From time to time ANZAMS assists with the hosting of consultations bringing together archivists and researchers with a common interest in the documentation of the life and mission of the church in all its cultures and dimensions. These meetings are important in providing links between mission groups and archivists, and helping those concerned for reflecting on the story and theology of the mission of the church engage with the primary sources of the story of that mission. 2004 Consultation An Archives Consultation - From Archives to Ideas : Digging in the right places for Theology and Mission - was held at Carey Baptist College, 473 Great South Road, Penrose, Auckland, on Wednesday 14 July 2004. 2003 Consultation The archives consultation held in conjunction with the 2003 ANZAMS Conference was attended by people from mission and church organisations concerned for the development of record management policies to preserve their archives to strengthen the life and mission of their organisations. It included presentations from archivists and researchers, practical information and material. See 2003 Consultation 2002 Consultation Yvonne Wilkie and John Roxborogh were among those present at the joint IAMS-IACM archives for mission conference held in Rome on the theme of "Rescuing the Memory of our Peoples." For information visit http://www.missionstudies.org/rescue
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