
The IAMS Mission Study Group, Documentation, Archives, Bibliography and Oral History (DABOH) came into being in the earliest meetings of IAMS following its inception in 1972.  We now have an active core of more than fifty members worldwide.

Over 35 years the aims expressed in the purpose statement below have renewed our belief that archives and the documentation of the mission of the church are about life and the future. As mission studies and missiology have matured as disciplines essential to a global and cross-cultural understanding of Christian faith, we remain committed to finding ways to “Rescue the memory of our peoples” and to ground critical and theological reflection on the mission of the church in the historical and cultural experiences of the people of God.

Purpose Statement

DABOH exists to help rescue the memory of our people by:

  • promoting the documentation (with due emphasis on recording personal memoirs through oral history and other means) of the mission of the Christian church around the world, especially in regions where infrastructures do not exist for such endeavours;
  • encouraging the support, development and use of archives for mission;
  • stimulating the preparation and distribution of material to enable mission studies and other researchers to identify, locate and access primary material on the mission of the church in their own country and worldwide; and
  • networking with individuals and groups with related concerns, and facilitating multilateral, ecumenical, inter-cultural and international conversation to further our understanding of worldwide Christianity.


Reports, Projects and Documents:


DABOH study group’s Convener:
Marek Rostkowski
Email: mrostkowski67[@]gmail.com

Dr. Mariel Deluca Voth
Email: deluca.mariel[@]gmail.com

We welcome mission historians, practitioners, archivists and librarians to join the DABOH Group.