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7.1 Before 1511

bulletColless, Brian E. ‘The traders of the pearl. The mercantile and missionary activities of Persian and Armenian Christians in South-East Asia,’ Abr Nahrain, 10, pp.102-121.

Colless, Brian E. ‘Persian merchants and missionaries in medieval Malaya,’ Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1969, 2(2), pp.10-47.

England, John C. ‘Christian communities in South East and North East Asia - an outline of the evidence available in seven countries before 1500 A.D.,’ East Asia Pastoral Review, 1988(2), pp.144-152; also in Asia Journal of Theology, 4(1), April 1990, pp.174-185. Modifies earlier work by Colless.

7.2 Melaka under the Portuguese 1511-1641

bulletSchurhammer, Georg, SJ. Francis Xavier, his life his times. Volume III : Indonesia and India 1545-1549, 1980, pp.3-51, 217-282; Volume IV : Japan and China 1549-1552, 1982, pp.5-26, 320-341, 581-616, 644-646, Jesuit Historical Institute, Rome. Definitive work on Xavier with good material on Melaka.

Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. ‘Commerce and conflict: two views of Portuguese Melaka in the 1620s, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 19(1), March 1988, pp.62-79.

Teixeira, Manuel. The Portuguese missions in Malacca and Singapore (1511-1958), Agência Geral do Ultramar, Lisbon, 1961, 1963, 3 vols. Detailed but uncritical.

Thomaz, Luis Filipe Ferreira Reis. ‘The Indian merchant communities in Malacca under the Portuguese rule,’ in T R de Souza, ed., Indo-Portuguese History: Old issues, new questions, Concept, New Delhi, 1985, pp.56-72.

7.3 Melaka under the Dutch 1641-1795

See Dutch, 5.3.

7.4 The Straits Settlements 1786-1842

bulletSee also Anglican, 3.1; Roman Catholic, 3.10; and London Missionary Society, 4.3.

Buckley, Charles Burton. An anecdotal history of old times in Singapore from the foundation of the settlement under the Honourable the East India Company on February 6th 1819 to the transfer of the Colonial Office as part of the Colonial possessions of the Crown on April 1st 1867, University of Malaya Press, 1965.

Lee Poh Ping, Chinese Society in nineteenth century Singapore, OUP, Kuala Lumpur, 1978, 139pp. Note comments on the 1851 anti-Catholic riots, pp.66-72.

7.5 Sarawak 1842-1881

bulletBerwick, J. ‘Bishop Francis Thomas McDougall,’ Sarawak Museum Journal, 28(37), 1970, p.423f. A descendant discusses whether the first Anglican Bishop was Irish or Scots.

Bunyon, Charles John. Memoirs of Francis Thomas McDougall DCL, FRCS, sometime Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak and of Harriette, his wife, London, 1889.

Cooper, A M. Men of Sarawak, OUP, Kuala Lumpur, 1968, pp.9-16 [Francis McDougall 1817-1886].

McDougall, Harriette, Letters from Sarawak addressed to a child, embracing an account of the manners, customs and religion of the inhabitants of Borneo, the progress of the Church mission and incidents of missionary life among the natives, Grant & Griffin, 1854, 190pp. Another edition; Wheldon & Wesley, London, 1924, 125pp.

McDougall, Harriette. Sketches of our life at Sarawak, SPCK, London, and E & J B Young, New York, 1882, 250pp. Artless and entertaining anecdotes by an insightful observer.

Saint, Max. A flourish for the bishop and Brooke’s friend Grant. Two studies in Sarawak history, 1848-1868, Merlin Books, Braunton, England, 1985, 284pp. Reassessment of Bishop McDougall and his wife.

Saunders, Graham Edward. Bishops and Brookes. The Anglican mission and the Brooke Raj in Sarawak 1848-1941, PhD thesis, University of Hull, 1989, 742pp.

Varney, P D. ‘The Anglican Church in Sarawak from 1848 to 1852,’ Sarawak Museum Journal, 16(33), 1968, pp.377-406.

7.6 The Straits Settlements 1842-1874

bulletMakepeace, W, G E Brooke, and R St.J Braddell, One hundred years of Singapore, John Murray, London, 1921, 2 vols, 592 + 666pp.

7.7 Sarawak and North Borneo 1881-1942

bulletBarclay, Wade Crawford, History of Methodist Missions in six volumes, part two: The Methodist Episcopal Church 1845-1939 in two volumes: vol. IV [of six], A worldwide church, 1896-1939, The Board of missions of the Methodist Church, New York, 1957. Perceptive analysis of the formative years of the Methodist mission.

Cartwright, Frank T. Tuan Hoover of Borneo, Abingdon, 1938. 186pp.

Cooper, A M. Men of Sarawak, OUP, Kuala Lumpur, 1968, pp.65-78 [Father Dunn, 1857-1933].

Henrich, Ruth. No richer harvest; the story of the Church in Borneo, SPG/SPCK, 1934, 71pp. 1935, 68p.

Khoo Kay Keng, ed., Diocese of Sabah Silver Jubilee 1962-1987, Diocese of Sabah, P O Box 10811, 88809 Kota Kinabalu. English and Chinese, 140 + 68pp. Historical recollections and analysis.

Lees, Shirley. Drunk before dawn, OMF, 1979. Story of the Borneo Evangelical Mission now part of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship.

Sharp, A F. The wings of the morning, Greaves, London, 1953. First Archdeacon of Sarawak who also served in Sinapore and Malacca.

Taylor, Brian. Elton Hill Diary. Story of the founding of St Michaels Church, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia, 1976, 46pp.

7.8 Malaya 1874-1942

bulletCherry, William Thomas. ‘British Malaya as a mission field: a summary based on the 1921 census,’ Moslem World, 13, 1923, pp.30-38.

Harcus, A D. ‘History of the Presbyterian Church in Malaya,’ Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society of England, 10(4), May 1955, pp.160-175.

Leung Yuen Sang. ‘Religion and Revolution - The response of the Singapore Chinese Christians to the Revolutionary Movement in China,’ in Lee Lai To, ed., The 1911 Revolution - the Chinese in British and Dutch Southeast Asia, Heinemann Asia, Singapore, 1987, pp.66-89.

McLeish, A. ‘A racial melting pot: Malaya,’ Moslem World, 31, 1941, pp.241-253.

7.9 The Japanese occupation 1941-1945

bulletBaines, H W. Ye shall have tribulation, Diocesan Synod of Singapore, 1951, 99pp.

Bryan, John Northridge, The churches of the captivity in Malaya, SPCK, London, 1946, 72pp.

Hayter, John. Priest in prison. Four years of life in Japanese-occupied Singapore, 1941-1945, Churchman, Worthing, 1989; Brash, Singapore, 1991. 312pp.

Hayter, J and Bennitt, J. Singapore. The War and After Series No. II, SPG, 1946, 36pp.

McKay, R. John Leonard Wilson, confessor for the Faith, Hodder, 1973.

7.10 North Borneo and Sarawak 1945-1963

bulletPeterson, Robert. Roaring Lion. Spiritism in Borneo challenged by the power of Christ, Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1968, 1970.

Rusha, Gladys. Truth to tell in Borneo, 1969, Oliphants.

Senior, Geoffrey R. For love of the Chinese, published by the author, Plymouth, 1989, 119pp. ISBN 1-871330-03-3. Experiences of an English Methodist in the American Sarawak mission, 1958-1962.

Stanton, A W. Borneo. The War and After Series, 4, London, 1947.

7.11 Malaya and Singapore 1946-1963

bulletArcher, R L. ‘The situation and prospects in Malaya,’ International Review of Missions, 34, April 1945, pp.155-164.

Carpenter, Kathleen. Come in ... to the household of God, Highway Press, London, 1958, 96pp. Methods used in New Village work by CMS missionaries, particularly in relation to Jin Jang.

Carpenter, Kathleen. The password is love. In the New Villages of Malaya, Highway Press, London, 1955, 84pp.

Cheeseman, H R. ‘The Christian witness in Malaya,’ Free Church Chronicle, July 1957.

Cheeseman, H R. ‘The Presbyterian church in Malaya (post-war rehabilitation),’ British Malaya, October, 1947.

Fleming, J R. ‘Experiment in democracy. The New Villages in Malaysia,’ International Review of Mission, 45(177), 1956, pp.101-108.

Fleming, John Robb. The growth of the Chinese Church in the New Villages of the State of Johore, Malaya, 1950/60 - a study in the communication of the Gospel to Chinese converts, ThD thesis, Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1962.

Hayter, John. ‘The Church and the new Malaya,’ East and West Review 13(4), 1947, pp.115-118.

Nyce, R, edited by S Gordon. Chinese New Villages in Malaysia, Malaysian Sociological Research Institute, Kuala Lumpur, 1973.

Shastri, Hermen P. Christ in tribal culture. A study of the interaction between Christianity and Semai society of Peninsular Malaysia in the context of the history of the Methodist Mission (1930-1983), DTheol, University of Heidelberg, 1989, viii + 213pp.

Sutton, Jim. ‘Christian literature work in Malaya and Singapore,’ International Review of Mission, 48(190), 1959, pp.216-221.

Wittenbach, H A. Working together IV, Malaya, Highway Press, London, 1957, 35pp.

Woods, R W. ‘Malaya and Singapore,’ East and West Review, 29(1), January 1963, pp.20-24.

7.12 East Malaysia 1963 to the present

bulletBray, Jenny, Longhouse of faith, Borneo Evangelical Mission, 1971.

Bray, Jenny, Longhouse of fear, Borneo Evangelical Mission.

Chung Hoan Ting, Peter, Archbishop of Kuching. Our task and our responsibility. A letter of Archbishop P Chung to all Priests, Religious and Faithful of the Archdiocese of Kuching, Kuching, 1977, iv + 49pp. Includes an outline history, pp.1-28.

Jeanes, Sylvia Margaret. "Your light has come:" an historical outline of the Sabah Anglican Interior Mission, 1956-1985, MMin thesis, Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 1986, 166pp.

Lomax, Frank. ‘The Church in North Borneo,’ East and West Review, 29(4), October 1963, pp.22-32.

Nightingale, Ken. One way through the jungle, OMF/BEM, 1970.

Nightingale, Ken. Tribe in transit [Penan], 39pp.

Sidaway, D. ‘Influence of Christianity on Biatah speaking Land Dyaks,’ Sarawak Museum Journal, 17(34), 1969, pp.139-151.

Vun, Albert. A church growth analysis of the Sabah Anglican Interior Mission (1960-1979), Senior Paper, Singapore Bible College, 1981, 93pp.

7.13 West Malaysia 1963 to the present

bulletChilds, Lloyd. ‘Teams multipy churches in Malaysia/Singapore,’ Urban mission, 2(5), 1985, pp.33-39.

Fleming, John. ‘Communicating the Gospel in Malayan New Villages,’ WCC Department of Missionary Studies, Occasional Papers, 3(1), April 1964.

Goh Keat-Peng, ‘Church and State in Malaysia,’ Transformation, 6(3), 1989, pp.16-20.

Nyce, Ray. Into a new age. A study of Church and Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Institute for Study of Religions and Society in Singapore and Malaysia, Singapore, 1973.

7.14 Singapore 1963 to 1990

bulletGroot, Francis. ‘Conversion in Singapore,’ Teaching all nations, 13(3), 1976, pp.182-192.

Kaye, L and Kulkarni, V G. ‘A queue of Christians,’ Far Eastern Economic Review, 12 January, 1984, pp.34-36.

López de Ceballos, Paloma. ‘Conversions à Singapour: Contribution à une sociologie de la mutation socio-religieuse,’ Social Compass, International review of socio-religious studies [Belgium], 23(1), 1976, pp.23-46. Analysis of conversions to Catholicism in the mid 1960s.

López de Ceballos, Paloma. Permanence et changement: étude d’une mutation socio-religieuse à Singapour, Éditions Anthropos, Paris, 1978, 386pp.

Plowman, Edward E. ‘Spiritual upsurge in Singapore,’ Christianity Today, 22, 5 May 1978, pp.48-50.

Scott, Margaret. ‘Halting the crusade,’ Far Eastern Economic Review, 2 July 1987, pp.44, 61-64.

Sng, Bobby E K, and You Poh Seng. Religious trends in Singapore with special reference to Christianity, Graduates Christian Fellowship, Singapore, 1982.

Tamney, Joseph B. ‘Religion and the State in Singapore,’ Journal of Church and State, 30(1), 1988, pp.109-128.

Wong, James Y K. Singapore: The church in the midst of social change, Church Growth Study Centre, Fort Canning Road, Singapore, 1973, 201pp. Church growth study, particularly of Anglican and Baptist churches in Singapore.

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