This page contains misc. plenary addresses and proceedings from the IAMS
Conference in Malaysia
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Key Plenary Session
Opening Service Sermon - Bishop Paul Tan Chee Ing, SJ
Keynote Address - Dr. Hwa Yung
Address (German)
Presidential Address
(English), IAMS President, Dr. Paulo Suess
Glimpses of Authentic Witness
Joseph, Myanmar
Conference Response - Dr. Dale Irvin
General Meeting
Secretary's Report
Treasurer’s Report
Invitation to 2008
Conference in Eastern Europe
Invitation to Edinburgh 2010 participation
Presentation of the New Executive
Minutes from General Meeting
Closing Service
Sermon - Dr. Cathy Ross
Reports from Mission Study Groups
Study Group Participants
Group No. 1: Biblical Studies and Mission
Group No. 2: Healing and
Group No. 3: Documentation,
Archives, Bibliography
Group No. 4: Women in Mission
Group No. 5:
Mission in Context of Secularisation and a Post-modern Culture
Group No. 6:
Mission in the Theological Curriculum
Group No. 7:
Group No. 8:
Group No. 9:
Christianity in Asia
Group No. 10: Inculturation and Indigeneity
Group No. 11:
Current Issues of Mission Practise
Group No. 12:
Justice and Reconciliation
Group No. 13:
Panel of Missiological Journals and Editors
Press Release