3.1 Anglican
| A man of vision. Messages and essays in honour of
Bishop Tan Sri J G Savarimuthu, PSM, B.D., on the
occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Anglican Church
History Study Group, Kuala Lumpur, 1986, 54pp. All
Saints Church Taiping, Centenary Magazine 1887-1987.
English and Tamil. Contains a detailed history of the
Anglican Church in North Perak, 112pp.
Anglican Chinese Mission in Penang Centenary
Magazine 1886-1986. Chinese and English.
Baines, H W. The Church in Malaya, East
and West Review, 19(3), 1953, pp.81-85.
Baines, H W. The Church in Singapore and Malaya,
1949-1960, East and West Review, 26, 1960,
Baines, H W. Ye shall have tribulation,
Diocesan Synod of Singapore, 1951, 99pp.
A short history of the life of the late Reverend
Royapen Balavendrum, first Tamil minister and missionary, SPG, and of the establishment of the St Georges
Tamil mission of the Church of England in Penang and
Malaya, typescript. [St Georges microfilm, Seminari
Theoloji Malaysia library.]
Batumalai, S. The man with a pastoral heart. Silver
Jubliee thanksgiving programme for the life and ministry
of Archdeacon Butwan Manikam, Anglican Church History
Study Group, Kuala Lumpur, 1989, 67pp.
Browning, P S. A short history of the chaplaincy of
Taiping and North Perak, the Federated Malay States,
Convict Establishment Press, Taiping, 1929, iv + 55pp.
Bryan, John Northridge, The churches of the
captivity in Malaya, SPCK, London, 1946, 72pp.
Buckley, Charles Burton. An anecdotal history of
old times in Singapore from ... February 6th 1819 to ...
April 1st 1867, University of Malaya Press, 1965,
Carpenter, Kathleen. Come in ... to the household
of God, Highway Press, London, 1958, 96pp. New
Village work by CMS missionaries, particularly in Jinjang.
Carpenter, Kathleen. The password is love in the
New Villages of Malaya, Highway Press, London, 1955,
Cole, Keith. A history of the CMS of
Australia, Church Missionary Society, Melbourne,
1971. pp.152-164.
Cole, R Alan. Emerging pattern. CIM work in the
Diocese of Singapore and Malaya, London, China Inland
Mission / Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1961, 48pp..
Cornwall, Nigel E. Borneo, past present and future, SPG, 1953, 61pp.
Cornwall, Nigel E. Opportunity in Borneo, East
and West Review, 19(3), 1953, pp.74-80.
Dumper, A C. The Church of St George the Martyr, Penang, 1964, 14pp.
Dumper, A C. A history of the Parish of South Perak, Ipoh, 1953, 22pp.
Eley, Neville James. Look at our neighbours,
Australian Board of Missions of the Church of England,
Stanmore, New South Wales, 1967, 38pp. Report of visit
and call for greater Australian involvement.
Ferguson-Davie, C E. In rubber lands. An account of
the work of the Church in Malaya, SPCK, London, 1921,
Gomes, E H. An account of the St Andrews
Church Mission from AD 1856 to AD 1887, etc.,
Singapore and Straits Printing Office, Singapore, 1888,
Hayter, John. Priest in prison. Four years of life
in Japanese-occupied Singapore, 1941-1945, Churchman,
Worthing, 1989, 312pp.
Hayter, John. The Church and the new
Malaya, East and West Review 13(4), 1947,
Hayter, J and Bennitt, J. Singapore. The War and
After Series No. II, SPG, 1946, 36pp.
Henrich, Ruth. No richer harvest; the story of the
Church in Borneo, SPG/SPCK, 1934, 71pp. 1935, 68p.
Jeanes, Sylvia Margaret. "Your light has
come:" an historical outline of the Sabah Anglican
Interior Mission, 1956-1985, MMin thesis, Trinity
Theological College, Singapore, 1986, 166pp.
Khoo Kay Keng, ed., Diocese of Sabah Silver Jubilee
1962-1987, Diocese of Sabah, P O Box 10811, Kota Kinabalu. English and Chinese, 140 + 68pp. Historical
recollections and analysis.
Kovilpillai, Daniel et al. A short history of St
Andrews School 1862-1962, Singapore, 64pp.
Lee, Arnold and Kathleen. Spotlight on Malaya,
Highway Press, 1962.
Loh Keng Aun. Fifty years of the Anglican Church in
Singapore Island, 1909-1959, University of Singapore,
1963, vi + 54pp.
Lomax, Frank. The Church in North Borneo, East
and West Review, 29(4), October 1963, pp.22-32.
McKay, R. John Leonard Wilson, confessor for the
Faith, Hodder, 1973.
Morgan, D I. They became Anglicans, Mowbray,
London, 1959. Includes, pp.74-83, a life of Roland Koh,
the first Chinese Anglican bishop in Singapore and
Morgan, Dewi. Christianity and Malaya, British
Malaya, June 1951, p.258.
Ng Moon Hing. History and mission of the Anglican
Chinese Church in West Malaysia, MDiv dissertation,
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, 1989, iv + 155pp.
Ong, E. A brief history of the Anglican Church in
Selangor and the Federal Territory, 1879-1982, student
dissertation, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, 1983, Kuala
Parish of the Church of the Holy Spirit Golden
Jubilee 1931-1981. 76pp. Includes history of Tamil
work in the Ipoh area.
Pascoe, C F. Ten years in South-east Asia,
Malaya, International Review of Mission, 21,
April 1932, pp.156-159.
Pascoe, C F. Two hundred years of the SPG,
volume II, London, 1901, pp.682-702.
Saint, Max. A flourish for the bishop and
Brookes friend Grant. Two studies in Sarawak
history, 1848-1868, Merlin Books, Braunton, England,
1985, 284pp. Reassessment of Bishop McDougall and his
St Christophers Church, Parish of South Johore. Diamond Jubilee Magazine 1927-1987, 1987,
Samuel, Paul G T. A hundred years of the Tamil
Mission Diocese of West Malaysia (1871-1971),
published by the author, Kuala Lumpur, 1971, 37pp.
Saunders, Graham Edward. Bishops and Brookes. The
Anglican mission and the Brooke Raj in Sarawak 1848-1941,
PhD thesis, University of Hull, 1989, 742pp.
Sharp, A F. The wings of the morning, Greaves,
London, 1953. First Archdeacon of Sarawak who also served
in Sinapore and Malacca.
Sulston, A E A. Borneo and Malaya, East
and West Review, 22(1) 1956, pp.12-23. Impressions of
an SPG Overseas Secretary.
Swindell, Frank Guthrie. A short history of St
Andrews Cathedral Singapore, 1929, Malaya
Tribune Press, Singapore, 27pp.
Taylor, Brian. The Anglican Church in Borneo
1848-1962, New Horizon, Bognor Regis, England, 1983.
xii + 368 + 31 + viii + xlviipp. Detailed chronicle with
tables, appendices and index.
Taylor, Brian. Elton Hill Diary. Story of the
founding of St Michaels Church, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia,
1976, 46pp.
Thompson, H P. Into all lands: the history of the
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign
Parts 1701-1950, SPCK, London, 1951, 760pp.,
Wong, James Y K. Singapore: The church in the midst
of social change, Church Growth Study Centre, Fort
Canning Road, Singapore, 1973, 201pp. Church growth
study, particularly of Anglican and Baptist churches in
Woods, R W. Malaya and Singapore, East
and West Review, 29(1), January 1963, pp.20-24.
Woods, Robin. Robin Woods: An Autobiography, SCM, London, 1986, 310pp. Woods was Archdeacon of
Vun, Albert. A church growth analysis of the Sabah
Anglican Interior Mission (1960-1979), Senior Paper,
Singapore Bible College, 1981, 93pp.
3.2 Assemblies of God
| Kuala Lumpur Assembly of God 30th anniversary,
1934-1964. Thomas, Chris D. Diaspora Indians:
Church growth among Indians in West Malaysia,
Malaysia Indian Evangelism Council, Penang, 1978, 214pp.
A church growth study of Tamil churches with special
reference to the Assembly of God.
3.3 Baptist
| Cauthen, B J et al., Advance: a history of southern
Baptist foreign missions, Broadman, 1970, pp.126-129. Hsu,
Princeton S, ed. A history of Chinese Baptist
Churches, Baptist Press, Hong Kong, vol. 4, 1972.
Hwang Wei-Tjang. A general history of Baptist work in
Malaysia, MDiv dissertation, Baptist Theological
Seminary, Penang, 1981, viii + 299pp. Includes
bibliography of local material in English and Chinese.
Morris, Charles H. Malaysia, The
Commission (Southern Baptist World Journal), 27(8),
Sep 1964, pp.4-9.
Report of the in-depth study committee of the
Malaysia-Singapore Baptist Mission, mimeo, nd.
[c.1975] Analysis of responses to questionnaires.
Rogers, Lillie O, ed. A history of Baptists in
Malaysia and Singapore, Eurasia Press, Singapore,
Wong, James Y K. Singapore: The church in the midst
of social change, Church Growth Study Centre, Fort
Canning Road, Singapore, 1973, 201pp. Church growth
study, particularly of Anglican and Baptist churches in
3.4 Brethren
| Balasingham, M K. The early history of Brethren work in
West Malaysia (1859-1899), Senior paper, Singapore Bible
College, 1977, 22pp. Bull, Geoffrey T. Coral in the
Sand, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1962, viii +
125pp. Experiences of the author in Jesselton, now Kota Kinabalu.
By the grace of God, Grace Chapel, Box 413,
Kota Kinabalu, 1984, 57pp. English and Chinese. History
of Assemblies in Sabah.
The story of one hundred years of the Lords
blessings: Centennial brochure of Bethesda Gospel Hall,
1864-1964, Malaysia Publishing House, Singapore,
James, G D. Missionary tours of Malaysia, Asia
Evangelical Fellowship, Singapore, 1962, 164pp.
Marks, H Freeman. Reminiscences,: The call to serve
the Lord in Malaya and subsequent years of service from
1900-1952, Vancouver, nd. [1952?]
Phang Swee Lan. Reminiscences. Taiping Gospel Hall
1880-1980, Eastern Universities Press, Petaling Jaya,
1981 132pp.
Tatford, F A. That the world may believe, vol.
5, pp.155-206, Echoes Publication, Bath, 1984.
Thiran, N, ed. The Christian Brethren of Malaysia:
our heritage, Kuala Lumpur, 1990.
3.5 Lutheran
| BCCM Centenary Magazine 1882-1982, Basel Christian
church of Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 36 + 192 pp.
[English + Chinese] Fisher, Carl M. The relationship
of financial subsidy to the growth and development of the
Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore, 1973.
Fisher, Carl M. Stewardship and church structure. A
research project presented to the Board of World
Missions, Lutheran Church of America and the Lutheran
Church in Malaysia (and Singapore), STM thesis,
Faculty of Theology at Chicago 1967, published by LCMS,
Kuala Lumpur, 1973, 121pp.
Furberg, Tore. Möte med världssreligionerna en
studiebok om religion och samhälle i Malaysia och
Singapore, Verbum/Studiebok förlaget, Sweden, 1969,
148pp. Malaysian religions and the Christian mission.
Ishida, Yoshida. The people of God in Malaysia and
Singapore. Indigenization church survey, May 1972.
LCMS, The fifteenth anniversary of the Lutheran
Church in Malaysia and Singapore, 1979.
Lindbeck, George, Ecumenism and the Lutheran Church
in Malaysia and Singapore, 1969, 77pp.
Nyce, Ray. Lift up your heads ... church life and
work in towns and villages in West Malaysia being served
by the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore,
Vierow, Duain William. A history of Lutheranism in
Western Malaysia and Singapore, Board of World
Missions, Lutheran Church in America, New York, 1968,
Vierow, Duain William. A comparison of Tamil and
Chinese Lutheran Churches in Peninsular Malaysia and
Singapore, DMiss thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary,
1976, 268pp.
Wiking, Göran. Negri Agro-industrial training
complex, student dissertation, Seminari Theoloji
Malaysia, 1987, 81pp.
Witschi, Hermann. Geshichte der Basler Mission
1920-1940, Band 5, Basileia Verlag, Basel, 1970,
Witschi, Hermann (Nach einem Manuskript von Wilhelm
Schlatter). Geshichte der Basler Mission 1914-1919,
Band 4, Basileia Verlag, Basel, 1965, p.30f.
3.6 Mar Thoma and Syrian Orthodox
| George, Alice. Gereja Syrian Mar Thoma: Kajian Terhadap
Tradisi dan Pertumbuhan serta Perkembangannya di Malaysia
[The Mar Thoma Syrian Church: a study of tradition,
growth and development], thesis, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia. The Mar Thoma Church. A Malaysian
perspective, 1986, 211pp.
3.7 Methodist
| Barclay, Wade Crawford, History of Methodist Missions
in six volumes, part two: The Methodist Episcopal Church
1845-1939 in two volumes: vol. III [of six],
Widening horizons, 1845-95; and vol. IV [of
six], A worldwide church, 1896-1939, The Board of
missions of the Methodist Church, New York, 1957.
Perceptive analysis of the formative years of the
Methodist mission in Malaya and Sarawak. Cherry,
William Thomas. Malaysia Preachers Manual. A handbook
for local preachers, pastors, office-bearers, and
missionaries, Methodist Publishing House, Singapore,
1917, 90pp.
Cartwright, Frank T. Tuan Hoover of Borneo,
Abingdon, New York, 1938. 186pp.
Doraisamy, Theodore R. Forever Beginning II, one
hundred years of Methodism in Singapore, Methodist
Church in Singapore, 1986, 144pp.
Doraisamy, Theodore R. Forever Beginning, one
hundred years of Methodism in Singapore, Methodist
Church in Singapore, 1985, 296pp.
Doraisamy, Theodore R. Oldham called of God.
Profile of a pioneer, Methodist Book Room, Singapore,
1979, 103pp.
Doraisamy, Theodore R. Patterns of ministry in
Methodism in Sinagpore and Malaysia, Methodist
History, 21, Jan 1983, pp.112-123.
Doraisamy, Theodore R. Rescuing the Oldham
legend, Methodist History, 18, Oct 1979,
Doraisamy, Theodore R. Sophia Blackmore in
Singapore, Methodist Book Room, Singapore, 1987,
Doraisamy, Theodore R. The March of Methodism in
Singapore and Malaysia 1885-1980, Methodist Bookroom,
1982, 110pp.
Haines, Joseph Harry. A history of the Methodist
Church in Malaysia, MTh, Princeton Theological Seminary,
History of Malaysian Methodism. 75 year anniversary
Ho Seng Ong. Methodist Schools in Malaysia. Their
record and history, Board of Education, Malaya Annual
Conference, Petaling Jaya, 1964, xvi + 843pp.
Comprehensive, illustrated history.
Ho, Ruth. Rainbow round my shoulder, Eastern
Universities Press, Singapore, 1975.
Hunt, Robert. The history of the translation of
the Bible into Malay, Journal of the Malaysian
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 62(1), 1989,
Robert Hunt. William
Shellabear: a biography. University of
Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1996.
Hutton, Peter. Make what I can sell. The story of
Jack Chia-MPH, Jack Chia-MPH, Singapore, 1978, 128pp.
Includes accounts of the work of Shellabear and Cherry in
establishing the Methodist Publishing House which in due
course became part of the Jack Chia Group.
Marsh, Mabel. Hard Scrabble, 1968.
Marsh, Mabel. Service suspended. Carlton Press,
New York, 1968, 180pp. Correspondence from June 1939 to
May 1942 sharing the authors experiences as a
missionary teacher returning to Malaya and then leaving
with the Japanese invasion.
Marsh, Mabel. A wagon that was hitched to a star.
Privately published. Distributed through the Womens
Foreign Missionary Society, 1720 Arch Street, Phil. PA.
144pp. nd. Letters written to a friend in the United
States by a Methodist missionary in Bengal and Singapore,
Means, Nathalie Toms. Malaysia Mosaic. A story of
fifty years of Methodism, Methodist Book Room,
Singapore, 1935, 142pp.
Means, Paul and Nathalie, And the seed grew, nd.[1981], np., 95pp. Methodist mission among the Sengoi
in West Malaysia.
Oldham, W F. India, Malaysia and the Philippines, a
practical study in missions, Eaton & Mains, New
York; Jennings and Graham, Cincinnati; 1913, 299pp.
Oldham, Wm F. Malaysia: Natures wonderland,
Jennings and Graham, Cincinnati; Eaton and James, New
York, 1907, 90pp.
Shastri, Hermen P. Christ in tribal culture. A study
of the interaction between Christianity and Semai society
of Peninsular Malaysia in the context of the history of
the Methodist Mission (1930-1983), DTheol, University of
Heidelberg, 1989, viii + 213pp.
Thoburn, James M. India and Malaysia, Cranston
and Curtis, Cincinnati, 1893, 566pp.
Thomas A/L Soma Rajan. Gereja Methodist Malaysia: Satu
Kajian Mengenai Sejarah Pembentukan dan Perkembangannya
dengan memberi tumpuan khas kepada Gereja Methodist Tamil
[The Methodist Church of Malaysia: a study concerning the
history of its formation and development with special
focus on the Tamil Methodist Church], Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 1988/89, xx + 172pp.
Thoraisingam, Eddie J. The potential of the Methodist
Tamil Church in West Malaysia for evangelizing and church
planting, DMiss thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary,
Vasil, Raj. Tan Chee Khoon. An elder statesman,
Pelanduk Publications, 1987, 199pp. Biography of leading
Malaysian politician and Methodist layman.
Vethamani, Victor J. A study of Methodist Tamil work
in Malaysia with particular reference to the formation of
the Tamil Annual Conference, student thesis, Union
Biblical Seminary, Yavatmal, 1981, 82pp.
Women in the Methodist Church of Malaysia,
1885-1984, Womens Society of Christian Service,
Kuala Lumpur, nd., 140pp.
Yap Kim-Hao, D R Daniel and Sian Boon Chong, eds., Methodism
at the crossroads, Union Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1966.
3.8 Pentecostal churches and the Charismatic Movement
| Ackerman, Susan E and Raymond, L M. Heaven in
transition, non-Muslim religious innovation and ethnic
identity in Malaysia, University of Hawaii Press,
Honolulu, 1988; Forum, Kuala Lumpur, 1990, 201pp.
Includes revised versions of their other essays.
Sociological rather than religious. Ackerman, S.
Experimentation and renewal among Malaysian
Christians: the Charismatic movement in Kuala Lumpur and
Petaling Jaya, Southeast Asia Journal of Social
Science, 12(1), 1984, pp.35-48.
Ackerman, S E. The language of religious
innovation: spirit possession and exorcism in a Malaysian
Catholic Pentecostal movement, Journal of
Anthropological Research, 37(1), 1981, 90-100.
Kaye, L and Kulkarni, V G. A queue of
Christians, Far Eastern Economic Review, 12
January, 1984, pp.34-36.
Kuala Lumpur Assembly of God 30th anniversary,
Lee, R L M, and Ackerman, S E. Conflict and
solidarity in a pentecostal group in urban
Malaysia, Sociological Review, 28(4), 1980,
Northcott, Michael. A survey of the rise of
Charismatic Christianity in Malaysia, Asia
Journal of Theology, 4(1), April 1990, pp.266-278.
Thomas, Chris D. Diaspora Indians: Church growth
among Indians in West Malaysia, Malaysia Indian
Evangelism Council, Penang, 1978, 214pp. A church growth
study of Tamil churches with special reference to the
Assembly of God.
| Anderson, Alan S Moore. Random Reminiscences,
Albert Clark, London, 1955, 99pp. Memoirs of an
indefatigable and singular missionary and educationalist. Band,
Edward. Working His purpose out, the history of the
English Presbyterian Church Mission 1847-1947,
Presbyterian Church of England, London, 1948, pp.527-546
Cheeseman, Harold Ambrose Robinson. St
Andrews Presbyterian Church, Penang, Saint
Andrews Outlook, July, 1951.
Cheeseman, H R. The Presbyterian church in
Malaya (post-war rehabilitation), British Malaya,
October, 1947.
Gibson, T Campbell. But God. Selected sermons of, nd. [c.1969], 68pp.
Greer, Robert M. A history of the Presbyterian
Church in Singapore, Saint Andrews Outlook,
108, April, 1956. Reprinted separately in 1959.
Halson, R D. The Malayan churches of London
North Presbytery after enemy occupation, Journal
of the Presbyterian Historical Society of England,
9(2), 1949, pp.94-100.
Harcus, A D. History of the Presbyterian Church
in Malaya, Journal of the Presbyterian
Historical Society of England, 10(4), May 1955,
Hood, George. Malaya the challenge, Overseas
Missions Committee of the Presbyterian Church of England,
London, 1957, 51pp. Brief and perceptive analysis. Useful
maps of the Presbyterian Mission.
Johnson, Anne. The Burning Bush, Dawn
Publications, Singapore, 1988, vi + 298pp. History of
Orchard Road Presbyterian Church, Singapore, and of many
aspects of the Presbyterian Church in Malaya and
Johnson, Anne. A historical account of the steps taken
leading to union between the Presbytery of Malaysia and
Singapore of the Presbyterian Church of England and the
Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore and
Malaysia, 1983, 28pp, typescript. Essay submitted for the
licensing examination of the Synod of the Presbyterian
Church of Singapore, October 1983.
The Presbyterian church in Singapore 1881-1981.
100th anniversary commemoration volume, [English and
Chinese] 268pp.
The Presbyterian Church in Singapore and Malaysia.
90th anniversary of the Church and 70th anniversary of
the Synod. Commemoration volume. [English and
Chinese] 53 + 151pp.
Chiam Joon Tong, Prinsep St. Presbyterian Church
1930-1980, Singapore, nd. 63pp.
Tankaraj, M. The history and the growth of the English
speaking Presbyterian churches in the State of Johor,
Senior paper, Singapore Bible College, November 1978,
typescript, 39pp.
Warner, Lavinia and John Sandilands, Women beyond
the wire, Michael Joseph 1982, Hamilyn, 1983, 289pp.
Inspiring and harrowing account of women prisoners of war
in Sumatra. A key figure was Margaret Dryburgh, a
Presbyterian missionary teacher in Singapore who died in
captivity, 21 April 1945.
3.10 Roman Catholic
| 100 years in Sarawak, Centenary celebrations of the
Archdiocese of Kuching, 1981, Kuching, 1981, 131pp. Buckley,
Charles Burton. An anecdotal history of old times in
Singapore from ... February 6th 1819 to ... April 1st
1867, University of Malaya Press, 1965, The
Roman Catholic Church, pp.242-271.
Cardon, R. Catholicism in the East and the Diocese
of Malacca (1511-1888), reprinted from the Malaya
Catholic Leader, December 1938, Singapore, 1939,
Chung Hoan Ting, Peter, Archbishop of Kuching. Our
task and our responsibility. A letter of Archbishop P
Chung to all Priests, Religious and Faithful of the
Archdiocese of Kuching, Kuching, 1977, iv + 49pp.
Church of the Holy Rosary Kuala Lumpur, Diamond
Jubliee Celebration Souvenir, Kuala Lumpur, 1978,
Chooi Mun Sou, The role of the laity in the
Malaysian context, East Asian Pastoral Review,
1, 1985, pp.33-38.
Clifford, Hugh. An Apostle to Malaya: Father Roueliot. Asia, 26, 1926, pp.969-973.
Crowe, D. A centenary in Borneo, East
Asian Pastoral Review, 19(1), 1982, pp.60-68.
Dames de Saint-Maur. Centenary Souvenir. Mission of
the Sisters of the Holy Infant Jesus in Malaya 1852-1952,
Lyon, 1952.
Decroix, Father Paul, MEP. Saint Louis Church,
Taiping, Perak, Malaysia, 1897-1987. A short history of
the Catholic Church in Taiping, 95pp. Comprehensive
narrative history.
Lee, Felix George. The Catholic Church in Malaya,
Donald Moore/Eastern Universities Press, Singapore, 1963,
OBrien, Kevin J. Redemptorists in
Singapore-Malaysia, Navjiwan Press, Singapore, 1985,
217pp. History of 50 years in Singapore and 25 years in Ipoh.
Official Church Directory and Ordo. The Catholic
Directory for the Archdioceses of Singapore, Kuala Lumpur
and Kuching and the Diocese of Penang, Melaka-Johor, Kota
Kinabalu, Sibur and Miri-Brunei, Catholic
Bishops Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei,
Catholic News, Singapore. Annual publication. 1988
edition 247pp.
Roekaerts, Mil. The Malay Dilemma, Pro
Mundi Vita: Dossiers, 1/1984.
Rooney, John. Khabar Gembira (The Good News). A
history of the Catholic Church in East Malaysia and
Brunei, 1880-1976, Burns & Oates, 1981, 292pp.
Modern history. Extensive bibliography.
Schurhammer, Georg, SJ. Francis Xavier, his life
his times. Volume III : Indonesia and India 1545-1549,
1980, pp.3-51, 217-282; Volume IV : Japan and China
1549-1552, 1982, pp.5-26, 320-341, 581-616, 644-646,
Jesuit Historical Institute, Rome. Definitive work on
Xavier with considerable detail on Melaka.
Teixeira, Manuel. The Portuguese missions in
Malacca and Singapore (1511-1958), Agência Geral do
Ultramar, Lisbon, 1961, 1963, 3 vols. Detailed but
Williams, Ken. The Catholic Church in West
Malaysia and Singapore, A foreign and colonial
church? The relationship between Christianity and
colonialism, in M D David, ed., Asia and
Christianity, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay,
1985, pp.107-126.
Williams, Ken. The Vatican missionary policy in
Asia with special reference to West Malaysia and
Singapore (1622-1981), in M D David, ed., Western
Colonialism in Asia and Christianity, Himalaya
Publishing House, Bombay, 1988, pp.63-74.
Williams, Kenneth M, C.Ss.R. The Church in West
Malaysia and Singapore: A study of the Catholic Church in
West Malaysia and Singapore regarding her situation as an
indigenous church, PhD, Catholic University of Leuven,
1976, lxii + 259pp.
Wong, Suk Siong. The Order of the Holy Infant
Jesus in Selangor (1899-1967), Malaysia in History,
27, 1984, pp.57-82.
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