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From Archives to Ideas : Digging in the right places for Theology and Mission
Day Archives Consultation in Conjunction with
God'sZone? Conference, 15-17 July
Carey Baptist College
Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland,
Wednesday 14 July
9.30 am - 4.00pm
Lesley Utting lesley@carey.ac.nz
Ken Tracey
John Roxborogh john@roxborogh.com
It would be good to know if
you are coming, but the main thing is to turn up on the day!!
9.30 |
(Lunch is being gifted to us by Carey College. A koha may be offered
towards an archives
project in the Pacific).
10.00 |
Welcome and Introductions
Lesley Utting,
Librarian, Ayson Clifford Library, Carey Baptist College
10.30 |
Opening Address
John Roxborogh,
Parish Leadership Training, Presbyterian School of Ministry
"Archives to Ideas : Digging in the right places for Theology and Mission"
11.00 |
Stephen Innes,
Special Collections Librarian, University of Auckland
"Many happy returns! The Western Pacific Archives return to the Pacific"
12.00 |
Judith Bright, Kinder Librarian, St John's Theological
"The contribution of the theologian to the building of an Archive"
12.30 |
1.30 |
Martin Sutherland,
Director - Centre for Theological Studies Carey Baptist College
"The contribution of the Archive to the building of a theologian"
2.00 |
Mystery Tour! A
walk through the New Zealand Baptist Archive
2.30 |
Susan Smith RNDM,
Lecture in Scripture, Catholic Institute of Theology,
The Changing Nature of the
Spirituality of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in New Zealand and its
Relationship to their Changing Mission: A case study in theology from archives
to the life of an order in renewal.
3.15 |
Where to from here?
3.30 |
Afternoon Tea
Time for discussion, chat and networking. |
This Consultation is hosted
by Carey Baptist College, the Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission
and the Project for Archives Documentation and Oral History of the International
Association for Mission Studies.