work for the Melanesian Mission', 1956 1959. 1 reel
PMB 1150 SOUTH SEA EVANGELICAL MISSION, formerly Queensland Kanaka Mission: correspondence, 1890-1942. 5 reels. PMB 1201 SOUTH SEA EVANGELICAL MISSION, formerly Queensland Kanaka Mission: Registers of Baptisms, 1886-1973. PMB 558 VANCE Robert C., Notes on Solomon Islands languages, n.d. 1 reel
TongaPMB 979 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Minute books, 1850 1982. 11 reels PMB 983 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Minutes of the ministerial session of synod, 1950 1979. 2 reels PMB 977 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Inwards correspondence, 1846 1924. 6 reels PMB 978 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Outwards correspondence, 1885 1913. 2 reels PMB 980 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Miscellaneous papers, 1826 1926. 2 reels PMB 981 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Financial records, 1822 1908. 3 reels PMB 982 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Annual list of ministers, 1924 1972. 1 reel PMB 985 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Tupou College records, 1868 early 1920s. 2 reels PMB 984 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Marriage registers, Vava'u Circuit, 1835 1922. 1 reel PMB 986 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Marriage registers, Ha'apai Circuit, 1830 1923. 1 reel PMB 987 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Marriage registers, Tongatapu Circuit, 1840 1972. 1 reel PMB 988 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Marriage registers, Tongatapu Circuit, 1971 1982. 1 reel PMB 989 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Marriage register, Niuafo'ou, 1885 1924. 1 reel PMB 990 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Baptismal registers, Vava'u, 1885 1951. 1 reel PMB 991 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Baptismal registers, Ha'apai, 1830 1929. 1 reel PMB 992 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Baptismal registers, Tongatapu, 1838 1980. 3 reels PMB 993 FREE WESLEYAN CHURCH OF TONGA, Membership roll of church workers on Ha'apai, 1875 1927. 1 reel PMB 3 MOULTON Rev. James Egan, Notebook, c1865 1909. 1 reel PMB 719 MOULTON Rev. Dr James Egan, Miscellaneous papers, c.1861 1953. 1 reel PMB 634 PAGE Rev. Rodger C.G., Miscellaneous papers, 1890 1956. 1 reel PMB 1026 PAGE Rev. Rodger C.G., Tongan scrapbook, 1876 1953. 1 reel PMB 28 COLLOCOTT Rev. Dr E.E.V., Correspondence, 1921 1959. 1 reel PMB 1029 COLLOCOTT Rev. Dr E.E.V., 'King Taufa', c.1930. 1 reel PMB 635 GRIBBLE Rev. Cecil F., Miscellaneous papers relating to Tonga and Fiji, 1900 1971. 1 reel PMB 85 MOORE Rev. Charles, Correspondence, 1924 1927. 1 reel
PMB 191 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Tonga, Slide presentation, histories, chronologies, correspondence, c.1842 c.1886. 1 reel PMB 192 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Tonga, Correspondence, 1844 1870. 1 reel PMB 193 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Tonga, Correspondence, 1870 1883. 1 reel PMB 194 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Tonga, Correspondence, 1883 1916. 1 reel PMB 195 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Tonga and New Hebrides, Miscellaneous papers, 1853 1937. 1 reel
PMB 116 TYLER Arleah and PO'UHA Anna (comps), History of the Latter Day Saints Tongan Building Program, 1955 1959. 1 reel
TuvaluPMB 917 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, ELLICE ISLANDS, Minutes, reports, notes and correspondence, 1935 1968. 1 reel
VanuatuPMB 31 NEW HEBRIDES PRESBYTERIAN MISSION SYNOD, Minutes, 1857 1938. 1 reel PMB 561 NEW HEBRIDES PRESBYTERIAN MISSION SYNOD, Correspondence, 1927 1948. 3 reels PMB 562 NEW HEBRIDES PRESBYTERIAN MISSION COUNCIL, Minutes, 1949 1966. 1 reel PMB 563 NEW HEBRIDES PRESBYTERIAN MISSION COUNCIL, Reports, 1950 1956. 1 reel PMB 564 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE NEW HEBRIDES, Minutes of Executive Meetings, 1951 1973. 1 reel PMB 565 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE NEW HEBRIDES: PRESBYTERY OF VILA, Minutes, 1949 1962. 1 reel PMB 566 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE NEW HEBRIDES, Correspondence re land, 1945 1962. 1 reel PMB 418 GEDDIE Rev. Dr John, Diaries, 1848 1858. 1 reel PMB 197 MILNE Rev. Peter, Letters, 1869 1893. 1 reel PMB 1046 GRAY Rev. William, Diaries, correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1882 1937. 3 reels. (Permission to reproduce contents in any way is required.) PMB 1047 GRAY Rev. William, Journal, report and letterbook, 1882 1906. 1 reel. (Permission to reproduce contents in any way is required.) PMB 1048 GRAY Elizabeth (nee McEwen), Journal and correspondence, 1882 86. 1 reel. (Permission to reproduce contents in any way is required.) PMB 1123 GRAY Rev. William, Press cuttings, pamphlets and articles on Kanaka labour traffic and missionary life in the New Hebrides, 1884 1915, 1993. 2 reels PMB 30 PATON Rev. Dr John G. (Compiler), Newspaper cuttings relating to the labour trade between Queensland and the New Hebrides, 1890 1895. 1 reel PMB 32 PATON Rev. Frederick James, New Hebrides Journal, 23 Apr 1893 31 Dec 1908. 1 reel PMB 33 PATON Helen I.M.R., New Hebrides Journals, 1 Jan 1903 24 Mar 1905. 1 reel PMB 54 PATON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Vila, New Hebrides, Medical records, 1947 1969. 1 reel PMB 86 LEGGATT Rev. T. Watt, Diaries, 1 Jun 1901 26 Apr 1908. 1 reel PMB 42 TANGOA TRAINING INSTITUTION NEW HEBRIDES, Records of the Tangoa Training Institution, New Hebrides, 1894 1969. 1 reel PMB 526 TANGOA TRAINING INSTITUTION, TANGOA, NEW HEBRIDES, Minute Books, 21 Apr 1947 31 Oct 1970. 1 reel PMB 1012 MILLER Rev. Dr J. Graham, Vanuatu Papers, 1945 1961. 1 reel PMB 1025 MILLER Rev. J. Graham, Field notes from Tongoa, New Hebrides, 1941 1947. 1 reel PMB 1028 MILLER Rev. J. Graham, Tongoan dictionary and notes on other Vanuatu languages (Central Islands), compiled between 1941 1973. 1 reel PMB 1051 MILLER Rev. J. Graham and Flora, An informal record of missionary service in the island of Tongoa and the Shepherd Islands, 1941 47. 1 reel PMB 1140 MILLER,Rev. J. Graham: A Days March Nearer Home, Vols. 5, 6 & 12, documents on the Presbyterian Teachers Training Institute, Tangoa, Vanuatu, 1947-1952; Rev. Millers lecture notes from the TTI; and documents from thePresbyterian Bible College, Tangoa, 1971-1973. 2 reels. (Available for reference.)
PMB 43 MELANESIAN MISSION, New Hebrides, Records, 1857 1968. 1 reel PMB 51 MELANESIAN MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Vocabularies, Correspondence, Prayers, n.d. 1 reel
PMB 49 CHURCHES OF CHRIST MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Record of births at Nduindui Hospital, Aoba, New Hebrides, 1946 1956 and 1962 1969. 1 reel
PMB 52 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Journals, letters, reports, language study, 1879 1949. 1 reel PMB 53 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Papers, 1883 1933. 1 reel
PMB 56 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Letters, 1899 1913. 1 reel PMB 57 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Letters, 1894 1932. 1 reel PMB 58 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Letters, 1898 1932. 1 reel PMB 59 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Dictionaries, n.d.. 1 reel PMB 60 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Dictionaries and vocabularies, n.d. 1 reel PMB 61 ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSION, NEW HEBRIDES, Correspondence, Journal, Notes, 1897 1926. 1 reel PMB 195 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Tonga and New Hebrides, Miscellaneous papers, 1853 1937. 1 reel PMB 590 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, NEW HEBRIDES, Official and personal correspondence, newspaper clippings and records, 1852 1931. 1 reel PMB 591 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, NEW HEBRIDES, General correspondence, 1894 1919. 1 reel PMB 592 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, NEW HEBRIDES, General correspondence, 1887 1899. 1 reel
Wallis and Futuna Islands
PMB 960 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Correspondence with Administration, 1890 1962. 2 reels PMB 961 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Correspondence and documentation on the political statutes of Wallis and Futuna, 1848 1962. 1 reel PMB 962 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Correspondence with French High Commissioner, Noumea, and with politicians in Paris, 1936 1966. 2 reels PMB 963 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Correspondence and financial statements of Lepers' Trust Board, 1946 1961. 1 reel PMB 964 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Diaries of Father, later Bishop, Alexandre Poncet, 1924 1947. 2 reels PMB 965 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, 'Notes sur la mission' by Father Jean-Marie Bazin, After 1922. 1 reel PMB 966 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Genealogies of Wallisian and Futunian families, compiled by Father Joseph Henquel. 1 reel PMB 972 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Genealogies of Wallisian families, compiled by Father Joseph Henquel. 1 reel PMB 973 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Genealogies of Wallisian families, compiled by Father Joseph Henquel. 1 reel PMB 974 CATHOLIC MISSION, WALLIS ISLAND, Genealogies of Wallisian families, compiled by Father Joseph Henquel. 1 reel
Pacific Islands - general
PMB 1084 PACIFIC THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE, Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Theology theses, 1968 1993. 33 reels
PMB 447 PEARCE Archbishop George Hamilton, Recent Development of the Catholic Church in the Southwest Pacific, 1971. 1 reel
PMB 709 LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Reports of deputations and secretarial visits to the South Seas, Papua etc. 1915 1966, 1 reel.
PMB 1194 COCKS, Rev. Norman F.: Struts and Frets His Hour, 1987. The autobiography of the Australian and New Zealand Secretary of the London Missionary Society, 1945-1970. 1 reel.
PMB 1050 BRENCHLEY Rev. Julius L., The Brenchley Papers, 1840 65. 1 reel
PMB 530 WILSON Bishop Cecil (Anglican Bishop of Melanesia), Diaries, 1894 1914 2 reels
PMB 552 GOSSNER MISSION, BERLIN, 'Die Biene auf dem Missionsfelde', 1834 1857. 1 reel
volumes on 22 reels. Restricted access.
PMB 1063
Restricted access.
PMB 718 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, Legends, journals, diaries, correspondence etc. re various Pacific Island missions, 1851 1860. 1 reel
PMB 1023 SELECTED PAPERS ON THE PACIFIC, Extracts from the Bingham Family papers, 1857 1941. 1 reel
PMB 92 "THE SAINTS HERALD", Articles relating to New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, 1874 1903 (Vols. 21 50). 1 reel PMB 93 "THE SAINTS HERALD", Articles relating to New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, 1916 1945 (Vols. 63 92). 1 reel PMB 94 "AUTUMN LEAVES", Articles and news items on the Pacific Islands, 1888 1908 (Vols. 1 21). 1 reel
PMB 100 "THE SAINTS HERALD", Articles relating to New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, 1918 1931. 1 reel
PMB 103 REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, Letters from missionaries in French Polynesia, Jul 1900 Nov 1965. 1 reel PMB 104, "ZION'S ENSIGN", Letters and articles on Pacific Islands. 1891 1932 (Vols 1 44) 1 reel PMB 105 "JOURNAL OF HISTORY", Articles relating to the Pacific Islands, 1908 1916 (Vols 1 9). 1 reel PMB 106 "TIMES AND SEASONS", Letters from the Pacific Islands, 1844 1846. 1 reel PMB 107 REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, Items on Pacific Islands from the minutes and reports of the annual general conferences, 1879 1964. 1 reel
PMB 112 "JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR", Articles relating to the Pacific Islands, 1868 1921 (Vols. 3 56). 1 reel PMB 113 "CONTRIBUTOR", Articles relating to the Pacific Islands, 1880 1896 (Vols 1 17). 1 reel PMB 114 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, 'Manuscript Mission Histories', 1849 1959. 1 reel PMB 115 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, Items on Pacific Islands from reports of annual and semi-annual conferences, 1902 1959. 1 reel PMB 109 "AUTUMN LEAVES", Articles on the Pacific Islands, 1909 1931 (Vols 22 44). 1 reel PMB 110 "IMPROVEMENT ERA", Articles relating to the Pacific Islands, 1898 1969 (Vols. 1 72). 1 reel
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