6.1 Perlis
6.2 Kedah
6.3 Penang
| Beighton, John T. Betel Nut Island, London, Religious Tract Society, 1888. Beighton,
Thomas. Penang: description of the island, its population, etc., Chinese missions,
their establishment, progress and present state, Chinese Repository, 3(5),
1834, pp.221-230.
Beighton, Thomas. Prince of Wales Island Protestant Mission, Malacca, 1826.
Davies, Evan. Life of Rev Samuel Dyer, London, 1843.
Davies, Evan. Memoir of the Rev Samuel Dyer, sixteen years missionary to the Chinese,
John Snow, London, 1846, xvi + 303pp.
Dumper, A C. The Church of St George the Martyr, Penang, 1964, 14pp.
6.4 Perak
| All Saints Church Taiping, Centenary Magazine 1887-1987. English and Tamil.
Contains a detailed history of the Anglican Church in North Perak. Decroix, Father Paul,
MEP. Saint Louis Church, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia, 1897-1987. A short history of the
Catholic Church in Taiping, 95pp. Comprehensive narrative history.
Dumper, A C. A history of the Parish of South Perak, Ipoh, 1953, 22pp.
OBrien, Kevin J. Redemptorists in Singapore-Malaysia, Navjiwan Press,
Singapore, 1985, 217pp. History of 50 years in Singapore and 25 years in Ipoh.
Parish of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Golden Jubilee 1931-1981. Includes
history of Tamil Anglican work in the Ipoh area.
Phang Swee Lan, Reminiscences. Taiping Gospel Hall 1880-1980, Eastern
Universities Press, Petaling Jaya, 1981 132pp.
6.5 Selangor
| Carpenter, Kathleen. Come in ... to the household of God, Highway Press, London,
1958, 96pp. Methods used in New Village work by CMS missionaries, particularly in relation
to Jin Jang. Carpenter, Kathleen. The password is love. In the New Villages of Malaya,
Highway Press, London, 1955, 84pp.
Church of the Holy Rosary Kuala Lumpur, Diamond Jubliee Celebration Souvenir,
Kuala Lumpur, 1978, 110pp.
Nyce, Ray. Into a new age. A study of Church and Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Institute for Study of Religions and Society in Singapore and Malaysia, Singapore, 1973.
Ong, E. A brief history of the Anglican Church in Selangor and the Federal Territory,
1879-1982, student dissertation, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
St Francis Xavier Church, Petaling Jaya Silver Jubliee, We are the Church ... The
church on mission, 31 July 1987. 76pp.
Wong, Suk Siong. The Order of the Holy Infant Jesus in Selangor (1899-1967), Malaysia
in History, 27, 1984, pp.57-82.
6.6 Negri Sembilan
6.7 Melaka
| Blasdell, Fanny Shellabear. Malacca memories, part I, typescript. Blasdell, Fanny
Shellabear. Malacca memories, part II, typescript, 1966.
Blasdell, Robert Allen, An unfolding life, typescript, c.1970.
Cardon, R. The old church on the Malacca hill, Journal of the Malaysian
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 20(1), 1947, pp.18-23. See also Addenda and
Corrigenda, 20(2), 1947
Cardon, R. The Portuguese Church of St Paul, Malacca, Journal of the
Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2(2) 1934, pp.40-43.
Hardy, T J. Catalogue of church records, Malacca, 1642-1898, Journal of
the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 15(1), 1937, pp.1-24.
Harfield, Alan. Christian cemetries and memorials in Malacca, 1984, British
Association for Cemetries in South Asia, London, iv + 82pp.
Pintado, M J, A stroll through ancient Malacca and a glimpse at her historical sites,
Malacca, 1980, vi + 87pp. A popular history with special emphasis on the Roman Catholic
Pintado, Manuel Joaquim. Some Portuguese historical sources on Malacca
history, Heritage [Singapore National Museum] 3, 1978, pp.20-62. Wide-ranging
discussion and listing of sources in English, French and Portuguese.
Schurhammer, Georg. The Church of St Paul, Malacca, Journal of the
Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 12(2), 1934.
Schurhammer, Georg, SJ. Francis Xavier, his life his times. Volume III :
Indonesia and India 1545-1549, 1980, pp.3-51, 217-282; Volume IV : Japan and China
1549-1552, 1982, pp.5-26, 320-341, 581-616, 644-646, Jesuit Historical Institute,
Rome. Definitive work on Xavier with material on Melaka not otherwise accessible.
Sta Maria, Bernard. My people, my country. The story of the Malacca Portuguese
community, Malacca Portuguese Development Centre, Malacca, 1982, 236pp. Draws
attention to role of lay groups in keeping the faith particularly during the Dutch period.
Thomaz, Luis Filipe Ferreira Reis. The Indian merchant communities in Malacca
under the Portuguese rule, in T R de Souza, ed., Indo-Portuguese History: Old
issues, new questions, Concept, New Delhi, 1985, pp.56-72.
Teixeira, Manuel. The Portuguese missions in Malacca and Singapore (1511-1958),
Agência Geral do Ultramar, Lisbon, 1961, 1963, 3 vols. Uncritical and detailed.
Wicki, Joseph D. Jorge de Santa Luzia O.P. Erste Bischof von Malakka
(1558-1576), Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft, 22, 1966,
6.8 Johore
| St Christophers Church, Parish of South Johore. Diamond Jubilee Magazine
1927-1987, 1987, 68pp. |
6.9 Kelantan
6.10 Terengganu
6.11 Pahang
6.12 Sabah
See also Sarawak, 6.13.
| BCCM Centenary Magazine 1882-1982, Basel Christian church of Malaysia, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah, 36 + 192 pp. [English + Chinese] Bienz, H. A short history of the
Borneo Basel Self-established church, usually called the Basel Mission in North
Borneo, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 39(1),
1966, pp.166-168.
Bull, Geoffrey T. Coral in the Sand, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1962, viii +
125pp. Experiences of the author in Jesselton, now Kota Kinabalu.
Cornwall, Nigel E. Borneo, past present and future, SPG, 1953, 61pp.
Crowe, D. A centenary in Borneo, East Asian Pastoral Review, 19(1),
1982, pp.60-68.
Jeanes, Sylvia Margaret. "Your light has come:" an historical outline of the
Sabah Anglican Interior Mission, 1956-1985, MMin thesis, Trinity Theological College,
Singapore, 1986, 166pp.
Khoo Kay Keng, ed., Diocese of Sabah Silver Jubilee 1962-1987, Diocese of Sabah,
P O Box 10811, 88809 Kota Kinabalu. English and Chinese, 140 + 68pp. Historical
recollections and analysis.
Taylor, Brian. Elton Hill Diary. Story of the founding of St Michaels Church,
Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia, 1976, 46pp.
Thu En-Yu. Christian encounter with animism: the Christian mission among the Rungus
people of Sabah, MTh thesis [Trinity Theological College?]. Abstract in South East Asia
Journal of Theology, 18(1), 1977, p.107f.
Vun, Albert. A church growth analysis of the Sabah Anglican Interior Mission
(1960-1979), Senior Paper, Singapore Bible College, 1981, 93pp.
Witschi, Hermann. Geshichte der Basler Mission 1920-1940, Band 5, Basileia
Verlag, Basel, 1970, pp.164-168.
Witschi, Hermann (Nach einem Manuskript von Wilhelm Schlatter). Geshichte der Basler
Mission 1914-1919, Band 4, Basileia Verlag, Basel, 1965, p.30f.
6.13 Sarawak
Aicher, P. Pioneer priests, AD 1688, Sarawak Museum Journal, 6(6)
[NS] 21 [OS], December 1955, p.510.
Brereton, C D. An address, with a proposal for the foundation of a church, mission
house and school at Sarawak on the north-west coast of Borneo under the protection of
James Brooke, Esq., founder of the settlement of Sarawak, Chapman, London, 1846, 35pp.
Cartwright, Frank T. Tuan Hoover of Borneo, Abingdon, 1938. 186pp.
Chin, John M. The Sarawak Chinese, OUP, Kuala Lumpur, 1981, 158pp.
Chou, Ivy Su-Teng. Planning a leadership training program for the Theological School in
Sarawak, Borneo. Doctor of Education thesis, Columbia University Teachers College, 1955,
Cornwall, Nigel E. Borneo, past present and future, SPG, 1953, 61pp.
Conley, W C. Kenyah receptivity and response to Christianity, Sarawak
Museum Journal, 22(43), 1974, pp.311-324.
Crowe, D. A centenary in Borneo, East Asian Pastoral Review, 19(1),
1982, pp.60-68.
Henrich, Ruth. No richer harvest; the story of the Church in Borneo, SPG/SPCK,
1934, 71pp. 1935, 68p.
Hose, Charles and Francis McDougall, The pagan tribes of Borneo, vols I &
II, Barnes & Noble, New York, 1912.
Joseph, Terence. The longhouse church in Sarawak, MTh thesis, Southern Methodist
University, 1964.
King, Victor T. Essays on Borneo Societies, Oxford University Press for the
University of Hull, 1978, 256pp. See index for references to Christianity.
Lees, Shirley. Drunk before dawn, OMF, 1979. Story of the Borneo Evangelical
Mission now part of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship.
Lees, Shirley P. Jungle Fire, Oliphants, 1964, 94pp. Spread of Christianity
among Borneo tribal groups in the 1950s.
Lees, Shirley and Bill. Is it sacrifice? OMF/IVP/STL, 1987, 192pp. Experiences
with the Tagal people in Sabah and other work of the BEM/OMF in East Malaysia.
Newton, Brian William. A new dawn over Sarawak: the church and its mission in Sarawak,
East Malaysia, MA thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1988, 198pp.
Nicholl, R. Odoric of Pordenone: a fourteenth century visitor to Borneo,
Brunei Museum Journal, 3, 1973.
100 years in Sarawak, Centenary celebrations of the Archdiocese of Kuching, 1981,
Kuching, 1981, 131pp.
Pascoe, C F, Two hundred years of the SPG, volume II, London, 1901, pp.683-694c.
Rousseau, Jérôme, Transformations religieuses dans le centre de Borneo, Anthropologie
et Sociétés, (Université Laval), 3(3), 1979, pp.127-140, 162. Bungan cult and
Christian influences among the Kayan and Kenyah. [copy of English translation by A S
Worrall available in Seminari Theoloji Malaysia.]
Saint, Max. A flourish for the bishop and Brookes friend Grant. Two studies in
Sarawak history, 1848-1868, Merlin Books, Braunton, England, 1985, 284pp. Reassessment
of Bishop McDougall and his wife.
Saint, Max. Bishop McDougall: some new material, Sarawak Gazette,
December 1986, pp.33-37.
Saunders, Graham Edward. Bishops and Brookes. The Anglican mission and the Brooke Raj
in Sarawak 1848-1941, PhD thesis, University of Hull, 1989, 742pp.
Senior, Geoffrey R. For love of the Chinese, published by the author, Plymouth,
1989, 119pp. ISBN 1-871330-03-3. Experiences of an English Methodist in the American
Sarawak mission, 1958-1962.
Sharp, A F. The wings of the morning, Greaves, London, 1953. First Archdeacon of
Sarawak who also served in Sinapore and Malacca.
Song Thian Eng. History of St Thomas School Kuching, Journal of the
Malaysian Historical Society, Sarawak Branch, 1982, pp.1-13.
Taylor, Brian. Church and State in Borneo: the Anglican bishopric, in D
Baker, ed., Church, Society and Politics, Studies in Church History 12, Basil
Blackwell, 1976, pp.357-368.
Taylor, Brian and Pamela Mildmay Hayward, The Kuching Anglican Schools 1848-1973,
Lee Ming Press, 1973.
Varney, P D. The Anglican Church in Sarawak from 1848 to 1852, Sarawak
Museum Journal, 16(33), 1968, pp.377-406.
Varney, P D. Some early Iban leaders in the Anglican Church in Sarawak, Sarawak
Museum Journal, 17(35), pp.273-293.
6.14 Singapore
| Clammer, John. Singapore. Ideology, Society, Culture, Chopmen, Singapore, 1985,
170pp. Cook, J A B. Sunny Singapore, an account of the place and its people with a
sketch of the results of missionary work, Elliot Stock, London 1907, xvi + 183pp.
Gomes, E H. An account of the St Andrews Church Mission from AD 1856 to AD
1887, etc., Singapore and Straits Printing Office, Singapore, 1888, 26pp.
Hinton, Keith. Growing churches Singapore style. Ministry in an urban context,
OMF, 1985, 234pp.
Inventory of photographs, no.1: Catholic clergy, National Archives and Records
Centre, Singapore, 1974, 8pp. Names and basic details of 32 clergy for whom photographs
are held.
Inventory of photographs, no.3: Churches, National Archives and Records Centre,
Singapore, 1977, 65pp. Provides basic information on the founding of 117 individual
congregations and the date of construction of church buildings.
Johnson, Anne. The Burning Bush, Dawn Publications, Singapore, 1988, vi + 298pp.
History of Orchard Road Presbyterian Church, Singapore, and of many aspects of the
Presbyterian Church in Malaya and Singapore.
Law, Gail. Chinese churches handbook, Chinese Coordination Centre of World
Evangelism, Hong Kong, 1982, pp.97-112..
Lee Poh Ping, Chinese Society in nineteenth century Singapore, OUP, Kuala
Lumpur, 1978, 139pp. Note comments on the 1851 anti-Catholic riots, pp.66-72.
Leung Yuen Sang. Religion and Revolution - The response of the Singapore Chinese
Christians to the Revolutionary Movement in China, in Lee Lai To, ed., The 1911
Revolution - the Chinese in British and Dutch Southeast Asia, Heinemann Asia,
Singapore, 1987, pp.66-89.
McKay, R. John Leonard Wilson, confessor for the Faith, Hodder, 1973. Biography
of the ecumencially minded Anglican bishop who was at large in Singapore for part of the
Murray, W. Religious Singapore, in W Makepeace, G E Brooke, and R St.J
Braddell, One hundred years of Singapore, vol. II, London, 1921, pp.235-277.
Nyce, Ray. The Kingdom and the Country, Church and Society in Singapore,
Institute for Study of Religions and Society in Singapore and Malaysia, Singapore, 1972,
OBrien, Kevin J. Redemptorists in Singapore-Malaysia, Navjiwan Press,
Singapore, 1985, 217pp. History of 50 years in Singapore and 25 years in Ipoh.
Records of a Conference held at Singapore, SS, on January 21st, 22nd, & 23rd,
1913, together with the papers presented at the conference, Continuation Committee of
the World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh, 1910.
Scott, Margaret, Halting the crusade. The government confronts Singapores
church activists, Far Eastern Economic Review, 2 July 1987, pp.44, 61-65.
Sng, Bobby E K. In His good time, the story of the church in Singapore 1819-1978,
Graduates Christian Fellowship, Singapore, 1980, 343pp. An excellent one-volume church
history covering Malaysia as well as Singapore.
Sng, Bobby E K, and You Poh Seng. Religious trends in Singapore with special
reference to Christianity, Graduates Christian Fellowship, Singapore, 1982.
Swindell, Frank Guthrie. A short history of St Andrews Cathedral Singapore,
1929, Malaya Tribune Press, Singapore, 27pp.
Tamney, Joseph B. Religion and the State in Singapore, Journal of Church
and State, 30(1), 1988, pp.109-128.
Wong, James Y K. Singapore: The church in the midst of social change, Church
Growth Study Centre, Fort Canning Road, Singapore, 1973, 201pp. Church growth study,
particularly of Anglican and Baptist churches in Singapore.
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