Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission Studies

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Andrew Bell
Janet Crawford
John England
David Jenkins
Macdonald & Ross
Hugh Morrison
John Roxborogh
Christine Sorensen
Steve Taylor
David Tutty


Theological Scholarship in Aotearoa-New Zealand

 Carey Baptist College, 473 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland,
10 am Thursday July 15 to 2.30pm Saturday July 17, 2004


This conference brought together nearly 100 New Zealand scholars in theology across the disciplines of Mission Studies, Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology and Religious History.


The keynote speaker was Professor Steve Bevans SVD
(Catholic Theological Union, Chicago)
well known for his book
Models of Contextual Theology
(Maryknoll: Orbis, rev. ed. 2002).


The conference also hosted the annual general meeting of the

New Zealand Association of Theological Schools (NZATS). 


The 2004 ANZAMS Conference was held at Carey Baptist College 15 - 17 July 2004 in conjunction with our sister New Zealand Associations for Theological, Historical and Biblical Studies.


An Archives Consultation - From Archives to Ideas : Digging in the right places for Theology and Mission - was held at Carey Baptist College, 473 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland on Wednesday 14 July. Please contact John Roxborogh (, Lesley Utting or Ken Tracey (details below).

Professor Stephen Bevans SVD also spoke:


Tuesday July 20, Pompallier Lecture at St Mary's College Hall, Ponsonby at 7.30pm.


Wednesday July 21, on "Systematic Theology and the Missiological Imagination" at 5.10pm, Archway 2 Lecture Theatre, University of Otago


Thursday  July 22, "Documents, Themes and Developments in Missiology since Vatican II: From a Church with a Mission to a Missionary Church at 9.00 am in the Frank Nichol Room, Presbyterian School of Ministry, Knox College.


Friday July 23,  on "Missiology after Bosch" at 2.00pm in room 4C11, Burns Building, University of Otago


Friday evening July 23, Main Lecture Theatre, Holy Cross Formation Centre, Mosgiel.

Pacific and Asian History 1st Biennial TransTasman Conference 2004
Australian and New Zealand Missionaries At Home and Abroad

New Missiological Text Now Available


Stephen Bevans and Roger Schroeder's new book, Constants in Context. A theology of mission for today, Orbis, 2004, is available through OC Books, Dunedin. Copies of the second edition of Models of Contextual Theology, Orbis 2002, are also available.  Email


For further information contact:

Ken Tracey,
School of Global Mission
Bible College of New Zealand
Private Bag 93104
Henderson, Auckland 1231
Fax: (00 64 9) 836 7801

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