8.1 Ecumenism
 | Chelliah, D D. The growth of unity among the
churches in Malaya, International Review of
Mission, 37(148), 1948, pp.421-426. Fleming, J R.
Faith and Order discussions in Malaya 1951-1960.
Memorandum ... for the first meeting of the Negotiating
Committee for Church Union in Malaya, mimeo, October
1960, 16pp including appendices.
Fleming, J R. Some notes on the history and
development of the Malayan Christian Council, mimeo,
Council of Churches of Malaysia and Singapore, December
1966, 10pp.
Growing in unity with Christ, Council of Churches
in Malaysia 40th Anniversary General Assembly 13-16
February 1987 Kuala Lumpur. 1987, 96pp.
Lim Chin Chin, The Council of Churches of
Malaysia 1947-1987, Growing in unity with
Christ, Council of Churches in Malaysia 40th Anniversary
General Assembly 13-16 February 1987 Kuala Lumpur,
1987, pp.35-42.
Lindbeck, George A. The present ecumenical and
church situation in West Malaysia and Singapore, South
East Asia Journal of Theology, 11, 1969, pp.72-80.
Nair, Devan. Address by President Devan Nair at
the National Council of Churches convention on the role
of the NCC, East Asia Journal of Theology,
3(1), 1985, pp.31-35.
Records of a Conference held at Singapore, SS, on
January 21st, 22nd, & 23rd, 1913, together with the
papers presented at the conference, Continuation
Committee of the World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh,
Survey of church union negotiations 1979-1981,
Malaysia, Ecumenical Review, 34, October
1982, reprinted from Faith and Order Paper 115, WCC,
Geneva. References are also given to the Ecumenical
Review 1968, pp.272ff.; 1970, p.263; 1972, pp.361ff.;
1974, p.312; 1976, pp.321ff.; 1978, p.240.
Wittenbach, H A. Working together IV, Malaya,
Highway Press, London, 1957, 35pp.
Yap Kim-Hao. Church structure issues in Asian
ecumenical thought with particular reference to Malaysia
and Singapore, ThD, Boston University School of Theology,
1969, 260pp.
8.2 Education
 | Barclay, Wade Crawford. Religious education in
Malaya, International Journal of Religious
Education, 5(7), April 1929, pp.18,19,40. Bunce,
Thirza. A study of moral and religious education in
British Malaya. Thesis, University of Indianapolis, 1932.
Cheeseman, H R. Education in Malaya,
1900-1941, Malayan Historical Journal, 2,
July 1955, pp.30-47.
Cooke, Denis Frederick. Some aspects of the history of
the mission schools of Malaya with special reference to
the development of the grants-in-aid system, MA thesis,
University of London, 1963.
Gullick, J M. Josephine Foss and the Pudu English
School. A pursuit of excellence, Pelanduk
Publications, Petaling Jaya, 1988, xii + 198pp. Story of
a remarkable Anglican missionary woman teacher from 1914
to 1983.
Ho Seng Ong. Education for unity in Malaya. An
evaluation of the educational system of Malaya with
special reference to the need for unity in its plural
society, Penang, 1952.
Ho Seng Ong. Methodist Schools in Malaysia. Their
record and history, Board of Education, Malaya Annual
Conference, Petaling Jaya, 1964, xvi + 843pp.
Comprehensive illustrated history.
Kovilpillai, Daniel et al. A short history of St
Andrews School 1862-1962, Singapore, 64pp.
Kwan Lee Kun, Gerakan missionari Kristian Protestant
di Sabah: satu tinjauan mengenai sumbangan missionari
Protestant dalam pendidikan (1880an-1962) [A survey of
the contribution of the Christian Missionary movement in
Sabah to Education (1880-1962)], BA (hons) thesis,
Department of History, University Kebangsaan Malaysia,
1988, 183pp.
Manderson, L. The development and direction of
female education in Peninsular Malaysia, Journal
of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,
51(2), 1978.
Survey and program. Religious education of the
Methodist Episcopal Church in Malaya, Joint Committee
on Religious Education in Foreign Fields, Board of
Foreign Missions - Board of Education, The
Womens Foreign Missionary Society, Chicago, 1930,
Taylor, Brian and Pamela Mildmay Hayward, The
Kuching Anglican Schools 1848-1973, Lee Ming Press,
Thomas, F. Christian schools and national goals
in Singapore, Journal of Christian Education,
[Australia] 17, Sep 1974, pp.18-32.
Walker, E A. Sophia Cooke or forty-two years work
in Singapore, Elliot Stock, 1899.
8.3 Inter-religious dialogue
 | Batumalai, S. An understanding of Malays
quest for Islamization and a tentative Christian
response, Asia Journal of Theology, 2(2),
1988, pp.217-238. Batumalai, S. Responses to
"Islamic resurgence in Malaysia" from a
Christian perspective, Asia Journal of Theology,
3(1), 1989, pp.1-14.
Batumalai, S. Theology of Muhibah (goodwill) for
Gods will (Insha Allah) in the Land of the Red
Crescent and the Red Cross, Asia Journal of
Theology, 3(2), 1989, pp.430-445.
Ghazali, Basri. A comparative study in religious
tolerance in post-independence Malaysia and Nigeria with
special reference to Christian-Muslim relations, PhD
thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1988, 449pp.
Means, Gordon P. Public policy toward religion
in Malaysia, Pacific Affairs, 51(3), 1978,
One God, many paths. Essays on the social relevance
of religion in Malaysia from Islamic, Buddhist,
Christian, Hindu and philosophical perspectives,
Aliran, Penang, 1980, 145pp.
Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, et al. Contemporary
issues on Malaysian Religions, Pelanduk, Petaling
Jaya, 1984.
8.4 Malaysian theological writing
 | Batumalai, Sadayandy. A prophetic Christology for
neighbourology. A theology for prophetic living,
Kuala Lumpur, 1986, 277pp. Batumalai, S. A
prophetic way of life in Malaysia, Asian
Theological Search, 23, April, 1986. [Centre for
Society and Religion, 281 Deans Road, Colombo 10, Sri
Batumalai, S. The task of Malaysian
theology, Inter Religio, 13, 1988, pp.2-17.
Ho, Daniel K C, ed. Renewal in the Malaysian
Church. Papers of the 2nd National Evangelical Christian
Fellowship Seminar 24-25 June, 1988, NECF, Petaling
Jaya, 1988, 89pp.
Hwa Yung. Christian thinking on emigration,
Graduates Christian Fellowship, Petaling Jaya, 1987,
Hwa Yung. Theories of atonement and the mission
of the church, Asia Journal of Theology,
3(2), 1989, pp.540-557.
8.5 Para-church organisations
 | Prince, John and Moyra. Lighting the Lamp. Scripture
Union in East Asia and the Pacific 1880-1983,
Scripture Union/ANZEA Regional Council, Hong Kong, nd.,
91pp. Roxborogh, Jenny. Christ in our caring,
Malaysian CARE, Kuala Lumpur, 1989, 28pp.
8.6 Racial identity and the churches
 | Dorall, Richard F. Religion and ethnicity in Malaysia: a
preliminary analysis of data in the 1980 population and
housing census of Malaysia, CMW project, Komisi Bahasa
Malaysia Gereja Katolik Semenanjung Malaysia, January
1986, 18pp. mimeo. Moey M, Kwan Yoke Lin and Goh Keat
Peng, eds. The Christian and race relations in
Malaysia, Graduates Christian Fellowship, Petaling
Jaya, 1986, pp.50.
8.7 Social concern
 | Christian participation for development in Malaysia,
Seminar Proceedings, Committee for Selangor Urban
Industrial Mission, Petaling Jaya, 1970, mimeo, 82pp. Christian
values in building a Malaysian Society, National
Evangelical Christian Fellowship, Petaling Jaya, 1985.
Dorall, Richard F. The contribution of Malaysian
Christians to national unity, Negara, July
1986, pp.18-22. [Jabatan Perdama Menteri/Prime
Ministers Department, Kuala Lumpur.]
Hunt, Robert. Historical overview of Christian
social services in Malaysia, in Jayasooria,
Denison, ed. Trends and challenges in social services
today, Resource, Research and Communication Unit,
Council of Churches of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1989,
Jayasooria, Denison, ed. Community caring. A
strategy for meeting needs in your community,
Malaysian CARE, Kuala Lumpur, 1987, 56pp.
Jayasooria, Denison, ed. Issues since Merdeka,
Malaysian CARE, Kuala Lumpur, 1987, 42pp.
Jayasooria, Denison, ed. Trends and challenges in
social services today, Resource, Research and
Communication Unit, Council of Churches of Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur, 1989, pp.119.
Koh Tong Ngee, Philip. Freedom of religion in
Malaysia - the legal dimension, Graduates Christian
Fellowship, Petaling Jaya, 1987.
Monash, Paul. The church and the urban poor: an agenda
for action, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia student
dissertation, 1986, 147pp.
Roxborogh, Jenny. Christ in our caring,
Malaysian CARE, Kuala Lumpur, 1989, 28pp.
8.8 Theological education
 | Allen, Yorke. A seminary survey, Harper, 1960,
pp.117f., 215f. Anderson, S R and Smith, C Stanley. The
Anderson-Smith Report on theological education in
Southeast Asia especially as it relates to the training
of Chinese for the Christian ministry, Board of
Founders, Nanking Theological Seminary, New York, 1952,
xiv + 98pp.
Association for Theological Education in South East
Asia, Minutes.
Chou, Ivy Su-Teng. Planning a leadership training
program for the Theological School in Sarawak, Borneo.
Doctor of Education thesis, Columbia University Teachers
College, 1955, 218pp.
Hommes, Tjaard G. Report on the Malaysia Field
Education Workshop, East Asia Journal of
Theology, 4(2) 1986, pp.186-189.
Keidel, K W. Cross-cultural clinical pastoral
training in Singapore, Journal of Pastoral Care,
27, June 1973, pp.111-114.
Report on Anglican Theological Education in SEA today,
45pp, mimeo, nd. [1970s]
Stockwell, F O. Theological education in South
East Asia. II Malaysia, South East Asia Journal
of Theology, April-July 1965, 6(4) and 7(1),
Vierow, Duain W. Theological training in a
Malaysian setting. A draft survey analysis, May 1974.
Published privately by the author.
8.9 Women
 | Report of the first national meeting of Malaysian
women in ministry and theology, 16-18 May, 1986, Kuala
Lumpur, mimeo, 40pp. Sin Ho Chee. Women,
work and leadership in the Methodist Church,
Singapore, Asia Journal of Theology, 1(1),
1987, pp.215-220.
Yeoh Seng Guan. Women and theology in Asia, Seminari
Theoloji Malaysia student dissertation, 1987, 91pp.
Women in the Methodist Church of Malaysia,
1885-1984, Womens Society of Christian Service,
Kuala Lumpur, nd., 140pp.
8.10 Youth work
 | Pedersen, Paul B. Church youth in Asia, Lutheran
Church in Malaysia and Singapore, 1969, 139pp +
appendices. Statistical analysis of questionnaires to
LCMS church youth in Singapore and Malaysia. |
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