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UNESCO Archives Portal


We gratefully acknowledge the generous financial support we have received from:

Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland e.V.

Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia

Missio München

Society of the Divine Word

United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia

We also express appreciation to those who have helped make this Conference possible through their support, encouragement, hospitality and participation in the planning process, particularly:

In Rome:

His Eminence Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Citta' del Vaticano

Rev. Mgr. Ambrogio Spreafico, Rettore, Pontificia Università Urbaniana

Sr. Guistina and staff of the Centro Internatzionale Di Animazione Missionaria (C.I.A.M)

Don Luis Manuel Cuña Ramos, Archivista Storico, Congregazione Per L'Evangelizzaaione Dei Popoli

Roberta Ciocci, Archives, Congregazione Per L'Evangelizzaaione Dei Popoli

The Jesuit Archives, Rev. Joseph de Cock

Society Don Basco archives, Rev. Francisco Motto

Society for the Divine Word (SVD) archives.

Pontifical Institute for the Study of Arab Culture and Islam (PISAI), M. Borrmans

The Pontifical Urban University Library, Rev. Marek Rostkowski

The Vatican Archives, Rev. R. Farina


Shona Bettany, Dunedin

Jonas Jørgensen, Aeropagus, Copenhagen

Briony Seymour, IAMS Treasury, Birmingham

Donald Cochrane, Presbyterian Archives, Dunedin

Core Group Members

Gerald Anderson

Bill Burrows

Joan Chatfield

John England

Rita England

Marvin Hoff

Birger Nygaard

John Roxborogh

Rosemary Seton

Klaus Schäfer

Martha Smalley

Yvonne Wilkie