Call for Papers


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International Association for Mission Studies


Call for Papers and Projects

IAMS 2004 Assembly in Malaysia

Bearing the Witness of the Spirit



The IAMS conference is an opportunity to present your research to your colleagues, both presentation of research projects at your institution, in your regions or networks and individual research papers, which have not yet been published.


When registering for the IAMS 2004 assembly, please state on the registration form if you want
    1) to present an ongoing research project involving several scholars and/or institutions
    2) to have a research paper or article tabled
    3) report on the state of missiological research in your region/network.


Please note that reports on research projects to be presented to the conference should focus on larger projects, not on individual research. For both research reports and papers the procedure is

  • publication on IAMS Web-site in advance

  • short abstracts/summaries at the conference

  • 10-20 hard copies are to be brought to the conference by the author

  • submission to the editor of Mission Studies for possible inclusion

Please note that the theme as outlined for the XIth IAMS International Conference draws attention to an ongoing, lively debate about the nature and justification of mission in the world of the twenty-first century. You should let this theme shape your contribution to the conference. If possible please indicate under which of the following headings (the main categories in the IAMS Researcher’s database) you think your paper should be placed:

  • History of Mission

  • Oral History

  • History of Christianity

  • Biblical Studies

  • Theology / Philosophy of Mission

  • Evangelism and Church Growth

  • World Religions and Mission

  • Social Sciences and Mission

  • Leadership and Mission

  • Women's Studies and Mission

  • Apologetics and Fundamental Theology

  • Political and Social Concerns of Mission

If you have been asked to present a paper in a workshop, please note that most papers will have to be delivered in parallel sessions grouped under main topics. The length of the written paper can vary. But the summary given in the oral presentation must be less than 20 minutes including questions of clarification.


Please submit an abstract of your paper no later than 30. March 2004 - and the full paper not later than May 30th 2004.

 A publication with conference proceedings will be published after the conference with a selection of the best of papers included. This volume will be edited by Dr. Darrell Whiteman - Please contact him regarding any queries, you might have.