Association for
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The Local Committee
IAMS and the Malaysia Assembly is indebted to a number of people devoting their time and energy towards making the conference possible. The local
committee in Malaysia plays the key role in setting up all local arrangements.
Dr. Philip Siew, Missiology
Professor at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
Dr. Ezra Kok, Principal of STM.
Dr. Hwa Yung, Principal of
Center for Study of Christianity in Asia at Trinity College, Singapore
Dr. Jojo Fung SJ
Dr. Aileen Khoo
Chee Seng (business manager at STM)

The Local Cmmittee: Yip Chee Seng, Hwa Yung,
Ezra Kok and Philip Siew (chair).
Not included the picture: Jojo Fung and Aileen Khoo.
The commiuttee had its first meeting
13. April 2002, at Seminari
Theoloji Malaysia (STM), Seremban, Malaysia.
The role
of the
local committe was discussed and
the following
agreed upon:
Generally to see to
it that Asia becomes more than a mere conference venue – that participants
get a reasonable notion of what Asia is about in terms of current church
and mission situation and challenges through input throughout the