5.1 British
| Allen, Charles. Tales from the South China Seas.
Images of the British in South-East Asia in the Twentieth
Century. BBC 1983, Futura, 1984, 319pp. Based on BBC
oral history series. Few references to religion, but
invaluable background. Butcher, John G. The British
in Malaya 1880-1941. The social history of a European
community in colonial South-East Asia, OUP, Kuala
Lumpur, 1979, xx + 293pp. Useful background, but
oblivious to the importance of the churches for
5.2 Chinese
| Anderson, A S Moore. Chinese Diaspora. The Chinese
Church of Malaya, International Review of
Mission, 16, January 1927, 103-108. Discusses the
relations between Chinese Christians of different dialect
groups and the importance of church links with their
motherland. Beighton, Thomas. Penang: description
of the island, its population, etc., Chinese missions,
their establishment, progress and present state, Chinese
Repository, 3(5), 1834, pp.221-230.
Fleming, John Robb. The growth of the Chinese Church
in the New Villages of the State of Johore, Malaya,
1950/60 - a study in the communication of the Gospel to
Chinese converts, ThD thesis, Union Theological Seminary,
New York, 1962.
Law, Gail. Chinese churches handbook, Chinese
Coordination Centre of World Evangelism, Hong Kong, 1982,
Lim Cheng Ean. The seed growing quietly. A pastoral
theological study on Christian conversion in a Malaysian
Chinese context, DPS, SEAGST, 1988, 310pp.
Ng Moon Hing. History and mission of the Anglican
Chinese Church in West Malaysia, MDiv dissertation,
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, 1989, iv + 155pp.
Nyce, R. Chinese New Villages in Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur, 1973.
Nyce, R. The Gospel and Chinese religions
today, South East Asia Journal of Theology,
14(2), 1973, pp.46-55.
5.3 Dutch
| Baxter, Ian. Dutch records from Malacca in the
India Office records, Journal of the Malaysian
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 56(2), 1983,
p.105ff. Records of the Orphan Chamber and Court of
Justice particularly for the periods 1795-1818 and
1818-1825. Buddingh, S A. Naamlijst der predikanten in
Nederlandsch Oost Indië, van 1615-1857, benevens van die
te ... Malakka 1618-1822 ... Batavia: Lange en Co., 1857.
Melaka, p.9.
5.4 Iban
| Bingham, D. The Iban experience of religion: as
pagans, as Christians, East Asia Pastoral Review,
20(2), 1983, pp.117-123. Fowler, J A. Communicating the
Gospel among the Iban, DMin thesis, Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, 1976.
Fowler, J A. Towards wholeness in ministry among
the Iban, Missiology, 5(3), July 1977, pp
Gomes, Edwin H. Seventeen years among the Sea Dyaks
of Borneo, London, 1911.
Gomes, Edwin H. The Sea-Dyaks of Borneo with a
chapter on missionary work amongst the Dyaks by the Revd.
A F Sharp, London, 1917.
Howes, Peter. Why some of the best people
arent Christian, Sarawak Museum Journal,
9(15-16), July-December 1960, pp.488-495.
Jensen, E. The Iban and their religion,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1974, 242pp.
Joseph, Terrence, The long-house church in Sarawak: a
study of the rural, Iban, Methodist Church in the new
Federation of Malaysia, STM thesis, Perkins School of
Theology, Southern Methodist University, 1964, 257pp.
Muntung, Jonathan Jelanding. History of the Iban
Church in Sarawak, Research Paper, Trinity Theological
College, Singapore, 1979, 112pp.
Schwenk, R L. Iban solidarity: structural
factors that promote development, Missiology,
3(2) 1975, pp.191-207.
Wang, G and Fowler, A. Accommodation in an Iban
Church today, South East Asia Journal of
Theology, 10(2-3), 1968/9, pp.9-32.
Varney, Peter D. Sabayan-Life after death
in Borneo, Frontier, 11(4), 1968, 275-278.
The relationship between Christian and pre-Christian
concepts of after-life.
5.5 Indian
| A short history of the life of the late Reverend Royapen
Balavendrum, first Tamil minister and missionary, SPG,
and of the establishment of the St Georges Tamil
mission of the Church of England in Penang and Malaya,
typescript. [St Georges microfilm, Seminari
Theoloji Malaysia library.] Samuel, Paul G T. A
hundred years of the Tamil Mission Diocese of West
Malaysia (1871-1971), published by the author, Kuala
Lumpur, 1971, 37pp.
Thomas, Chris D. Diaspora Indians: Church growth
among Indians in West Malaysia, Malaysia Indian
Evangelism Council, Penang, 1978, 214pp. A church growth
study of Tamil churches with special reference to the
Assembly of God.
Thomas A/L Soma Rajan. Gereja Methodist Malaysia: Satu
Kajian Mengenai Sejarah Pembentukan dan Perkembangannya
dengan memberi tumpuan khas kepada Gereja Methodist Tamil
[The Methodist Church of Malaysia: a study concerning the
history of its formation and development with special
focus on the Tamil Methodist Church], Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 1988/89, xx + 172pp.
Thoraisingam, Eddie J. The potential of the Methodist
Tamil Church in West Malaysia for evangelizing and church
planting, DMiss thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary,
Vethamani, Victor J. A study of Methodist Tamil work
in Malaysia with particular reference to the formation of
the Tamil Annual Conference, student thesis, Union
Biblical Seminary, Yavatmal, 1981, 82pp.
5.6 Kenyah
| Conley, William W. Kenyah receptivity and response
to Christianity, Sarawak Museum Journal,
22(43), December 1974, pp.311-324. Rousseau, Jérôme,
Transformations religieuses dans le centre de
Borneo, Anthropologie et Sociétés,
(Université Laval), 3(3), 1979, pp.127-140, 162. Bungan
cult and Christian influences among the Kayan and Kenyah.
[copy of English translation by A S Worrall available in
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia.]
Whittier, Herbert L. The Kenyah in Victor
T King, Essays on Borneo Societies, Oxford
University Press for the University of Hull, 1978.
5.7 Malay
| Blasdell, R A. High tide in Malaya, International
Review of Mission, 43(170), April, 1954, 186-190.
Similar theme to 1952 article. Blasdell, R A.
Renaissance in Malaya, International
Review of Mission, 41(161), January 1952, pp.83-89.
The social situation and evangelistic opportunities.
Browne, Laurence Edward. Christianity and the
Malays, SPG and SPCK, London, 1936, vii + 78pp.
Result of visit sponsored by the Anglican Bishop.
Browne, Laurence Edward. The Malays: the people of
the mouse-deer, SPG, London, 1934, 19pp.
Dodsworth, Marmaduke. The assimilation of Christianity
by the Malays of the Malay Peninsular, MA Thesis,
University of Chicago, 1928, 76pp.
Marrison, G E. Islam and the Church in
Malaya, Moslem World, 47, 1957, pp.290-298.
Survey of the history and legal position.
Rauws, T. Islam and Christianity in Malaya, Moslem
World, 1, 1911, pp.241-248.
Roxborogh, W John. Ministry to all the
people? The Anglican Church in Malaysia, in W J
Sheils and Diana Wood, eds., Ministry, clerical and
lay, Studies in Church History, 26, Blackwell,
Oxford, 1989, pp.423-431.
Shellabear, William Girdlestone, The Gospel for
Malays, Moslem World, 36, 1946, pp.236-239.
Brief account of his own involvement and a list of his
Malay publications from 1888 to 1940.
Tisdall, Chas. E G. Singapore as a centre for
Moslem work, Moslem World, 8, 1918, pp.5-9.
Wheeler, L Richmond. Islam in Malaya, International
Review of Mission, 17, 1928, pp.342-353. Survey of
Islam and Christianity in Malaya and what would be needed
for Anglican involvement.
5.8 Murut
| Davis, G C. A hundred days drunk, Frontier,
6(1), 1961, pp.50-54. The effect of the ministry of the
Borneo Evangelical Mission/Sidang Injil Borneo on a tribe
which the government had given up as hopeless. |
5.9 Orang Asli
| Means, Paul & Nathalie, And the seed grew,
nd.[1981], np., 95pp. Methodist mission among the Sengoi
in West Malaysia. Shastri, Hermen P. Christ in tribal
culture. A study of the interaction between Christianity
and Semai society of Peninsular Malaysia in the context
of the history of the Methodist Mission (1930-1983),
DTheol, University of Heidelberg, 1989, viii + 213pp.
5.10 Portuguese
| Boxer, C R. The Portuguese seaborne empire 1415-1825,
Hutchinson, London, 1969, 1977. 426pp. Limited references
to Melaka, but invaluable background. MacGregor, I A.
Notes on the Portuguese in Malaya, Journal
of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,
28(2), 1955, pp.5-47.
Pintado, Manuel Joaquim. Some Portuguese
historical sources on Malacca history, Heritage
[Singapore National Museum] 3, 1978, pp.20-62. A
wide-ranging discusion and listing of sources in English,
French and Portuguese relating to Malacca.
Sta Maria, Bernard. My people, my country. The
story of the Malacca Portuguese community, Malacca
Portuguese Development Centre, Malacca, 1982, 236pp.
Draws attention to role of lay groups in keeping the
faith, particularly during the Dutch period.
Teixeira, Manuel. The Portuguese missions in
Malacca and Singapore (1511-1958), Agência Geral do
Ultramar, Lisbon, 1961, 1963, 3 vols. Detailed but
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